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The pernicious burn
Of self-distrust set aflame
The gothic sea
Recalls my scent
It pursues
Like a hungry ghost
Once more immersed
In the familiar waters
Of dolour
A great sacrifice
Surrounded by uncertainty
Burdens and numbs

In the end
The sticky threads
Of the mundane
Seized and with no desire
I crept back into the familiar.
A little over a year ago while scrolling the vortex that is the internet I stumbled upon this website, never had I thought of myself as someone who was eloquent in their writing but somehow the words came to me (what a cliché I know). What I lacked in my heart, I am convinced was the stimulus that made the words flow and there I was contemplating posting something that I had written weeks back, so exactly a year ago today I posted my first poem, I’d like to think of it as a mere writing, I have never considered myself as a poet but if I am ever so lucky to be squeezed into a group of poets, I’d be delighted. It’s been a pleasure to be exposed to a variety of poets whose words I resonate with and draw inspiration from.

Below is Pieces of string the very ever first writing I posted on here, an unedited, inferior piece of writing but I’d like to believe I have gotten better this past year.

Thank you for your kind words that fuel moral and make one have faith in their abilities. To you all I say keep scribing, as will I.


Pardon me if this does not
make any sense
Do you ever feel like you
spend your life constantly
Putting together pieces
Of broken string
You never really solve
Any of your problems instead
you just mend where there are
loose ends but the knot is
never tight enough to last long
because at some point the
string breaks and you repeat and
repeat and…..

Do you ever feel like a piece of
Liable to break,
You once were strong
You once had a resilient mind
Now every little land slide
Causes you to break
And each breakdown is
Different because the more
you have them
The more they take a toll on you
Crushing you
Leaving only what’s left of you
A scared little girl with a soul
That was once full of life but now
Just shrivel and cold.

Hundreds of pieces of strings
are strewn on the floor
And they resemble how you have
failed to control and contain
your life.
They resemble tried and failed ideas that did not
work out
One solution fails you
grab another string
To put your life back together
It fails
you grab another one
And so on.

What happens
When you run out of string? Disintegrate?
Because you’ve done that a
thousand times already
It’s all a vain attempt
To escape yourself
So you fantasize
About hanging on a string
You quickly dismiss that thought
because even though
You don’t know who you are
You do know that is not
The type of person you are

You decided to stick
around why? Curiosity. That is
the reason you’re still here.
Aloft on the wings of mirth
A balmy atmosphere of ease
Pervades these foreign scenes
Where breathing is easy.
Engulfed by the deluge of magnetism
Senses torn to shambles by desire
My being cannot fathom
The unyielding sensation
Of weightlessness
It ravishes
This acidic intensity.
"What brings us together pulls us apart"

Dripping words,
Pains of silence
Closed out, definitely alone
The past you cannot see
Crying pain....

Breath too shallow
Came from ringlets of devotion
Joined the old, with the new
Now forever gone, torn apart

Beautiful colors blowing away
Beautiful bridges that are after me
makes me turn my head once again
back to what I could have been ....

I don't want to fall apart
I don't want to cry and bleed
I just want to love you all
Please help me be myself again ...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
There are stories in your eyes.

I never told you how
sometimes I fell asleep
with the thought that you
were perhaps the moon-

always disappearing
with the dawn.
I would awake with
but the shape of you
on my bed and the
gloom of you on
my skin.
I remember the first time he called me beautiful.

I laughed because I thought he was joking.

How innocent we were,

so naïve, not knowing that one kiss can change a whole relationship.

I remember as the months turned to years,

And the beautifuls became more persistent,

Yet I still laughed because I knew nothing could happen.

I remember that fateful night when fear paralyzed me

And he brought me back to life.

I was frozen in my fear

And he came to my rescue with one passionate kiss.

I remember the weeks that followed

And the fun we had as our new romance began.

I remember the thrill as we fought to keep our romance a secret,

Sneaking from the kitchen to the hallway

And from the bedroom to the car.

I remember how my heart leaped to my throat when the first person called me out on us.

I was so scared to hear the disappointment, but it never came.

I remember the joy I felt with every look and touch from him.

The passion we had for one another was overwhelming.

I was living in a blissful state of naïveté.

I remember the day my ignorance turned into mistrust

because of a person I thought was my friend.

Then I scream and shut down my mind because I can't handle the pain.

So again I remember the first time you called me beautiful.
 Oct 2014 Michael K Thompson
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