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 Nov 2017 mickey finn
he once said to me...

                 “I would blow warm
                         moist breath through
                                          your toes...
                           I would do all the
                  wonderful things
                to your big toes
                  that you do to me.
                      And most certainly
                         all the tension would  
                             drain onto me...
                               I would draw
                                every last drop
                               from your toes
                          with little messages
                         along the way of my
                      charted course
                         to come up
                      your inner channels.
        Resting in the sensitive eddies  
      behind your knees
  we both breathe fire
    wafting up and down
                         your thighs.”

.... like drips of seduction off his tongue.

And he lingered on, saying...

                   “Flaming lips wafting
             together with desire,
       reaching and pulling
          with firey licks.
       As I slide
   my wet tongue
    on up and hover,
                     you in
                           through my nostrils
                         filling my *** senses.
                       Drunk on your fumes,
                I'm consumed.
           Circling the tip
       of my nose
your hard,
   pearly knot
       feeling the heat
             from your butterfly wings
            my parted lips surounding
          and easing the warmth
     of my soul onto you
with wet hot breath.
   And I ease the length
          of my tongue to rest
      completely over
    your fire breathing wings ,
               warm capable and ready..
                   leaving you in suspense.
                      Sliding ever so slightly
                           and slowly up your      
                              slick silky lips,
                     tightening the tip
                   of my tongue -
                      flick flick
                             flick flick...
             And I look deeply
           into your eyes,
                  into depths
                    you've never known.
                       And then I'll take you
                        all in, with a suction
                           you'll never escape
                             or ever want to.
      Never breaking eye contact
my tongue slides from bottom
        and presses, emphasis
         at the top slowly
        over and over
            settling you in.
                We fall into
                   a oneness
                        and find  
                        our groove.”

And I said...

“I wish I wasn't
still irritated with you
so I could fully
enjoy your seduction.”

It’s my 100th poem and thought I’d do something different. Be kind! XD
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Anne Molony
maybe I didn't want to kiss you
maybe it just didn't feel right
your hand up my top
and your other on my thigh
maybe it felt strange
maybe I preferred us as friends
maybe it was foolish to think
that a boy and a girl
could just be friends
maybe I was wrong
why do I feel as though I owe you something?
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
I ran a couple feet behind her
I saw straight through her ponytail
On the other side, I saw curled hair and a ball gown
She wore flowers in it when she wasn't in gym class
I think it's strange that that was exciting
I'm supposed to like monster trucks and dirt
Dirt looked clean on her
I saw her walking her dog with no shoes on
I saw her twirling her baton in her driveway in a rainstorm

She lives on a busy road
Her sister just left home to become a lawyer
I know that she wants to leave, too
I saw her in the guidance office with packets from schools down south
And she's smart, too. She could be a doctor some day.
She's careful in the lab, and thorough, and-
I'm babbling

I sent her flowers with a Hozier lyric on the note
We met up to watch CSI
She was so human
Smiling as she puzzled at the killer
Pointing at the screen
I stayed to watch Jeopardy
She would have won if she had been on the show
She was the reality of the situation
She was genuine

She caught up to me and held my hand in the hall yesterday
I'm afraid to get attached to a dandelion
She's going to blow away someday
But I don't mind being her stem
Maybe I can weigh her down for awhile
Help her cope with being stationary
Please comment :)
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Dara Slick
Thats the kind of ugh you say,
the kind you feel deep in your heart,
and in your *****.
I saw him.
In all his glory,
he didn't even see me.
It was ******* to see his face.
I never see him anymore,
and I didn't notice how much I missed him until,
until he was there,
lips on his drink,
so sensually.

I considered him a glass of whiskey,
for a long time I didn't feel anything but how good he tasted,
but now I'm drunk.
All I want is a bottle of him,
to hoard away.

I want to taste him on my lips,
his happiness and lust.
But he is busy tasting other flavors.
It doesn't bother me,
I'll wait.

He is so addicting.
I want a lifetime supply.
Maybe one day.
If he sees this he will probably know who he is. So you're welcome, doll. But he will have to miss me first.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
I've started hating all
of the music that
I love
and maybe it’s because
I hear you in every
This is my hour of gladness
Here in this holy place
Joy that forbids all sadness
Glows as I see your face.

Bells proclaim the moment
God be with us now
As we seek fulfillment
In this sacred vow.

The things you bring to me
Will now and ever be
The greatest gift my world has known
All our tomorrows will be golden
Because the two of us are one.

You give your  heart to me
And in it I can see
A life of joy as our reward.
The love that we have built together
Will in God's blessing be restored.

If we walk with the Lord He'll help us to grow
And become ever strong and pure
He will show us the way to know in harmony each day
Love will endure.

The things you've given me
Are now and endlessly
The richest gift my world can own.
Tomorrow promises fulfillment
Because the two of us are one
God gives his blessing on this moment
As now the two of us are one.
I wrote these lyrics and my husband wrote a beautiful melody.  It was sung at our wedding any several family weddings since.  I'm proud of it.
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