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Jun 2016 · 357
Upon an old rugged cross
for all our sins He died
precious blood was shed
as heavens angels cried

Death was defeated
and the keys taken away
God's Grace given to all
as His Son died that day

The morn of the third day
at a Roman guarded tomb
our final victory was won
hell’s angels their doom

The earth shook and trembled
and the guards fell as in death
a quiet filled the glade as if
the universe held its breath

A light from glory blazed
and He stepped forth that day
angel’s voices raised in joy
as “HE LIVES” they did say

Jun 2016 · 326
Before our Savior
hung on that tree
where He gave His life
for you and me

He was bound to another
tall trunk of wood
stripped bare and naked
He meekly stood

It was Pilates order
that brought Him there
to appease the elders
for whom he had no care

The crowd gathered round
Mary was in their midst
wanting only her son
His dear face to kiss

It was whips of leather
tied with lead and bone
that was used by the soldiers
of the Empire of Rome

With the crack of the whip
Mary fell to her knees
as His cries rang out
her anguish all could see

With each swing of the whip
His blood fell like rain
but with the promise of healing
from sickness and pain

With each stripe they gave
His precious blood was spilled
and the prophet Isaiah’s
words were fulfilled

Isaiah 53:5
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon Him;
and with His stripes we are healed.

Jun 2016 · 334
My Bubble of Pain
I'm trying not
to go insane
wrapped up in
my bubble of pain

Dark are the days
and bitter the fight
as chaos reigns
in my world tonight

The voices shout
and demons cheer
as I slowly lose
all I hold so dear

The angels tears
they fall like rain
as I lay defeated in
my bubble of pain

Jun 2016 · 352
Passions Flight
With a silken cloth and some silken ties
he binds her hands and covers her eyes

A single feather and a bucket of ice
to tickle her senses so very nice

Searing passion causes her to tingle
when melting ice and tongue do mingle

Moans of  pleasure does fill the night
when together as one, passion takes flight
Jun 2015 · 341
Nothing is left to fill this ragged hole in my heart
except the lamentations of loneliness that echo
hauntingly throughout the emptiness of my soul
Jun 2015 · 393
Depression seeps into every
pore and into every aspect of life
Covering the soul with a dark
viscous veil of utter sorrow
and a vast indifference to living
Jun 2015 · 336
One Breath, One Love
Your lips breath upon my lips...
intertwining both body and soul
together with love and passion
Jun 2015 · 364
Soft black silk blindfold
head bowed in supplication
Passionate delight*

Jun 2015 · 274
Once More
Once more a shadow walks
the dark recesses of my soul.
Opening door’s that have
long been left closed and
releasing things locked away.

Memories of a long dead past play
across my tightly closed eyelids.
Curled into a ball with hands covering
my ears, I struggle to shut out the
screams of crushed and dying dreams.

Jun 2015 · 1.5k
Blue Green Dragonfly
blue green dragonfly
angel of my garden pond
hunts the mosquito
Jun 2015 · 479
The Twilight Hour
in the twilight hour
moonflowers start to open
fireflies light the night
May 2015 · 203
sadness fills my heart
no more can any be believed
silent loneliness
May 2015 · 782
a hummingbird moth
fly’s among the ginger bloom’s
evening star rises*

May 2015 · 330
Fragrant petals fall
From a bud filled apple tree
Bird songs fill the air*

May 2015 · 4.9k
Springs ladybug lands
upon the yellow flower
aphids scurrying

May 2015 · 351
Baby blue skies
ruby red blood
Body left lying
here in the mud

Blinded by a life that
once seemed so good
All of it now but one
deadly falsehood

Life’s mirage showed
I was on the right track
As the reality of it all
stabbed me in the back

Hurt beyond measure
with no sane way out
I lay here in anguish
any future is in doubt

I do not know if I have
the strength to go on
to rise from the mud
before life is all gone

May 2015 · 288
Love's Thief
Sadness fills me with a cold indifference
that steals away love's warm embrace.
Leaving only a cold shattered heart
in the aftermath of its coming.*
Apr 2015 · 296
One of those Days
I tried to write a poem today.

I could pull no words from the
jumbled recesses of my mind.

I tried to find some in my heart
but found only hardness there.

