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 Jan 2015 Charisma MC
The scene replays slowly
Second by second,
I can imagine your struggle
Confusion, anger, hurt

Why me? Why now?
You wonder of your worthlessness
Why every single person

You never understood your
Never taking love
With an open hand

The burden always lay
In my mind
Call me an idiot, over caring human
I still wanted to be there for you


I know someone's given you
The support, the love you've always needed
That was the final key to my puzzle,
Why I could never get over the fact that
I could never again be your *someone
 Dec 2014 Charisma MC
I buy how-to books on a lot of things
How to cook
How to clean
How to host a dinner party

I know how to love
and how to make 3 cheese lasagna
and how to remove stains
But I do not know how to hate

I wish I had a book
on how to loathe people who hurt me
Written for dummy's
or by Martha Stewart

You hurt me.
But I cant hate you.
For I don't have a book on how to be mad
at you.

And so I will never learn.
Because I will forever
and I will always
be in the wrong.
I've moved on from you but I will never move on from the victimization you put me through even if I still think it's my fault.
Why make wishes to the stars at night?
Your wish shall take forever love.
Send your dreams to the sun above,
  that bathes warmth strong and bright.
That sooner you may pleasures take.
From desires in you, make.
It's been a while since i've posted here no? :)

— The End —