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2.7k · Apr 2013
mind of a killer
michael gagain Apr 2013
Born in the abyss
of the blackened mind
without heart or soul....of any kind
a serial killer...
comes to life
his thoughts are unlike..yours or mine
but sick...disturbed...and out of line

they will take a life...and not think twice
it's surely not there only vice
drugs and *****..they been abused
and not one of an excuse

they need to be a special place
without food or light
or living space
from like the place..that they were born
dark and nasty..and full of scorn
lock them up and throw the key
it is there has to be

here is a view..that i must take
they will continue to ****
without hesitate

the serial killer...has a common face
he blends right in..most any place
they are always known...where they live
gacy played a clown..for kids

the killer works all day
to collect his pay
while his victims
lay in basement chains

for him it's normal
that's whats scary
he will not tire..or get weary

we never find these  demented minds
till it 's to late
and another dies

btk..went about his business
capturing dogs....killing people
and leaving no witness
decades later..a computer glitch
found this rotten...*******

dahmer thought eat his victims
how sick is that
and mentally twisted

will it ever stop...who's to say
theres always a killer
on the way

the mind of a killer
must be inflict such hatred
with so much ease

what legacy..we leave generations of men
to know we ****
with such contempt
written by michael gagain 4-24-13
michael gagain Sep 2014
Even in the darkest beast, one can find beauty.
If they look through the eyes of love.
Seeking a fading light, just out of reach
as the heavens reign from above.

Too soon, two souls become one,
While two hearts are left longing.
Darkness melds upon two minds
they're chemistry is haunting.

A connection so strong it spans the distance.
Feelings are so real,
one can feel the others touch.
Yet both their hearts will heal.

The realm of desire turns to ash
as the moon sets low upon us.
to need you so bad and not to receive
we both shall turn to dust.

Feeding off the dismal past
true love it will prevail.
two shadow;s dancing in the night
their friendship will not fail.

Tempers flare as longings go unfilled.
Both fighting an attraction that can't be real.
he has instilled a certain reality,
she now begins to feel.

A calmness in the darkness, a silence so surreal.
they dance within the keyboard,
in lacy shades of teal.
They both live in a fantasy...knowing it can't be real.....
1.8k · Sep 2014
~suicide note~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Our children go to school everyday
they come home crying
but they won't say...

Emotional abuse her way comes
beaten and broken
converted to crumbs...

Sitting alone in her bed at night
reliving the day
and her terrible plight...

Getting dads razor to ease the pain
it helps but a moment
there's nothing to gain...

Next morning comes with a tear in her eye
all over again
and asking God why...

A quick bus ride to obsidian hell
never to learn
entombed in a shell...

Will it stop, are they better than you?
do they return home
crying and blue...

Do they wear sleeves to cover their scars?
or play video games
and play on monkey bars?

It's not fair, I've done nothing wrong
I try to stay strong
but it doesn't last long...

I want to go to heaven right now
I don't want to be here
I'm a miserable sow...

The razor i use is now dull from my pain
I need something stronger
to lay open my vein...

Mom and Dad, I love you so
I can't take anymore
I really must go...

Give my Brother a hug and a kiss
I can't stop crying
you all I will miss...

your loving Daughter...
1.7k · Mar 2014
Black Dahlia
michael gagain Mar 2014
January 15th 1947;

Asteroid Juno viewed in the night sky

for the first time in 40 years... seen by thousands.

Elizabeth Smart steps out for the night.

looks to the sky, sees  the trailing light.

she shivers a bit at the wonderful sight...


not a soul, seen Elizabeth get brutally murdered...

The Black Dahlia

was cut in two,

a rose laying next to her,

splayed to view...

A tidal wave of questions

still rocks L.A

people want answers

why the killer got away...
1.5k · Sep 2014
~Steampunk Vengeance~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Steam punk vengeance
and mechanical parts,
steel and springs
and broken hearts...

Organic reality
all but lost,
love drifts away
body parts tossed...

Cable and gears
evil oil infusion,
unable to speak
lost in confusion...

Forever lost
in Obsidian dreams,
violence and hatred
hanging from beams...

Ripped, torn
broken and beat,
drenched in evil
as good retreats..
1.5k · Apr 2013
bunny blue
michael gagain Apr 2013
bunny blue
is a baby rabbit
that lost her mom
to a hunters habit

she now has befriended
a squirrel named frankie
thats often happy
but sometimes cranky

they hang around
and like to play
till the night comes
and ends the day

at first light
there back outside
and being sly

they are the closest
two friends can be
have a look
and you will see

one day
bunny blue came out
and frankie was nowhere about

she looked around
all day long
her very good friend
was nowhere to be found

the news it came
from her friend
the racoon
got hit
yesterday afternoon

bunny blue
could not stop crying
certainly her friend
the **** was lying

now she sees
the truth so sad
she hopped to the street
and it was bad

a smile on his face
his eyes shut tight
there frankie  was
in the middle of the street

there in his mouth
was a bright orange carrot
he got it for blue
and couldn't wait to share it

bunny blue
stopped crying a moment
she said a prayer and wanted to show it

blue took the carrot
from her good friend
kissed him goodbye
and said
i love you frankie
i will see you again
in heaven
my friend
1.3k · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
locked away
inside my head
thoughts of you
still in my bed

