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Jul 2014 · 894
Mr Jay Jul 2014
Its in your eyes,
Why so mercenary?

I see your mind,
And become the necessary,

Who am I?
What's my worth?

These questions I find
From birth I've been walking blind

Who were you?
When I fell behind

I keep moving forward
Try not to press rewind

One day in time,
I will find a light of mine

One night I promise,
You will see me shine.

But who am I?
And who are you?
Who are we?
Answers, I need a sign

Baby steps,
But don't get left behind
Take a right
Don't step on my porcupine

Am climbing up,
These steps so hollow,
Am climbing up,
But who's footprints do I follow?

Where does it start?
How does it end?

Tell me reverend
What happens when a demon becomes your friend?

Do you... Do you... Do you... Do you... See me? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­??????????????

Am at a beach,
Tasting the salty breeze so sweet,

Am at a beach
Feeling the sand burn under my feet,

I hear her voice, something charming in her voice

I see her poise, something beautiful in her poise

So am following her like she is the pied piper and everything else is noise

Am swimming after her,
She seems so alluring,

Am swimming out to sea,
destiny must be calling,

My heart is pumping,
Am breathlessly hulling,

can't stop now,
My mystery prize is stalling.

Am sinking deep
Fading into the blue,

Am sinking deep,
And can't seem to find a clue,

My lungs are full,
And my mind is walling

I find myself wonder
Will I be saved?
Can my sins be waived?
can I cheat the book of life on the very last page
After all, I never had a chance from my conception stage.
Someone drop a key for me so I can get out of this cage.

Do you... Do you... Do you... Do you... See me? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­??????????????

Who do I love?
Who can I trust?

Good Friends are loyal
But Family are blood,
But are family still blood?
if your DNA is mixed with hatred and unjustified love?

My love is selfish,
My love is grown,
Truthfully speaking,
Sometimes I just want to be alone,

this life of mine,
I walk on cold stones,
Just me, myself and I.
But you could be my co pilot
if you fit the role.

But I can't read you,
my vision is faded.

I can't feel you,
So I search for the dots on your pages,

Mirrors for the blind?
That won't help me deal with changes

Show me something deeper in your mind,
and I will free you from your chains and cages

Knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss
what a strange contradiction not to be missed

we only get one shot,
no second chances,

So am living it good,
like the blind man who finally understood.

Do you... Do you... Do you... Do you... See me? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­??????????????
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Mr Jay Jul 2014
They are our fathers,
Our freedom fighters,
Our Obama's,

Legends, representing from dangerous eras

Radical views coming through the radio,
Soldiers respond whipping up on Fela

Nelson reaches for freedom,
seducing souls like an acapella
Rebuilding community in a peace concert jamming to Marley
Dim Ojukwu waves the flag, a call to the Biafran army,
The King recites the dream to a million African souls in the rally
Malcolm raises a fist to the world, our time will not be buried.

In the struggle to change the status quo,
The fight to turn the table,
Against odds they were able
Will legends become myths and fable's?
Heroes, villains or rebels?
How they portray them,
Watch closely on the cable

To be number one becomes a dream
But who pulls the puppet dancing on the strings?

the media working on the mind,
Like a snakes charm in a seduction,
Venomous schemes to cover the deception,

Poverty, crime and death with no resurrection
Greed's the genesis of all corruption,
Where is our revolution?

From the birth of the king to his crucifixion.
Love and sacrifice are his religion.
Yet examples like him become outcasts before they realize their vision
Jul 2014 · 479
A way with Words (AWWW)
Mr Jay Jul 2014
Our words can unite a divided nation.
Build bridges across seas by hand extensions
Mend the broken, help the lost find redemption
We just need it live on air on all radio stations.

Our words can give life to those with ambition.
a heart beat echoing to a divine vision.
Spreading far and wide like a new year celebration.
Take over the world with an idea,
that should be our personal mission

Our words are the beginning of an education

The bridge to an understanding,
And the key to all appreciation
Lets take it to heart in our meditation.

Our words come with need for precision,
There are no opportunities for corrections,
Too many distractions could make us act without true comprehension.
Too many times we lose ourselves to those sad complications.

Our words can arouse suspicion,
Or Quench the cravings for aggression,
Connect paths of two in opposite directions.
Making something beautiful happen can be our consolation

My words.
I like to start with a salutation.
I love to end them with honest appreciation.
And I speak to leave people in awe of my dedication.
Sep 2013 · 1.7k
Mr Jay Sep 2013
If you thought you were invincible,
Then Mr fantastic is the name that I bare. Lower your force field, no need to fear.
I could answer a thousand questionnaires and still "You" I would prefer.
Like daddies first gift, am your teddy bear.