I search my soul and found
only darkness and despair.

I won't.
Apr 2015 · 304
He Comes
I wake suddenly with a start
knowing something is there.

Out of the darkness there is
the sound of mighty wings.
I can feel the air stirring
around me at their beating.

Suddenly, in the room, there
is the smell of rotting meat.

I am afraid..

A feeling of utter finality fills
the room where I lay and I
fall from bed and to my knees
bowing my head in acceptance.

With certainty I know that
he has finally come for me.

Samael..........Death's Angel
Apr 2015 · 241
The Open Door
What could possibly
be the point of it all?
Surely not the painful
bitter tears that do fall.

Where is the joy and
laughter seen from afar?
It may be all an illusion
that they keep in a jar.

Would it be better to let
go and just give in?
Opening that door into
darkness letting it all end.

Are there those out there
that even give a ****?
Maybe the last they hear
is that open door slam.

Feb 2015 · 282
My Valentine
At the end of it all
A rose is just a rose
But our love is eternal

Feb 2015 · 397
More solace is found in a garden
Than among make believe friends

Jan 2015 · 354
Lost and Alone
My cries for help remain unheard and unanswered
as my soul lies wounded on the battlefield of life.
Left alone…here amidst the carnage and the dead.
Can no one hear my cries?
Does their spirit within them not say,
Stop . . .
Listen . . .
Do you hear that cry for help?
Can they not see the pain in my eyes?

Alas, but no one seems to notice.

My heart cries out in anguish, wanting someone
to understand, someone to tell me that they care.
I feel like a lost and wandering spirit seemingly
invisible even to those I love.
Trapped somewhere between Heaven and hell,
Not quite dead but no longer part of the living.
I continue to cry out for help praying to finally
be heard, understood and accepted once again.
Jan 2015 · 593
Burning desire
In the still of the night
I am drawn to her side
like a moth to flame

As my hand slowly
moves over the silken
contours of her body
she turns to me
lips searching for
mine in the dark

she pushes urgently
up into my hand
with her body as if
begging for more

Lips and fingers
feed her desires
until waves of
pleasure course
through her and
set ablaze her
want and need
for more.

Jan 2015 · 345
You are there for me
through thick or thin
We just don’t know
when this ride will end

Through happy cheers
and sorrowful woes
We always stick together
no matter how it goes

Until our days are done
or our Savior returns
We will go through life
with a love that burns

Jan 2015 · 845
Her warm breath and cool fingertips
moved like fine silk across my skin.
Leaving in the wake of the journey
ripples of pleasure and satisfaction.

Nov 2014 · 447
The Dark Tide
Darkness washes over me
like the unrelenting tides.

As I struggle to rise above it
I open my mouth to cry for help.

But the darkness pours inside,
like water into a drowning man,
cutting off all hope of salvation.

Nov 2014 · 302
As the storms of life swirl round about me
there is another brewing down deep inside
A whirlwind of hurt, anger and confusion
slowly eroding away the core of my being
The very core of who and of what I am
until nothing of me remains and
I become just an empty shell of a man
Oct 2014 · 3.9k
Ode to a kidney stone
STOP HURTING YOU $@*-@%-#-&^!%#!!!!!!!
Oct 2014 · 745
Forbidden  love  is  like
The  song  of  the  sirens,
Desirable  and  alluring
Full  of  promises  of  love
But  only  lead  to  death
On  the  rocks  of  betrayal

Oct 2014 · 314
Through the laughter
and all the tears
through the memories
of all the years

The love of one
has always been
so strong and true
and free from sin

Until that day
God calls us home
our love will grow
And never roam

Oct 2014 · 827
It is a world of wonder and delight
because of this love we call poetry

With sisters and brothers
and friends and lovers
and novice and poets to see

There are poems to be crafted
and humor to be laughed at
but sadness is not to be spared

With nightmares to be spoken
as they are put out in the open
and hopes and dreams are shared

We all gather together
to put down with letters
that, which makes us who we are

From near or from far
this is what we are
the crafters of poetry

Oct 2014 · 618
My Heart and Soul
My heart and soul
have been cast
from their anchor
and are adrift
on the sea of despair

Carried by the currents
of hopelessness
toward the dark
and dangerous shores
of self-destruction