things have changed
inside my mind
your now gone
left me behind

for the better
i think so
things are good
i'll let you go

to move on
is not that bad
it's not worth
just being sad

sometimes things
aren't meant to be
they tell me
wait and see

better days are yet to come
i'm in line
cause i want some
1.3k · Apr 2013
Drama queen
michael gagain Apr 2013
oh boy
here it goes
trouble brewin
i know it's so

drama is wrong
it's so messed up
woman freak
at the slightest fuss

your laughing now
i speak with cooth
you ladies know
i tell the truth

you say you'll call
and if you don't
the world it ends
it's all your fault

i have to laugh
i can not pass
woman and drama
are such a gas

be careful men
of what you say
you;ll be on the couch
another day

i will be in trouble
before this write
comes to conclusion
i'm not here
to start confusion

drama oh drama
we men can't do without
we need to watch
our woman pout

there is a couch
somewhere in this world
reserved for me
my named engraved for all to see

do i stay and fight
or run for my life
the latter i think
till i make it right
1.2k · Apr 2013
Sequential butcher
michael gagain Apr 2013
The buzz of the knife  is music in my ears

the same machine..i've used for years

i can't help myself...

god knows i tried

since i was sixteen...i have the devil inside...

as i carve yet another slice of this life

she is moving...why

because i eat them alive

the machine still buzzing and doing it's thing

i'm almost finished...dismembering this pretty little thing

she's quiet now...all is fine

i'm eating her tongue...with a glass of wine

the law knows to well...i am compelled...

i will not stop..... till i am shot

when they find these corpses of mine....

they know the world is no longer fine..

to leave my mark...i take the tongue

pickle it in brine......

would you like one...?

i don't seek contrite....i have no right

my hunger for no longer a fight

i am normal as defined by me...not a cell in this world..

will i ever be...

i will end it my own hand..

i am the king...of my land...will make my own stand

oh here's another..been waiting for her

i saw her talking to a friend at mouth started watering

what a tasty treat indeed....i will have it for wait and see

garlic and onions and...oh i can't wait

to have her tongue on my dinner plate....
1.1k · May 2013
michael gagain May 2013
Current coursing through your body

It's time to die, you killed somebody

Thousands of volts, it takes a minute

The electric chair,your sitting in it

Your guts are cooked from the inside

Like a microwave, ten times the size

Your eyes come out ,the weakest link

Your mind it sizzles from the heat

Now your thought,you always think

as your skin, turns a pink

You did not do this crime at all

some one let you take the fall

It is to late, nothing to do

but hope this ends very soon for you

Your found guilty of taking a life

you need to hurry and seek contrite

Your heart it beats one last line

as the voltage seems to take it's time

Now you sit in your last throne

electrocuted to the bone

Your mother crying, for her son

the electric chair she has won
1.1k · Apr 2013
Refuse this..!
michael gagain Apr 2013

• by michaelfixer
• 15 hours ago, Apr 27, last seen 2 minutes ago
• © michael gagain

i'll make him an offer he can't refuse....

he must understand the is used

i been here before...can't do it again

the car is a clunker

my wife called it a junker

i will go back to the ads...

and set my sights on a jag

before i give this fool my cash hundred bucks

in that case i will try my luck

if it does not work

or i get it stuck in the muck

i'll and get a tow truck

Author notes
1.1k · Feb 2015
~Just for a moment~
michael gagain Feb 2015
~Just for a Moment~

There she stands in the doorway again,
her beautiful silhouette highlighted against dim moonbeams.
like I've seen her look so many times before.
her ******* as hard as stone visible through the sheer magnificently beautiful
Victoria's secret silk teddy...

"Come to me my love It's Valentines day"
she came to me, slowly, methodically, gliding across the floor like the Greek Goddess
of love, even Aphrodite herself should be so beautiful...

"Sit besides me on the bed"
she took my hand, and I pulled her lovingly on the bed, "you've been a bad girl my queen, looking all **** for me" I kissed the corner of her pretty mouth and stood her besides me.

I bent her over my knee and watched the teddy raise up hey back, I massaged her
lower back and slid my fingers underneath the lace of her pretty *******.
I proceeded to grab a handful of heaven and tenderly squeezed...

And then to my excitement they appeared again...those beautiful white wings,
the same softness I lose myself in after our love making.
I slapped her *** and slapped it again, she began to whimper and I slapped it again, her whimpering making me stir in all the right heart falling into the abyssal pit of my stomach.

I reached between her thighs and under her *******, and lost a finger deep inside her beauty. she moaned and pushed against my hand.
I reluctantly removed my finger and tasted her essence.
why do I do this to myself I thought.

I stood her before me and rose off the bed...our lips meeting and our tongues dancing a deep, slow dance into lost oblivion. our eyes met and as always
her beautiful green eyes with tangents of gold melted me where I stood...
I felt my legs tremble...

