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May 2014 · 1.1k
A Lifetime
Melissa E Pike May 2014
March 6th- we start talking
9th- we meet
Fast forward to the 17th and we are dating
I love yous every second
5 months later we're getting our own apartment and we've been talking about marriage for a while, at a year

Two years together now- I watch her tear up as she says her vows

The future holds a baby
A house
More children
Retirement vacations

Laughs, tears, screams in between and I know that
In the end I'll be able to rewind
A month
A year
A lifetime
And know that
Your hand was the one I held through it all
Your kiss on my lips every night
Your smile every morning
May 2014 · 831
Melissa E Pike May 2014
I want to collect all of the softest leaves and sticks
And build a home with you
Let’s find the tallest tree and climb to the top where only the birds can find us
Because you’re my little squirrel-
And you’re ******* nuts

Sometimes you run around like you don’t know which way is up and which is down
But at the end of the day you always climb into our little nest
And chatter about how you know you’re a mess half the time
I’m so happy you’re mine,
My little squirrel
May 2014 · 1.6k
Social Media
Melissa E Pike May 2014
Baby, I must have found you on Pinterest because you’re the best idea I’ve ever had
And if I could remember to tweet every cute thing you do, I would, believe me-
You have the face everybody wishes they had the privilege to post on Instagram  
And yeah, I really like you
You’re my favorite
I swear
Please never be afraid to direct message me
Because, I don’t care if I can only see your face for 10 seconds-
Your Snapchats would make me want to change my relationship status any day
May 2014 · 3.2k
Melissa E Pike May 2014
She loves me
She loves me not

You are the sunflower basking in the light
Whistling in the wind
Rising each day

She loves me
She loves me not

How could you pick the petals off of something so beautiful?
Unearth a living thing from the ground and slowly torture it with each pluck

She loves me
She loves me not

She loves me!
Like the sunflower loves the big sun even after it has been dug up
Even after its color has been thrown to the ground with each-
She loves me, she loves me not

You are my sunflower
I’m sorry I pick on you
May 2014 · 741
Melissa E Pike May 2014
I remember when I first met you and your curly hair
Your eyes met mine and I…

Parked my Jeep as crooked as my nervous smile
Dropped my keys
I probably tripped over my own words but I can’t quite remember
Cause I had never seen such a beautiful human being
You were different
So different that I was scared to make a move by the end of the night
Shakin in my boots, cause I didn’t want to ruin anything we had already created
I could have gone my whole life with just that feeling
That giggly-butterfly-in-your stomach type of feeling

Cause it’s never been about the kissing
Or the talking
It’s your smell –
It’s the energy that radiates off of you and makes me feel whole
Your presence is the ingredient that I didn’t know I was missing
My life wouldn’t taste the same without you
May 2014 · 723
Your Love
Melissa E Pike May 2014
Your love examines my every word of despise,
Grabs a hold of my heart and refuses to let go
Your love has altered my perceptions,
Has crafted a brilliant soul out of two beings
Your love rejects the concept of collapsing,
The simplicity of it all is so beautiful
May 2014 · 685
Her Beauty
Melissa E Pike May 2014
Her beauty is amplified by her unrefined exterior
She lays, submerged in allure
This woman has tresses that gently border her expression,
Composing a visual so tempting
A toasted complexion fused with almond designed eyes, a petite nose, and lusciously plump lips
Her skin, maintains silky to caress throughout her full physique
From her significant *******,
To her fleshy abdominal region she has been drenched in gorgeousness
Her restricted territory receives my adoration along with her limbs stretched atop our mattress
This Woman is my lover, my friend, and my everything
She is flawed in all the right places, with loveliness through and through
To craft the most stunning woman I have ever set eyes on
May 2014 · 2.5k
Melissa E Pike May 2014
Sunshine glowing through the windows upon your fresh appearance
Hair rustled from nighttime twists
Body rejuvenated and pleading for soft contact
A light kiss to your full lips
My hand memorizing every inch of your inner thigh
Admiring your flawless physique
Listening to your gentle breaths of satisfaction
Tasting you
Feeling you tense up until you exhale and release peacefully
Your heart pulsating through my ear as I lay on your chest
Whispering sweet words of compassion
Attempting to show my devotion to you
My adoration for you
May 2014 · 6.6k
Puppet II
Melissa E Pike May 2014
The trick is that you have to let her know she’s holding the strings
You can’t play hard to get
You have to give your all, leave your wounds open for the salt to be poured in
Cause that’s what it’s all about!
It’s about being defenseless with that one person,
Letting them crawl under your skin
Cause if it’s true, they’ll be the first to pull out the first aid kit
And you may think that letting them hold your strings is a wicked thing
But in the end,
Those strings that they’re holding..
Are the stiches they use to pull you back together
May 2014 · 2.4k
Puppet I
Melissa E Pike May 2014
It’s a tug of war between what you think and what you want her to think
Because in reality, I know that she could rip me in two
She could tear me into a million pieces and light me on fire
And while I’m lying there, smoking and whirling in the wind
I would crawl back to her
And slowly shrivel away inside,
While I wait for her to give me another chance
But the battle of it is that she can’t know the power she holds!
She can know that I love her,
Of course
But what would she do if she knew that I’m a puppet
And she’s holding the strings?
Who am I kidding?
She already knows

— The End —