But ahead is a light,
A beacon of love
and salvation
from one in a bright
and distant land

One that desires
to be that anchor
I so desperately need
An anchor of love
hope and understanding

Oct 2014 · 745
Ashes & Dust
My hopes have turned to ashes
And my dreams into dust
As I walk through the parched
Desert of my present
To reach a future
That appears both
Bleak and desolate

Oct 2014 · 871
Far Away
I’m going to live in a hole,
"nobody loves me"
Like a big fat ugly old troll,
"everybody hates me"
I’ll keep to myself
Far from everyone else
"I’m going out to eat worms"
To protect my tired weary soul**

Mixing a little poem that I was playing around with (Bold) and a old children's rhyme (Italic).
Sep 2014 · 300
Your Reward (10w)
Pain and sorrow
are the reward
for caring too much

Sep 2014 · 368
Passion that once burned
like a white hot flame
has been extinguished
and only darkness remains

Sep 2014 · 462
Hopelessness, like an anchor,
Pulls me down into the depths
As I tearfully watch loved ones
Drifting slowly away on the
Currents of indifference

Sep 2014 · 548
Cleansing Fire
Your Love is like an all consuming fire,
that burns away all in me that is dark and tainted.
Leaving in the aftermath of its fervent heat,
only that which is pure and clean.

Sep 2014 · 632
My Love,
No matter how dark the present
No matter how uncertain the future
I will forever love you

No matter how deep the valley
No matter how high the mountain
I will forever want to be with you

No matter how far apart
No matter the passage of time
In my heart I will forever be yours

Sep 2014 · 750
The River of God
A river flows from the
Throne Room of God
To this dry and thirsty
land that we must trod

It brings refreshing to
the souls that do thirst
And a renewed life within
when God is put first

Into the Rivers current
is where we will go
And where it takes us
we do not know

But the will of God
is what we desire
And to be filled
with the Holy Ones fire

So the River of God
is what we will seek
Those that are mighty
and even the meek

Sep 2014 · 554
The lump of clay that was my heart
Dries and crumble’s unto dust
As the love that it once held
Drains from its open wound

Sep 2014 · 732
On Wings of Silver
Flitting from here
or flitting to there

Sitting on a bloom
or soaring in the air

Skimming the pond
or flying in the sky

On wings of silver
goes the dragonfly

Sep 2014 · 247
I put it Away
Once I let true love
Come out to play
But then I sadly
Had to put it away

It was not the time
Nor was it the place
To fall in love with
Such beauty and grace

Such total joy
My heart did grasp
But now I know
It could not last

So I buried it deep
Where no one could see
Under fond memories
Known only to me

I will guard my heart
Against that day
Lest I let true love
Again out to play

Sep 2014 · 331
My Heart is Breaking
My heart is breaking
From deep despair
I feel I’m losing
My friend so fair

My heart is breaking
But none can know
Of this pain I feel
That is sure to grow

My heart is breaking
Seeking how to hide
This desperate longing
Down deep inside

My heart is breaking
For I clearly see
The friend I love
Slipping from me

Sep 2014 · 581
The light of unending Love
shinning in your eyes
light up the dark recesses
of my heart and soul

Rekindling the dying embers
of my desire's and once again
bringing life to that which
was dry and thirsty

Sep 2014 · 700
Your love is like a river
that winds its way through
the parched desert of my Soul.

Sep 2014 · 299
I wandered this world
Of dark despair
Wounded and broken
Beyond repair

Until the day
I heard Him call
“Come unto Me
For I heal all”

I fell on my knees
There at the cross
So full of sin
And oh so lost

Drops of blood
They fell like rain
Upon my sorrow
Upon my pain

Salvation and grace
For me was won
For that He died
God’s only Son

Sep 2014 · 382
The Winds
The winds of loneliness
              blow through my soul.
                     Like the cold swirling winds of autumn
              blowing through a grove of trees.
Stripping away all the leaves
              from its branches
                     and leaving in its wake
              only the bare skeletal remains
to wait, once again,
              for the warmth of spring.
                     As do I await the return of Love.

Sep 2014 · 267
Cries in the Night
Once again my soul
Cries out into the night
With the only answer
Returning from the darkness
Being the echoes of my
Own anguish

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