I stood her at the side of her bed and gently bent her over pushing her head into the quilt,
she gasped...knowing what was to come.
I dropped to my knees and spread her *** cheeks to delve into her beautiful warmth
kissing her outer lips and driving my tongue deep inside her.
I grabbed her hips and spun her around, ******* slowly and then feverishly on her swollen ****...I could no longer hear her whimpering over the throbbing heart beat in my ears...

I spun her around again, and returned my tongue home, a home I adored.
then it came, she pushed back into my mouth hard, and came in my mouth,
Oh my...I love when she does that...

With her head back into the quilt I stood behind her, my **** in hand and rubbed it up and down the most beautiful ***** I have ever seen..
I teased her entrance with the head of my **** just a bit...and eased into her feeling her stretch and accommodate my thickness.
I was ******* her slow and deep, just as she likes, feeling her meeting my thrusts was so hot I thought for sure I was on fire..
Our rhythm increased as well as my pulse...I wanted this feeling to last forever...and I unleashed storm of *** inside my beautiful deep, it will still be leaking into her pretty ******* tomorrow.

her gorgeous wings, swept back against my skin,
and then...just for a moment....I thought I saw God....

(c) Michael Gagain/Black Reign
1.1k · Apr 2013
message to our youth
michael gagain Apr 2013
our teens our dying everyday
on the road ways..from new york to L.A

texting is dangerous...when you walk
how in the world ...can you drive and talk

teens are dying everyday
driving and texting
just to say hey..

parents could this be
the car was perfect..and so was he
he's no longer here
for on single reason....
he was texting while driving
about the football season

theres nothing in this world..that can not wait
stop texting and driving
don't hesitate

leave it alone...until you get home
it's not worth the cost
of using your phone

text while you should be a sin
it's a bad situation
you can never win

stop the texting while you drive
tell your children
it will keep them alive
1.1k · Apr 2013
in the wind
michael gagain Apr 2013
it's five o clock...i gotta go
at this time
we hit the road

straddle the seat..and push the button
she comes to life....all of a sudden

squeeze the clutch
and roll the throttle
and look out...for that broken bottle

now your riding in the wind
there's no one better.....except for him
roll the throttle ...once again
and tighten the strap ..under your chin

always alert...and very careful
keep your eye on the road
and try to be lawful

twist it now
it come's alive
sounds like the sky

watch the road....not the redhead
she's no good to you...if your dead

don't pass that car...on the right
that's called a cage accident
it's an ugly sight.......

stop at the light
stay off the phone
keep your eyes....glued
on the road

it's almost over ...your almost there
you feel like you lost....all your cares

wind burned face
bugs in your teeth
the rain drops they are sleet

twist that throttle one more time
time to down shift
and fix the shine....

made it home and sound
can't wait till tomorrow...comes around

i'm not married...but she's my wife
she looks after me...if i treat her right.....
1.0k · Nov 2015
~Feed me~
michael gagain Nov 2015
~Feed Me~

Ox blood red runs down your perfect thighs
in a hell storm of leather.
My tongue following close behind
in a flowing trail of excitement.
Stiletto heels kiss the ground
to take ownership of where you stand.
Returning back to those pretty red satin *******,
only to lose myself in your essence.
My tongue straining through the fabric as to tease.
On my knees before you, I can live forever,
thrive, feast on your love.
Your wetness is my pleasure, it's all about you,
your beauty and your mind.
***** blond locks brushing bronze peaks,
in a dance of passion.
The thoughts in your mind are dirtier
than the color of your hair.
you tremble at my touch, eyes meeting in lust,
my hand finding the
joy between your legs, soaked, throbbing, wanting.
I lightly brush my finger across the satin. your **** hard,
engorged, seeking my tongue.
Kissing you behind your knees
and licking up the back of your thigh,
biting and slapping your ***
before spinning you around on your come
**** me heels. Reluctantly removing the silky
red barrier between myself
and heaven, still on my knees
I grab both cheeks of your pretty ***
and pull you into my mouth, my tongue deep.
I feel your thighs
tremble, knees weaken, lips of velvet quiver and glisten.
That's my girl, let it go baby...
your *** cheeks clench, your rose she throbs,
thrusting into my mouth, convulsing, shaking violently,
your warmth flowing
into my mouth like the river wild....
I look up at your angelic Halo of wrath
and the now devious smile upon your pretty lips as you whisper.....
1.0k · Apr 2013
Twisted minds
michael gagain Apr 2013
children go to school
bullets are flyin
kids don't come home
mothers are cryin

go to the movies
you don't come back
it's just not natural
this is fact

many great people
young and old
been gunned down
for what they've told

john...robert...martin luther king
got killed too
for what they believed

we fill our prisons
with the lives
of lots of people
with twisted minds

short circuit synapses
if you will
john wayne gacy
had his fill

its a cycle of circular motion
we **** every day
with such devotion

we **** for love...we **** for money
we **** for speaking
it's not funny

dahmer got
what he gave out
we killed ted bundy
in old

can't break the cycle
when will it stop

god didn't make us
to so brutally drop

we breed killers
it's not our fault
there born with wiring
that's always short

death by the hand of the mental man
is a part of life
we don't understand

ramirez...john list and manson too
will rot in hell
this much is true

to lock them up
and chuck the key
is just not enough
to satisfy
written by michael gagain 4-7-13
977 · Apr 2013
wings of a dove
michael gagain Apr 2013
it seem to me...that on this site
most of you..don't go for fright

