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332 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
There are so many ways,
So many empty ways to say 1 word.
Am I sorry?
Do I really mean it?
I want them to think I mean it.
I dont mean it.
If I did,
The act would feel shameful,
But it doesn't.
Only their faces...
When they stare at me.
They stare like I'm a monster.
Am I?
332 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
There it goes,
Another drop of life.
331 · Sep 2014
Just To Say Goodbye
Love Sep 2014
Just a kiss
To say goodbye
But instead I said hello
To painful memories
That I had already said goodbye to
Long long ago
330 · Jul 2014
Panic and Comfort
Love Jul 2014
I have moments where I feel that my world is spinning out of control,
That I'm spinning down a hole,
But not to Wonderland.

The only thing that soothes my aching heart,
Is when we are not apart.
I feel a need to be back in her arms.
330 · Jan 2014
Love Jan 2014
Music is my escape,
And my way out of the world.
With every emotion I feel,
There's a song that's just right for it...
Except for one emotion.
There's all these songs about love,
But only a few about girls who had loved other girls.
I'm in search for the perfect one,
Something I may have to create myself.
328 · Mar 2014
Love Mar 2014
The loss of a friend,
Physical heartbreak.
Hes gone.
Never to return.
Goodbye Max.
You will be missed.
326 · Nov 2013
Why do we live?
Love Nov 2013
As a kid, at about 6 or so, my father and I would go down to the lake and skip rocks.
At first mine would only go a few skips, but my fathers would go nearly 30.
Then I practiced and practiced.
By the time I was 7, I could make it to 15 skips.
By 8 I was at 25 skips.
By 9 mine could go farther than my fathers.
It was that day when my rock went 30 skips that I gazed wide eyed at the world.
I sat on the bank and stared at the lake.
I looked up at my father and asked a very dramatic question for a 9 year old.
"What is the meaning to life? Why do we live?"
Puzzled my dad asked "What do you mean?"
I responded with " I just spent 3 years trying to beat you, at skipping a rock across water of all things. So why?"
Still to this day 7 years later I don't have an answer to that question.
324 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
You are my friend,
And I love you.
I would do anything for you.
I'm here for you when you need help,
Just as you are for me.
I know you're holding on by a thread,
But I wont let you fall.
And if you do,
Which you wont,
I will go get you.
I will travel to the depths of hell,
And pull you back up out of the flames,
And on to the clouds.
Cloud nine.
Because thats what friends do.
322 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I once was broken,
But now I’m healed.
My life was ruined,
Down in the deeps.
You broke my heart,
It shattered like glass.
My angel made me better,
No thanks to you.
I have someone now,
To fill in the hole.
When you left,
So did my pain.
My pain is gone.
My heart is healed.
I am now happy,
All thanks to my angel.
I would have never met my angel if not for you,
And for that,
My dear,
I must thank you.
315 · Jan 2014
Too Broken
Love Jan 2014
There comes a moment,
When you're too broken,
And you're laying on your bed,
Flat on your stomach,
With your head to the side,
And your limbs sprawled out,
Like a fallen ****** victim.
With your music up as loud as it can go,
With people screaming at you,
That you just break down.
Breathe in,
And hyperventilate it back out.
Take a moment,
To be broken.
314 · Nov 2013
My Smiling Face
Love Nov 2013
Such a bad,
And terrible thing...
When somebody says,
"Its great to finally see your smiling face."
Shes known me for years.
But she never sees it,
Because I'm never smiling.
314 · Dec 2013
The Mystery Guy
Love Dec 2013
If I was to tell you,
How I felt about you...
Would you be upset?
Would you turn and hide?
Would you treat me any different?
Or would you possibly,
Tell me you felt the same way,
About me.
You're the guy,
The mystery one,
That I talk about to my friends.
They act shocked,
That I actually like a guy.
I don't see you as a guy,
I just see you as a person I love.
Any ideas for a title?
313 · Dec 2013
I Changed
Love Dec 2013
Slowly I changed,
Bit by bit,
I became what I really wanted to be.
Now that I'm what I want,
I need to be open with it,
And have crucial pride in myself.
312 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I'm burning.
I'm in hell.
I feel removed,
Almost like I'm watching a movie.
Watching everything buzz around me.
I'm not sure how long I can stay...
I'm slipping back.
I don't want to.
But I am.
"I can't escape this hell,
So many times I've tried."
Can somebody please...
Just listen to those lyrics.
Get me through this hell.
I need help,
I need out,
312 · Aug 2014
Anxiety III
Love Aug 2014
I have anxiety for the fact that anxiety will be the death if me.
312 · Jul 2014
Love Jul 2014
Nine razors at access but
I only need one
To **** myself with.