Resisting your tender dimpled smile was a harder battle than I could bare.
A trail of your presence, I would follow, lavender in the air.
Watching you walk away entices my stare.
It makes me wonder the identity of the architect behind your hypnotic rear.

Now we play, we fight, we tease, we care.
You make me a warrior in the game of truth or dare.
Stay alive with me far and near.
Life only exists in these moments we share.

And as my fingers playfully drape between your hair.
You giggle softly, as my whispers flow in your ear.
I shelter you completely from the front and rear.
I will have my way, your kiss, our cheer.

As we seat together in a bamboo chair.
Am energised in a place so rare
You roll your backside like none other could compare.
Like all good girls gone bad, you leave me lusting for a heir.

Tonight, a private party awaits up the stairs.
Laid waiting by the sofa, cherries and cream is all you wear.
Luring closer, your index finger beckons for my sensual strong souvenir.
A love feast begin with a prayer in arrears.

Like a stallion, you submit completely into my care.
simmering with radiance as I sweeten your lair.
I carve your arches with honey and steer.
You got me feeling like romeo in a
viewtiful affair.

Your skin speaks and my hands understands its fears,
Your eyes full of desire, my heartbeat fully aware
Your lips "hypnotic", my eyes hang on it like a chandelier.
We float away while our lungs beg for air.

One touch to your soft spot, I move like a musketeer.
Your fingers claw my back to go deeper in there.
You feel a flood building, aching to be spared.
I suspend it all and pull out instead.

Can you feel it coming, be prepared.
Like Moses said, "I" will take you there.
A water fall rises for the one who fared.
You recite the lords prayer but my name you declare.

Life could be pointless without a care, Best to find something interesting and relieve the despair.
Like the way you found that flower blooming in the air,
The same way I found you and knew we could be a pair.
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
The Bridge
Mr Jay Aug 2013
She split minds apart when she walks into the room,

the radiance from the scarlet fabric on her honey milk skin polarizes the world to a central view.

Her competitors already know the battle is lost, because every man floats away like a helium filled balloon

Her magic works to the max, when she waltz across the dance floor like a beautiful witch on a Sunday afternoon.

they wonder the name of the architect responsible for her wicked curves, a unique type of geography, surely she must be new.

They think to themselves. She's probably with a politician, maybe a star who's gone home too soon.

I am not worthy, I stink of my experience with the last two.

As they waste golden moments caving into self doubts and relationship blues,

From the shadows, He steps up to stage to play the game of who's who.

He build's her confidence with an honest joke or two,

she buys into his bold point of view.

He excuses himself; gives her time to process his residue.

He makes his return to harvest the seed they grew,

She indulges, he is a perfect distraction from her new fool.

He steals her away for a chat by the pool.

He whisper's some words in her ears, and she feathers herself to recapture her hue.

He tells her "I have a drink that will make your lips think its hosting a party crew."

He makes a gamble like romeo wrote the rules.

With eyes locked, he shows her what his lips can do

The heats building up, she's waiting on him to put on the other glass shoe.

She wonders how to make the night fair and true.

"Let's go" words, he summarizes in two.

Envy and admiration storms up the crowd, only if they knew.

Later they dig deeper searching for clues.

He tells them and they look confused.

Its not about her or you.

Its about building a bridge that brings together two.
Aug 2013 · 3.1k
Mr Jay Aug 2013
I crave to live as I live to die
Let me witness peace at the end of the line,

I crave to achieve what my spirit is denied
Let me feel the ember in her eyes

I crave for the smell of my age at nine
Let me relive that nostalgic high

I crave for laughter, through the ages I try
Let me be friends with those that apply

I crave for adventure, risky pleasures of mine
Let me journey through the challenges I find

I crave for justice, where karma resides
Let me have patience for the time

I crave for freedom, when the fight resigns
Let me breathe victory for sacrifices I sign

I crave for sympathy when I fall out of line
Let me invite redemption into the time

I crave for love, compassion and kind
Let me reach for the heart of the crime

I crave for wealth in riches and wines
Let me be selfish for the sake of my bride

I crave to be more than what they say in their minds
Let me change the grand design

I crave for a miracle when my faith is tied
Let me see hope through the divine

I crave for Life, with you by my side
Let's treasure the moment until the day we say goodbye.

— The End —