you like it cushy....i surly see
the mushy the better...i'll try to be

well here it goes..
i'll do my best
i wan't all the rest

im gonna write a poem
not a rhyme i know em

my first shot at love
you soon will read
i hope you like it
i wanna see

if you like this attempt
at the words that i write
please leave a comment
in the box the night

here is the poem
i promised you all
it's coming right up
i'll no longer stall

to soar in the sky...on the wings of a dove
it's something fantastic
we all call it love

love takes us higher
than we ever been
the dove she will fly
to the great blue and then....
the woman of your dreams
will start her decent

you know love is true
the way she stares at you
you look in her eyes
the prettiest of blue

she tells you she loves you
and you say it back
if your both being honest
the love stays intact

keep the dove airborne..and don't let it land
love needs a chance
to make a firm stand

on the wings of a'll have forever
the love you both share
if you are cleaver

hold on to each other
as long as you can
cause the wings of a dove won't change your flight plan

the coo in the morning ...the dove always makes
will remind you each day
to not make mistakes

be true to your woman
and she'll give it back...
even more for certain
that is a fact

let the dove land gracefully
wings flapping gently
and let your love be...
973 · Mar 2014
Dining on your love
michael gagain Mar 2014
Between your beautiful legs so fine
is where I like to spend my time.
skin so soft
you melt when touched,
I love your redolence
so very much.
seeking your rose
my favorite spot,
lord have mercy
do you get hot.
my love for you will never wane,
by your convulsions
you feel the same.

allow my tongue a simple tango,

tasting your ***...of sweetened mango.
caress my cheeks
with those beautiful thighs,
as I stare into your pretty eyes...
973 · Sep 2014
~Devil in disguise~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Demonic ****** with snake like eyes
evil little slits, the devil don't cry

Melting flesh under blackened soul
the ruler of hell, his wrath unfolds

Infecting the mind of many a man
reigns down on the innocent because he can

Relentless, vile, wicked by choice
leave him no room, he'll steal your voice

That sweet old lady that lives next door
watch her closely, for shrouded dark core

He is winning the battle on earth
in disguise he'll widen his berth

He'll take you soul, at first chance
won't know what hit you, not even a glance

As we get deeper into his realm
he's in control, he's at the helm

When nightmares invade your peaceful sleep
it's him you see, your mind he'll keep...
pain sad love life drama
943 · Jun 2013
Black Widow
michael gagain Jun 2013
Kudos to your "*****" you crazy little *****

while you **** your tenth husband, without even giving him a kiss

He knew the drill, he knew the score

but "oh" how he wanted you, you nasty little *****

No worries now, you have him forever more,

for his dying, shriveled can now always adore

I know girl, your always on the hunt

strutting all your stuff and that ***** little .......

how many poor husbands, do you really need

open your legs wider, they're lining up for you my queen

you know that hour glass, bright red that's on your back

attract another husband so you can **** him in the sack

they all start come a running when they see that glistening crack

oh yes my dear you'll listen, i'm giving you some flack

you live up to your name, when you find another mate

**** him then you **** him, just to clean off your ***** slate

It's funny though, while you give hubby his last ****

you really are pretending, as though your going to gently ****

do you get your rocks off, before you take his life

do you even care if he had a ******* wife

your time is going to come....and take you by surprise

you may find a gay black widow, with black and shiny eyes

she will woo... you gently and... whisper in your ear

as she drives her **** venom straight up your ******* rear...
919 · Sep 2014
Happiness is...
michael gagain Sep 2014
Dramatic drumming downpour come

like cats and dogs and tin roof fun

I love the rain and darkness some

you can keep your shining sun...
887 · Apr 2013
you love me don't you
michael gagain Apr 2013
mini skirts...and bobby socks

this pretty little girl..knows how to rock

dressed like this

i think not...she left this morning

in a turtle neck top

she's locked away in her mind...most of the time

wears a devious smile...all the while

something..came to her in a dream

as of late ..she been nasty and mean

she confessed to me what she thought it meant

she trust me much..cause we are best friends

she tells me has not been once

she has this dream..several times a month

the figure she see's at least she thinks

is not a man but a beast....

it has not a single trace...of where it should have a face

she say's it smells of decay and human waste

this unknown thing..whispers things

that she doesn't want to do

"**** the boy that broke your heart...

he never loved you from the start"

the dream is the same..everytime

there is no change....turns out the same

covered with tears to cry

she wakes in the morning and wonders why

today my nightmare seemed to end

when i awoke..i was trembling

mom ..came in..and said watch the news

your boyfriends missing..police have no clues

three weeks later...they found a severed head

in the landfill....marked dead end...

so that cute girl...the popular think you know...

don't go out with her to a show

you might end up a foot shorter....

