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 Apr 2017 mjad
 Apr 2017 mjad
Quoting a wise man, she said:
Be the change you want to see
In others

I hope she doesn’t change
Since she
Is a garden of flowers
And I
A broken mirror,
With no powers.
Sometimes we don't want people to change, because we just like how they are...
 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
At dusk when the
moonflowers show their
faces to the silver stars.

At dawn when the
monflowers hide their
faces from the golden sun.

You will find me
under the shadow of the willows,
dreaming of him as he recites
verses of poetry to me.

 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
Sending vines of thorns
to grow upon high stone walls.

- I will touch every star in the sky...
 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
Drown my dreams
in October winds,
Drown my memories
in leaves of fire,
Drown my melodies
in sunset's regret

Keep me from dreaming,
Keep me from remembering,
Keep me from singing

So I too can fall in oblivion with you
 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
Briar rose, ****** red,
Why do you dream of tangled
vines with thorns?
Briar rose, ****** red,
Why do you dream of the fair
maiden that mourns?
As pearls of winter fall upon you,
-How cruel is this season,
to inflict melancholy just by
freezing your petals in the
eternal swirl of time...
 Apr 2017 mjad
 Apr 2017 mjad
My sequence
Seems to be
Weaving in and out
Of time
My past, present
And future tens
Remain undefined
I can't say what happened
Then right now later down
The line
I'm sure they remain before
In a later former rhyme

My mind's eye squints
As I wonder where
I placed
My next previous line
Out in space
And surely out of time
Traveler Tim
 Apr 2017 mjad
Sylvia Plath
Better that every fiber crack
and fury make head,
blood drenching vivid
couch, carpet, floor
and the snake-figured almanac
vouching you are
a million green counties from here,

than to sit mute, twitching so
under prickling stars,
with stare, with curse
blackening the time
goodbyes were said, trains let go,
and I, great magnanimous fool, thus wrenched from
my one kingdom.
 Apr 2017 mjad
So many lines and laments
scribed in ink and feeling,
for the girl who is the ocean

but she is a swell and surge
too dauntless and wild,
for a lover whose bones crave the shore.

She craves the squalls and gusts,
and cast iron skies,
a worldly drift to sate the salt in her skin,
the deep pull of currents in her blood.

She is chaotic but not reckless,
she is fickle, but not feckless.
Love her boldly or not at all
her bones belong to the sea
but she will always return to the shore.
Wow thankyou for the kind words everyone. Feels really good to know people enjoy my words, and my first Sun too!
How do you taste a woman?
Do you let your breath
Take over her skin
Or do you,
Her treacherous,
Deceitful, delightful touch?

Do you take her sight for granted,
As if it was yours to own,
As if she would
Never vanish,
Or do you know
She's nothing more
Than a chimera on a wall,
Than Clotho's spinning thread
In an ancient story of forgiveness...

Do you trust her soft and humid body,
Like a silky cloth soaked in
Spicy peppermint oil,
Or do you fear
Her lips
As if they'll
Harm the pulse
Of your easily grown
Desire for all that she has enchanted?

Do you let her fingers linger
Somewhere in between
The locks of hair,
As they were
Her only to poses,
And make them come alive
Like serpents shadows on a desert's moonlight?

All in all, a woman cannot be
Taken for granted,
As she isn't there
Only because
You see her
A woman is
A passing shadow
For your mesmerized vision.

A woman is that summer rain
On your heated body,
Or that devastating
Storm on a
She is both
Dust and wind,
Love and hatred,
Hope and despair.
She is nothing more
Than clear, cold water.

So drink the woman
As you taste
Into good wine
And tell me, stranger...
How do you taste a woman?
thank you for all your comments and likes. never thought that this poem would be so appreciated. thank you again and again.
 Apr 2017 mjad
Autumn Rose
I saw the world through
eyes of glass.
Ghost, tall and thin.
What I can't see, please tell me.
- Little petals, white and rosy.
Flying in your garden
You really can't see the beauty
in everything,
I don't even think you can see me.
... But Cherry Blossom
on a moonlit night
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