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 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
You would hear the voice inside the quiet
If those words are true
No song
No poem
but my heartbeat missing you too

Yet we would see the future from the ashes
When our eyes gaze with truth
Not yesterday
Not now
Not yet
maybe a day when we're done with youth
© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
If I had replied to you that time, we'd still be two lost souls. So let's find our own ways for now and see if we cross paths again someday.
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
It was all my writing
my quotes, my scratches
they scared her, made her leave

WHO are you to tell me
everything will be alright
when I know for a fact it won't

if I wasn't so impulsive, so sentimental
if I didn't bleed my emotions
if I wasn't me

she would
have stayed
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
I love in entities
Absolutes, certainties
Without exception or question
Reservation or contemplation.

I'll love you in whole hearted hurricanes
Tongue tied tsunamis
Forest fires and floods
A thousand thunder storms
Eternal earthquakes
Volcanic eruptions
Days of droughts
And months of torrential rain
I'll love you in hail storms and heatwaves
Slowly, softly, subtly, in solar flares

I don't wear my heart on my sleeve
I tear it right from the centre of my chest and place it beating, bleeding in your hands.
I won't ever take it back.

I'll love you with my own reckless disregard.
*I know no other way.
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
Rain falling, it's really pouring.
People fighting inside the house.
I'm tired I didn't get much sleep, I'm surprised the rain usually makes me sleep.
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
The edge looks so inviting.
I could close my eyes and it could be all over.  
One step and then I’m dead.
Should I jump?
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
Lynn Al-Abiad
.قاعدين. كاسة شاي بين إيدينا و عيونا ما عم بفارقو بعض
.عم بتِطَّلَّع فيّي, بدّك تغطس بكَياني و تصارع أمواجي و تسبح بتَيّاراتي
.و أنا بوبو عيني واسع و مش شايف غيرك و عم بِصَرِّخ
.بدّو تتركو بسلام
بدّو تحرّرو منّك
بدّو يديق ليرجع يوسع لغيرك
و ما بلاقي غير إيدك صارت ع فخذي
و أمواجي بتجرّب تعلى لطُّمَّك
و تيّاراتي بتجرّب تقوى لتسحبك
.و كَياني بصير مِلِك هورمونات بتخَدّر دماغي للحظة و بآمن بوجودي معك
.بآمن فينا أنا و إنت سوى
.و الإيمان بدّو صلاة ليستمر
.فبشرب كاسنا و كاس إيماننا و بِكْرَع فنجاني الشاي لآخر شَفِّة

We're sitting together, drinking tea and looking at each other.
You're looking into my eyes, diving into my entity, conquering my waves and swimming in my stream.
And my pupil is wide open, seeing no one but you and yelling.
It wants you to leave it be,
It wants you to set it free
It wants to tighten so it can widen again for anyone but you.
Only then, your hand finds its way to my thigh
And my tide grows high, trying to drown you
And my stream grows stronger trying to pull you to its bottom
And my entity becomes the slave of hormones that shut down my brain for a moment
For it to believe in my presence with you.
For it to believe in you and I as one.
And since every belief requires a prayer,
I drink to us and to our belief and I chug my cup of tea till its last drop.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.من كَسّر لنرجع نعَمّر
We destroy to build anew.

Persistence is the fuel for success,
Ignited by the sparks of passion.

Attacked by the enemy of imperfection,
Facing hardships on every battlefront.

Dueling problems with a strong sword,
Fighting for the ultimate cause in life.

A warrior never admits defeat in battles,
No surrender in the war for excellence.

When success is finally won by glory,
The blade of victory will shine with pride.
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
Ashlyn Smith
The moon and the stars combined as one
To reveal the beauty of the sky
While the sun stayed hidden from the darkened night
Only to soon reunify

A glimpse of hope shone in her eyes
While standing all alone
She was lost, and now was found
The Earth was her home

She had dreamt about the good old days
When there were people in her life
To wake up and only realize
It would all end with a knife

Depression always took over her
She’d fall right in its traps
But stars shine the brightest
When they’re starting to collapse
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
 Aug 2016 Elf Kill
skipping, singing
forest mist
christmas pine
hollow green thunder
hot chocolate skies
drip drip
pouring rain
melting skin
still trees
empty breeze

Go thy great way!
The Stars thou meetst
Are even as Thyself—
For what are Stars but Asterisks
To point a human Life?
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