"head" line news with some reporter

she may be a serial killer...with a brain disorder


just a lonely girl...with a broken heart
written 4-28 for a contest.....evil school girl....
875 · Apr 2013
the clock tower
michael gagain Apr 2013
although the hour
is very late
my mind is crying
it's dying fate

the anticipation will create
a world unknown
of darkened scapes

the tower of time
rises above all else
but time won't stop
for none of us

the dark clock tower
stands like a king
for all
the world to see
over all of us
and everything

no one
has ever seen
the tower of time
won't let it be

we live and die
by it's hands
it never stops
alone it stands

the dark and dreary
ridge of stone
will never
let us be alone

like our shadow
always there
standing guard
without a care

when the time it tells
comes to a stop
life is over
via the clock

our time is short
don't be alarmed
the clock is with you
until it stops
859 · Apr 2013
A rhyme
michael gagain Apr 2013
I am not a poet
i certainly know it
but these rhymes in my head
i must write them...and show it

on this site
there are beautiful words
they come from the minds
of those ..such as yours

poems are beautiful
they may make you cry
the rhymes that i write
you'll ask yourself why

i'm a big fan of seuss
the dr. of who's
does it show very much
or no..such luck

i love to read what you people write
your words are sound
your words are bright

maybe someday...i can do the same
but in the meantime...i've something to say
i know the difference between the varities
poems and odes and lyrical remedies

i love all that you write
keep up the good work
i'll start leaving comments
on superior work.....

my work is dark
and dreary too
i will write something special
just for you.......

you'll know when you see it...
it will be sad and blue
on wings of a dove
without the dark hue.....

what makes you a poet
i do not know
but the thoughts we all write
are certainly true
of love and brutality
and thing's that are cruel

i see many styles...amongst all these pages
none like my own....god somebody save us
i'm tryin my's all new to me
i'm digging much probably see

in case your wondering...i must tell you this
i miss dr suess and his lickity split
but something is real....i know for a fact...
i am but a man
who does like green eggs...with bacon not ham.......
853 · Sep 2014
Black Rage
michael gagain Sep 2014

The inner sanctum of my mind
is sick and twisted locked in time
thoughts run ramped, congealed and sour
I'm lost among you...


A darkened realm of oblivion
a door to nowhere, to many keys
wrong choices, chaotic voices
a dead man strolling a black rose garden...


You live your life, the wife, the cash
I live in fear of death, drowning, electrocution
a cutters way from rafters sway
you can find it, any given day...


The pain, the sadness
the empty shell
life is sometimes a living hell
a little deeper and blood will flow...


Come what may on dismal ears
live your granted time, full of fears
staggering through with thoughts of mayhem
hold yourself in contempt...


Why harm myself, I find that strange
inflict on others my hate and rage
I wont cut you, not at all
I'll drive it deep to the hilt...


Walk among the fearful masses
a killer born every minute
I pulled the number
lucky me...
850 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
all my friends know
i always loved spiders
since i got bit...from a a fire

i love them now
these weird creepy crawlies
i own them in fact...they cure the phobias

please don;t **** them
they won't hurt you
they eat all the bad bugs...that always bite you

the biggest i seen..was three feet across
on the side of a house
like something from lost

now i pick them up gently you see
and put them outside..and let them be
there here for a don't get so mad
if you **** these fine will make me sad

you don't have to pet them...just wait and see
the one in your hair is just lookin for peace
next time you step on a spider of sorts
think of the godly recourse

they do not eat much
they try to stay hidden
most of them small...and black as  kitten

love that spider ..and watch him grow...
from a small adolesent the size of a crow
dont run from a spider....he means you no harm
hes looking for comfort away from the storm

now i love spiders...there's no going back
oh  no now to think of it.......i hope i'm never attacked...
844 · Sep 2014
michael gagain Sep 2014
Golden lochs gently kiss her shoulders
in a mass of beautifully divine color
a peaceful solitude floats above her
smiles wide bringing her to that special place...

The most beautiful translucent blue eyes
piercing, tranquil, like ice on fire
blessed she be...gorgeous
look into her eyes deeply...

Appears the hint of deviousness
devotion, delicate, empowering
Heart to give she strives to live
devoid of that dream state happiness...

I once got lost in those beautiful eyes
taken in like a hellfire vortex
liquid blue mystery, sapphire times two
extruding sweetness and bleeding hope...

Live,love, laugh wrapped into one
I've seen her in action.leading the fun
does she exist in more than my mind
certainly this Goddess is more than a dream

For now you all know her Christine...
love life happy personal
834 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
i have a good friend
goes by the name of frankie
he likes to eats nuts
he thinks he's really swanky

he live's out in the tree
he always looks for me
i shake his bag a nuts
he comes running from his stump

i known him but a year
and he's eating from my hand
he hasn't bit me yet
but i wouldn't take a bet

if i don't feed him on time
he scratches at the door
it's the funniest thing you ever seen
i'm not kidding you at all

he left me during winter
i did not see him no more
hit sixty two
the temp was very warm

i'll let you guess
it's not a test
who's knocking at my door

it's frank again
he brought a friend
there hungry as can be

during the winter it seems
frankie was busy
he found himself a girl

just in case your wondering
frankie is a squirrel
written by michael gagain 4-4-2013
820 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
snow is drifting
beneath my feet
the wind is blowing
it cuts like teeth

the wolves are howling
for something to eat
the summer is gone
there's no retreat