311 · Jun 2014
Love Jun 2014
Things I ask myself,
They have already been asked to me by others dear.
But no matter the asker,
My answer remains the same.
Would I go all the way with you?
Follow you to the end of the world?
Would I?
With no gaurentee that you wouldnt just shake me off and go on with your life like I was  never even there.
I don't have that gaurentee...
Would I follow you to the end of the world?
Just on the basis of a delusion,
That I think was falsly approved.
310 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
The nights of the bitter cold winter,
Leave me lying awake in pain.
But they dont come close to being able to compare,
The pain that you left me in my heart.
310 · Nov 2013
Who am I?...What am I?
Love Nov 2013
Who am I?
What am I?
The way she makes me feel,
Its just...
She makes me feel alive,
And new.
No man has ever done that for me.
It makes me wonder...
Who am I?
What am I?
310 · Sep 2020
savage love
Love Sep 2020
I like my body when it's with you. You make me feel perfectly imperfect. You're my greatest cheerleader and my worst critic. You know me better than anyone else. You've seen me at my worst, and somehow still want to stick around to see me at my best. You hold the roadmap to my body, knowing every curve, taking some at 110 miles per hour. You know my boundaries and you push my limits. I feel on top of the world when I'm with you. There are days where I'm starved for your touch, the same one that makes me feel loved. You took the quiet girl and made her scream. "Scream for daddy." I've told you once, and I'll say it again. You've got me ******. I've tried. I can't kiss anyone else without thinking of you. You're my best friend, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. But you've got me ******. You make me want to scream in frustration, in excitement, in moans of pleasure, in gasps of pain. Your hands feel like lightning and they're just as powerful with each strike. You take my breath away in a heartbeat. Each shake of my leg is beg for your touch. Is that what I have to do? Beg? Please daddy, harder. You make me want you in every way.
310 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I cant focus,
On anything.
I cant think,
Or remember.
And its all your fault.
I cant breathe when you're around...
I sound miserable right?
Quite the contrary.
When I'm with you,
I'm happy,
And my world is perfect.
309 · Jan 2014
Dear God II
Love Jan 2014
Dear God,
Are you there?
If you are,
Please hear me out.
I'm not perfect,
And you've already done so much for me,
But please do this.
Please save her.
Please make her healthy,
Because I'm scared,
And I'm turning to you,
Because our worldly things aren't enough.
308 · Oct 2014
Her (20w)
Love Oct 2014
My heart is exploding into a million pieces.
Shes more of a drug
More addicting than ****** could ever be.
307 · Feb 2014
Love Feb 2014
Lets take this rope,
lets slip it around my neck.
Lets take the leap of a life time,
and jump off the chair to the floor,
only 3 feet away.
Lets take a moment,
say thank you,
and say a prayer,
say goodbye,
with one last breath.
Lets jump,
and lets dangle.
Let the light fade away,
and let the dark take control.
So I drew a picture with this and its the outline of a girl with a noose around her neck and the poem is written on her face.
306 · Feb 2014
Love Feb 2014
Lets take these scars and turn them into art,
Into beauty.
Lets take something ugly and make it beautiful.
Lets take our story and make a novel.
Lets live out our fairy tale.
304 · Sep 2020
15 Days
Love Sep 2020
To my sobriety:
I am afraid.
But I am brave.
I hate you.
But I will not misbehave.
I am broken.
I am determined.
I am tempted.
But I maintain my distance from bourbon.
For once my mind is clear.
But there’s a new kind of turmoil in my head.
I’m afraid of the fire.
But I have made my bed.
304 · Jan 2014
No Forgiveness
Love Jan 2014
You broke my heart,
Not once,
But over and over again.
Dont come crawling back,
And expect another chance,
Because I cant forgive you,
Not this time.
303 · Nov 2013
Stupid Little Girl
Love Nov 2013
You stupid little girl,
You should have known.
You should have protected your heart.
You should have locked it up,
And threw away the key,
So no one could hurt you.
You didn't.
You let him in.
You let him love you,
And hold you,
And then he left.
He tore your heart right out of your chest,
And left nothing but a shell.
Now you're sitting there,
Heart broken,
And just plain broken inside.
So there,
Stupid little girl?...
Will you ever love again?
303 · Dec 2013
Day 18
Love Dec 2013
Today is day number 18.
It may not seem that long,
Or that big of a number,
But it is for me.
At one point,
I couldn't make it one day without...
Doing that.
18 days clean.
Tomorrow will be 19,
And then 20,
And then before I know it,
It will be a month,
A month clean,
And free.
No more need for the the blades,
And the blood.
The need and the hunger,
Its becoming weak,
And fading away,
As I'm becoming strong.
301 · Oct 2014
Why (10w)
Love Oct 2014
Why am I still here?
