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Mica Kluge Jul 2016
Hey you,
We've got things to talk about.
I left, and you deserve a why.
I grabbed my bag, left you behind, and
I resolved not to cry.
It was mutual, I broke up with you, you with me.
I'm lost in the versions of the truth.
One of us had to be the adult,
We're both grown, toying with youth.
You were the chaos to my chaos
When my chaos needed calculations.
We were both hurricanes in anger
And too proud to make reparations.
We began as a whirlwind, all instinct,
Spinning too fast to make note of what passed.
You, in love with the idea of me, me loving the idea of you,
The thing about storms is that they don't ever last.
Of course there are questions now I'm gone:
Was it love? Was it real? Will we ever really know?
I couldn't answer them, and I still can't.
I wasn't sure, so I decided to pack and go.
Maybe I was a coward, but I left to save us both.
I broke my vow, I cried rivers of tears,
But I saved you from us, the volatile us,
The lovers who wouldn't have lasted another two years.
I don't regret a single moment and maybe,
Maybe it was just doomed from the start,
But I suppose I'm grateful that I learned a lot from you.
You, who, reminded me to think with my head, not my heart.

~ Sincerely,
A different me
Mica Kluge Jul 2016
My heart cannot settle.
I don't belong here.
I'm "too young to leave,"
But I'm too old to stay.
I don't belong here.
Mica Kluge Jun 2016
You and I were a summer thunderstorm,
Tension building in the distance, then
Shattering in a crack of thunder.
Whirlwind of passion, we never could
Have lasted, but, like hell we tried. The
Storm lost its ferocity, and all that was left
Is the damage in its wake.
Mica Kluge Jun 2016
There will be a day when time itself is
Split in two: before today and after today.
But, for right now, I'm still stuck in this moment
Caught between the pendulum and
The impact. That irreversible moment when time was rent.
Mica Kluge May 2016
She stepped into the wall of steam,
Allowing the shower to unmake her
From her neck to her ankles.

Never her head, never her feet.

Her head was an exploding star
Full of simultaneous destruction and creation.
Constantly making, unmaking, and remaking.
Impossible to unmake something while it's being made and unmade and remade.

It's all chaos and kairos.

Her feet cannot be allowed to be unmade.
Even in the sanctuary of sweet oblivion,
There are miles to go yet.

Chaos and Kairos. That's all there is.
Mica Kluge May 2016
It was all over in a moment,
Everything you once hoped,
The second you saw the illusion
That the glistening mirage evoked.

Deep pools of green, chocolate, blue,
Each one a beautiful escape,
Each one designed as a cunning ruse,
The eyes meant to seal you in your fate.

Dew drops perfectly reflecting,
The geometric spiral awaits
Luring the innocent inside,
Then the guardian slams the gates.

The spider’s web and the eyes,
You go in when the trap is concealed.
Once the trap is sprung, the door is closed,
You gladly stay, the danger revealed.
An old poem from English class. It's basically a comparison between eyes and spiderwebs.
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