i like the warmth
much better than this
the storm it show's
that she is ******

wolves come closer
in a pack
there's no escape
from there attack

build a fire
to keep warm
and help protect you from the storm

the sun goes down
it's getting colder
the pack of wolves
is getting bolder

the gun is loaded
and it's ready
the cold makes it  hard to aim and steady

i'm trapping minks
and lynx and stuff
to make a living
you know it's tough

i don't want to shoot these
wolves so grand
although there trying to make a stand

i mind my business
but there hungry too
and a weeks hard work
of trapping food

i have more heart than some one would
i'm gonna feed
these hungry wolves
814 · Apr 2013
gone but not forgot
michael gagain Apr 2013
pupils pin
eyes roll back
your body shakes
it needs the smack

your mind it leaves
it wonders off
your brain is numb
your senses lost

the dope is near
your viens they call
they try to hide
your skin
it crawls

sniff it
smoke it
slam it home
you and the dope
are now alone

a bit to much
and you dont come back
your heart might stop
cause it's attacked

kiss your kids
and say goodnight
this next trip
might just
end your life

senses soft
your no longer boss
the dope it has you
at any cost

lose your job
lose your family
lose your mind
a triple whammy

the devil
once he's on your back
he don't want off
you've made a pact

you live alone
in your vacant mind
thoughts of love
and life
gone by

locked away
but not to late
help your mind
revive it's fate

it takes work
and sacrafice
to **** the devil
and this life

divorce this beast
as fast as you can
get back to life
and being a man

look to tomorrow
and you will see
a brighter future
thats drug free

the run is over
time to get sober
regain the chance
to grow
much older
812 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
whats that i hear
the voice of god....
in total..dipair
the only one that really cares

he's angry with me
and evryone
for destroying the land and the sea
all that he has created for us...
we turned it upsidedown
and have made it a mess

we slaughter his creatures and polute his waters
we make clouds of smog
and damage his alters
and all the beauty he has given us..

is it yet to late...can we turn back the clock
can we slow him hand out our fate
for destroying a land
that he made so great

he is angry

...the ones who damaged are you and i
we need to repair...fix ascertain
make things right and lay no blame

we can do proper
make again...a place to prospur
we crossed the line
we instilled the hate....
things we don't like...we do anyway

yes hes angry
but so forgiving
if we do right
we can continue on living
808 · May 2013
Forever plus one day
michael gagain May 2013
I love you sweetheart so very much
these words I say you must have trust

For us to meet,but not have met
you and I can not contest

for our love to grow on the telephone
we no longer sit all alone

you have my heart and all the keys
for I will no longer be needing these

My world was once upside down
no longer do I  wear a frown

for when I get down on my knee for you
you only need to say I do

You thrill my mind,you make it strong
you make my heart so very warm

no longer do I move in reverse
you have brightened up my universe

you and I will make a team
and start a life, more than a dream

Love me sweetheart and never leave
I promise I will always please

Never to part or stray away
always forever plus one day
797 · Apr 2013
I am (your soul)
michael gagain Apr 2013
I am the air you breath
out of your lungs
I am the warmth you feel
from the sun
I am all your emotions
wrapped in one
I tried to sooth
when you were young and crying
i am certainly there
when you feel like dying
I pick you up
when you fall down
I am always here
always around
I am here for you
when you are blue
always here
to comfort you
I am here for you
when your in trouble
without hesitation
on the double
I am the blood
within your veins
I pump your heart
and ease your pain
I help you along
when you are old
I warm you up
when you are cold
I make you strong
I make you bold
I try to do
what i am told
I hear you
when you speak my name
I always try to take your blame
I love your body
like my own
i like to call it
as my home
I work for god
and only you
i won't deny this fact is true
I am by your side
until you die
then it's time
to say good bye
I was your soul
but now i'm gone
you and i
we must move on
781 · Apr 2013
thank you (led zeppelin)
michael gagain Apr 2013
if the sun refused shine
i would still be loving you
when mountains..crumble to the sea
there will still be you...and me
779 · Mar 2014
michael gagain Mar 2014
Rescinded feathers of gold,

ostracized from above,

thriving on macerated souls.

exhaling silence...

through obsidian realms,

eternal purgatory,

brimstone corridor facade...

waiting in exile,

darkness interwoven with fear.

life interrupted...death prevails.
769 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
all that's dark and all that's dreary
comes in the form of nightmares.....really
when you close your instill the fright
begging once again for the presence of light

the dreams that you have....every night
what do they mean....can anyone say
give me insight

they seem so real...all of the time
they scare me to death...and play with my mind

will i wake....will it happen soon
the darkness is here and starting to loom

the cracking of thunder has woke me up
the dreams are gone...for but a moment
i will roll over and sleep once more
just so the nightmares
will come through my door
757 · Apr 2013
new york
michael gagain Apr 2013
new york city
is where i'll be
among the millions
you can see

stop..and look
by rivers edge
where they landed a plane
on the hudsons stretch

it gets better wait and see
this big city
says to me

the color yellow
dots the streets
dope bags litter
they don't keep

the subway stink...comes through the grates
while thousands travel
beneath your feet

the towers stood so very tall
they blocked the sun
and thats not all
they are gone...but not forgot
new york city...will not stop