Why am I still breathing?
300 · Jan 2014
Death II
Love Jan 2014
Death is a scary thing,
For everyone.
Its another step in the process of life,
Going into the unknown,
And never being able to return.
There's no opt out of death,
And frankly,
That scares the **** out of me.
299 · Nov 2013
What is this?
Love Nov 2013
What is this?
What can it be?
For I love you...
I think.
I'm terribly confused.
You act as though you love me....
But do you?
I didn't think it was possible.
I didn't think I was your "type".
299 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
Every year something goes wrong.
Every ******* year.
Is it so hard to not fight?
To not get hurt?
To not be mad at the people you love,
For just one day?
I dont want to be in the family anymore.
Today it is Thanksgiving...
So Santa,
I have a Christmas request.
Please fix my family,
Or get me a new one.
297 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
I thought they were hidden so well,
I thought I was doing a good job,
Apparently not.
She saw them,
And now I'm scared.
297 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I have changed throughout the years,
And socially.
Day by day,
Only a little bit changed,
But if you look back over the years,
I'm not the same person.
297 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
The way you make me feel,
Its magical.
It's like a spell.
It's like I'm in a trance.
It makes me feel completed,
And in a bliss happiness.
296 · Sep 2014
Love Sep 2014
I believe in the afterlife
But only to a certain extent
For me it all just seems like Hell.
296 · Jul 2014
And You Let Her Go
Love Jul 2014
Its that moment when you realize you'll never see her again,
you realize how much she really meant to you.
"Only know you love her when you let her go."
296 · Sep 2014
Let Me Go
Love Sep 2014
Just let me go
To the place
Where one day I will call my home
Let me go
To a place
Where I will no longer feel alone
Let me go
To the place
Where nothing but love is shown
Just let me go
To that place
And my body be nothing but bone.
Just let me go.
295 · May 2014
Teenage Suicide
Love May 2014
I cant find her page and I cant find her pictures.
Im losing what the sight of what her face looked like.
Not only her did I lose,
But now Im losing memories.
Its getting harder to remember those little conversations we had.
I miss her.
Results of a teenage suicide.
RIP Rosie July 12, 2013
293 · Jul 2020
Love Jul 2020
I don't know how to express to you in a non-toxic way that you make me want to **** myself. And I know that isn't your responsibility to carry, but I swore there was some part of you that cared about me.
293 · Jun 2014
Simple Reminders to Myself
Love Jun 2014
Be strong, be thin, be smart, be small.
No food.
You're not really hungry you just think you are.
Don't eat. It's not worth it.
You're at fat ***. That's what you see and what others around you see.
Your image and how others see you is worth more than a meal.
Be an actress.
The greatest act you will ever put on is making people think you're happy living life this way.
100 down.
100 more to go.
Strive on and stay strong.
293 · Jan 2014
I'll Hurt You
Love Jan 2014
I'm sorry that it made you cry,
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Maybe its best to say goodbye,
Before I REALLY hurt you.
293 · Nov 2013
You're Not Sorry
Love Nov 2013
You say you're sorry?
Just stop.
Its only empty words,
And lies.
You're not sorry,
You never were,
And you never will be.
290 · Jul 2014
Love Jul 2014
And I sit here wondering what all happened here before
Because you see
Mirrors tell a story
To the select few
Who tune into their energy enough to listen.
the mirrors tell two different stories one of the present
and just reflects everything being told.
And one of the past
that tells everything ever shown.
A mirror records all energy
ever witnessed
And a mirror doesn't lie.
289 · Nov 2013
My Dream
Love Nov 2013
Floating through the air,
Looking at the sun.
It feels like a dream,
But it's not.
I'm on a cloud.
Cool air rushing past my face.
Maybe it's a dream.
It feels like a dream.
A dream I want to never end.
287 · Mar 2014
Change me?
Love Mar 2014
You think you can change me?
Go ahead an try.
You'll fail.
287 · May 2014
Love May 2014
Every time you take a blade to your skin,
You flirt,
And play with death.
You toy with it,
Likes its a thorn on a beautiful,
287 · Jan 2014
Stories Not Lived
Love Jan 2014
The fact that one day I will die,
Saddens me.
I will have to say goodbye to the ones I love,
And jump into unknown,
Without option.
Imagine all the conversations,
And stories,
And drama,
That will happen,
And I will miss,
After I'm gone.
Just thoughts...
286 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
Last night,
I dreamed of her.
When it started,
I panicked.
I always have nightmares,
And I didn't want to have a nightmare about her.
But this dream was not a nightmare,
It was beautiful,
And nice,
And it warmed my heart.
I had a dream of where she was mine.
We weren't the age we currently are though...
A prophesy,
Or just a delusional hope.
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