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 Apr 2014 Maytin Paige
So tired now, eyeballs heavy
and my head dropping, muscles beg for rest.
Insomnia hits hard.

I'm done with you, get out of my sight,
I don't want to look at you any more.

You say love is unconditional,
Heat of the moment statements
Contradict our love and strain it.

Night is the hardest time to be alive.
Four am knows all our secrets.
The brain races.

Stop being so pathetic,
No reason to cry.
A lesson you need is to toughen up.

Is my heart so weak,
That you too, can nip at my brain
Sending it spinning.

Refusing the give in, eyes won’t shut
No functioning during the day,

Why would you do that to yourself,
I know you’re scared to tell,
But I'm worried.

First person to worry, yet she doesn't really care
Dodging questions I'm too tired to answer,
She then forgets about it.

These voices scatter around
this sleep deprived brain,
Past being tired now, hyper daze sets in.

I didn't raise you like this, not to be horrible.
You never talk any more, just push away,
You need to be more happy.

I try so hard, to keep a straight face
Can’t stop laughing at you,
I blame the over tiredness.

Floating         never quite
                                                  reaching bed,
                                                                                the me they want me to be.

You came at the right time,
To stop this madness you feel.
I can help you, now tell me more.

Got different people inside my head,
Not sure which version of me they want.
Reality is shown in sleepless nights.
My advanced higher English poem I did last year
 Apr 2014 Maytin Paige
Lana Grace
They're all telling you to be strong,
when we're all hurting.
You see, I'm not the type of girl that just accepts sadness,
I'm the type of girl that wants to overcome it.
I want to honor the God who created me,
and try to be brave.

But oh, how hard life can be sometimes.

The expectations they hold,
sometimes it feels like they're asking for perfection.
I try so hard,
oh so hard.
How hard it is to be brave.

Because when the hurt we recieve,
we show it in return.
We've hurt ourselves by hurting others.

What would it be like to be loved by someone in the most perfect way?
We're all so capable of it.
But so many of us have been hurt,
we've forgotten how to be brave.
We've ignored it, and submitted to what every other person has done.
You see, I don't think it's because we don't want to be brave.
I feel like we don't know how to.

We don't know how to make our fake smiles into genuine smiles even on the worst days.
We don't know how to look at a horrible situation and realize how God might be saving us from something even harder.
We can't look at the people who have hurt us  and be able to forgive them.
You see, bravery isn't just an act of heroism.
It's the unimaginable.
The act of love,
Putting others first.
We've forgotten how to be brave.
Let's be brave.
 Apr 2014 Maytin Paige
The tears are yours,
the pain is mine
The wounds are yours,
the blood which runs out?
The fears are yours,
the trials are mine
The problem is yours,
Just who the hell am I?
A whisper escaping through ruby lips
and echoing through my fragile heart
A simple pact by a fool and his folly 
lays bleeding at my feet, betrayed.
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
 Mar 2014 Maytin Paige
I thought you'd write about the other night
and you'd turn it into some beautiful dream so that our memories could start to seem a little more pure…
as pure as the moonlight pouring over our bodies,
as pure as your breath on my neck.

sometimes I wish I couldn't sleep at night,
so I'd be a little more like you, my heart would be a bit more blue and my love, a bit more pure…
but for some bitter-sweet reason I sleep peacefully until dawn, and I rise with a smile, awake with a yawn. our intertwined arms unfortunately fading, and it's heart-breaking, but my heart is stronger now, and colder, like a stone;
so I guess now I'm a little like you.
We created a beautiful work of art.

It shined and glimmered,
glittered and sparkled.
It was magnificent.

It sat on a pedestal,
waiting for the day we hung it up,
safe from  the clumsy hands of others,
out of the way of danger and destruction.

And then I bumped it.
It was all accidental, I didn't know,
just what I'd done.

It wasn't even in slow motion.
There wasn't that moment of hope,
when you think that you can catch it.
It just smashed.

Pieces were everywhere.
Tiny glass pieces littered the floor.
I wept and you angered.
You never forgave me.

I tried to pick the pieces up.
They cut my fingers,
no longer the picture of beauty,
but of harsh reality.

I put our piece of art back together,
as best I could.
What did you do?
You threw it back to the ground.
Again I worked to fix it.

Over and over, I presented you with
what I thought we were, what we could be still.
Over and over, you threw it to the floor.
I kept telling myself that the cuts and the pain
would be worth it. Don't give up.

I've learned that, no matter how hard I try,
I can't fix it.
Not on my own.
I need your help. Won't you help me?
Don't you remember what we were?
Do you remember that beautiful
faceted piece of art that we made?

Well, I'll keep trying.
Let me know when you want to
lend me a pair of gloves or,
even help me pick up some pieces.
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