the city wakes at 5 a.m
and it won't sleep
ever again

little italy is where i'll be
cause china not for me
next time you visit
take a look and see
there's millons there....just like me
754 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
i'm from new haven
don't care for it much
gunfire is common...with the kids in a bunch
i heard the cracks...of nines everyday
the police could not stop it...anyway
one cold winter night the midst of december
i saved the life of a kid who was limber
i heard five shots...and went to the window
saw nothing at first...and then saw....the teen rolling in pain
the look on his face ..oh so vain
i put my the hole in his chest
put my knee on his legs to keep him at rest
while all this time..waiting for new havens best
late that i worked on my car.....
a voice rang out...was from afar....
he said your the one...that helped me survive
the one i will thank for the rest of my life......
two weeks i lay in my bed
the store down stairs...was robbed yet again
the crack of the gun...yes here we go once more
was a 380...bullet that came through the floor....
it lodged in my mattress ......gods honest truth
i always will have the  horrible truth
today it's a necklace i wear on my neck....
to remind me of new haven
and why i left.......
751 · Feb 2015
~Tiny Dancer~
michael gagain Feb 2015
Welcome to my basement
there are plenty of things, toys and tools
play me a song of dismal fools...

You are welcome, but can never leave
I need your parts for the puppets I weave...
It's a place of madness, messes and mayhem
as my machine sews limbs into marionettes...

Dead bodies galore, that I shall resurrect,
as i work diligently to delicately intersect.
drilling holes and threading string
"creep" plays in my mind as I violently sing...

Replacing your eyes with the brightest of blue
wiring your mouth to move on cue.
mechanical hinges and formaldehyde a plenty,
you'll love your new look as will many...

My workshop my joy, my happy place,
except for the stench a horrid disgrace.
look at the walls and all the pretty puppets
lined up in a row like the famed Henson Muppets...

A vast collection of blondes and brunettes
redheads not allowed they're crazy at best.
don't mind the blood it congeals so fast
unlike your beauty it's essence won't last...
748 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
the howl of voices have left  my head
they are now residing.......under my bed
in the deep of night...i hear them plan
my mind they keep
some how they can...
i fight these voices every night
my brain it swirls...with shock and fright
i know it when i lose the battle
my bed post shake and rattle
i hear them laugh and whisper stuff
i close my eyes...and sigh a huff
i drift to least i think
the voices have given some relief
in sixteen hours it will happen again
the nightmares start...will they ever end
i heard em say...there here to stay
you are our host......come what may
when i finally wake to the sun of morn
my brow still wet..from the night before
i think out loud to much dismay
i lived to see
another day.......
my first poem....
written april 1st 2013
748 · Apr 2013
A thought to ponder
michael gagain Apr 2013
the world today...i'm not happy to say
is an ugly place.....unlike back in the day
she's mad at us
with reason to be....if we dont save our seas
and stop killing the trees
there will be nothing left....except the dirt and the weeds

we destroy our resources
like they are here forever
we shrug our shoulders as to say..whatever
we as mankind certainly no better
turn down your heat...and put on a sweater

do you know where your waste oil goes
i know you don't already shows
petroleum products..come from the ground
you can't put them back...once they been found

tons of garbage...every week
it leaves your sidewalk in a can
do you even care....where it lands

the trash you throw..from your car to the ground
it doesn't's always around

i dug up a beer can from 1970
it inspires this poem
without negativity

does this not ..prove my point
the garbage we make
is here to stay
including the mcdonalds we throw away........
746 · Feb 2015
michael gagain Feb 2015
You Isabella...
you are my disease, what festers deep inside my thoughts.
if I were to release you from your chains, my mind would run rampant.
you are mine for eternity, I can not allow you the pleasure of another soul.
you will continue to eat with the rats and dine on the cats...

Your torture is my haven, my ******* sickens you, your *** my elixir.
when I put the bar between your legs, and crank so slowly your wetness
my joy, your slice of life my pie...

Your ***** is my God...
To be worshiped by day and eaten at night, devoured like the scores before you.
there is no hell. hell is your common grave, you've yet to visit.
take my **** between your swollen pink lips, take it all leave not a trace.
I shall instill within you a Demon child with a nameless face,
and I will **** your mind, to another place...

Demon qualities live in us all, but only a few return Satan's call.
you're beautiful long brunette hair and gullible goodness is why you are here.
I'm sick, tormented. evil and twisted...a heartless monster.
I am the raw truth of your nightmares...

I will love you forever in my own way, you are not a prisoner but in your mind.
it is a ***** such as yourself that may someday free me of my Demonic being.
but in the mean time, I shall kiss you between your thighs making you ***
and drink from your hive...

You wicked *****, you stink of filth, your matted mane I can not bare
my love for you, you dare not share,
your dark brown eyes will be my demise, above your hatred you shall rise.
take me now deep inside, for my *** will turn the tide...

You are not a slave of love, but the guest of a mastermind shunned from above.
you are not my toy, but a precious womb, a cradle of sorts for my young.
you'll be the heroine that goes unsung...
742 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
you never called
to say goodbye

i often asked
and wondered why

my tears they flowed
for you each night

you didn't care
we didn't fight

six months later
i got a call

it didn't work
after all

you wanted back
you couldn't wait

i told the truth
for it's to late

fifteen years we had together
had so much time
and stuff we weathered

now your gone
but not forgot

iv'e started over
wish me luck

hold your next man
close enough

you learned your lesson
i know it's tough

it's such a shame
i feel bad

many pet names
i had for you
your favorite one
was bunny blue

i cried for you
theres no tears left

i do still love you
very much
try to keep
in better touch

i miss your eyes
that pretty blue
the compliments you got
were true

i cannot see you
it hurts to much
next time don't be
in such a rush
dedicated to you bunny blue......
737 · Apr 2013
Another kind of dark
michael gagain Apr 2013
Tree branch scraping on the shed
scared to death
with feelings of dread
so **** dark
can't see a thing
somethings moving
and it ain't me
i wish to god
that i could see
although it's noon
blind as could be
you probably wonder
how this could be
lost my 63
hearing is sharper
than you can believe
you never get used to what
you can't see
and now you never like what you can hear
you stumble and fall
and you don't care
if you thought things bumped
in the night
try another 40 years
to even the score
it's scary...i'm weary
being in the dark
it's so sad
always missing the mark
you never felt loneliness this before
so **** tough
when you can't find the door
hope one day to see a shimmer of light
dreaming of the return
of my sight
until then...i'm in the dark
bumping walls
not feeling smart
branch still scraping
on the shed
my sight has died
and gone to bed
written by michael gagain 4-7-13
input appreciated
as a just fine...i fully respect and admire the blind
730 · Apr 2013
michael gagain Apr 2013
our children
are not
the only ones
to see a clown
and begin to run

some adults
have the fear
you ever wonder
why they lear

bright colored hair
and funny make up
not so funny
when you wake up
with ten or so
surounding you
trying to grab
and strangle you

how hard would you laugh
if in a dream
your mind it woke
the clown from "it"
began to choke
i'm sure you would not
find the joke

you see them
at the circus always
sometimes near
the fairground enterance

some have not the intention to scare
others try to instill the fear

animal balloons
and baggy clothes
they look more like the

we pay them
for a birthday party
kids are screaming
and there crying
ever wonder why it's so
because the kids
they know
it shows

kids don't know this
but heres a fact
john wayne gacy
played the act
he was not funny
not one bit
but full of ugly
and very sick

weather they smile
or they frown
there will always be
a scary
written by michael gagain 4-25-13
722 · Apr 2013
statue of liberty
michael gagain Apr 2013
the statue of liberty....stood proud that day
like she has..for many decades
she heard the engines....and looked to see
the towers get hit......she couldn't believe
she bowed her head....tears in her eyes
and whispered to her one could survive
she lifted her head...and stood like a queen
she was needed now ..her bright tint of green
she said bring it on...some countries are mean
she can not believe what she has seen
she'll stand there forever...come what may
in that beautiful new york city bay.....
you won't hurt us again...we learned are lesson
are guard won't be is our blessin.......
711 · Mar 2014
Blind Date
michael gagain Mar 2014
I tighten your chain, between shackle and floor,

kissing your lips, for it's you I adore.

pulling the table tight to your waist,

I'll allow you some dinner, but only a taste...

Now that we've eaten, it's time for desert,

the heart of your flower is where I revert.

your redolence is musty, it smells quite used,

As I take your love, your mind I abuse...

The chain pulls taught, as you're bent over my lap,

I start slapping your ***, much more than a tap.

you start to whimper, as your wetness curtails,

I throw you to the floor, and your wrists I now nail...

Crimson red... pools on the floor,

as you tear your flesh, watching the gore.

as I drive deeper into the warmth of your slice,

I unleash my seed, instilling new life...

Stop your screaming, as I pull out the nails,

you've run your course, true love prevails.

I met you tonight, as pretty as can be,

now clotted and congealed, you're just right for me...

Take this black rose, as a memory of our date,

for our encounter, has sealed your fate.

was it good for you...or was it too lame?

next time you blind date, Google his name...

Worn and broken with not a tear left,

your eyeliner ran, there's sweat on your chest.

removing your blindfold, you look at my eyes,

you're right in your guess, the devil's alive...
702 · Apr 2013
catch 22
michael gagain Apr 2013
I have this expensive dictionary
it 's lying on the to me

this pricey piece looks so nice
the problem as i see i can't read it
if i new how to spell the word i want
i wouldn't need you
for more than a door stop
697 · Apr 2013
you (haiku)
michael gagain Apr 2013
you have never left
i am not lost without you
my mind still you take
693 · Apr 2013
ghost in the wall
michael gagain Apr 2013
there's a ghost in the wall
it engulf's us all
we never see it
but it whispers and calls
it always make noises like cracking of thunder
worries us often we wonder
it makes us fall down the stairs
and laughs at our blunder
mocking us always....
and putting us under
a devious ghost...with a devilish smile
mocks are achievements and steals are smiles
he don't like us happy
not one little bit
he makes us grieve and gives us ****
he scares little kids
and make adults tremble
the ghost in the walls
is all but humble.......
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