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I remember the perfume you used.
I remember the smile you gave me every day.
I remember the feelings I had when we kissed.
I remember the ups, the downs and the all arounds. You kept me going and now that you are gone I've realized that I've always been the one making myself happy.
Let me run my bitter sweet words through your veins, let me listen to your angelic voice one last time. Let me see your face and etch my name into you. Let my soothing voice get the best of you. Let your guard down so I can be apart of you for once. My head hurts and my hands shake of anxiety. I never in my life have seen such beauty so  please let me make you mine.
pain is so complicated. I have found pain in every happy moment in my life. I have also found happiness in the most insidious pain. I've seen dark and I've seen light. I have lit my own path so pain doesn't flame into a disaster controlling my life. I choose what pain does to me and I let my happiness guide me through the night. I stand on my own feet and no one can take them. I am my own man and nobody will take my pride.
One by one death takes its toll. In the worst times, death creeps in like a mouse finding its food. You try and prepare, and you,you think you're ready, but one by one death takes its toll.
R.I.P uncle matt
Your eyes beam glory, but your body reads my name. Every flower etched into your thoughts have traveled deep in the seclusion of my bedroom. My walls scream of memories, but not one reminds me of bad times. You have lit my life without spreading a single flame. You have calmed my waves, and filled the hole that trapped so many others. Why me? Why are you so good to me? You lifted me up before i even fell. You have risen to a level only I wish to reach. You are the reason I breathe love for myself. I consumed evil in my eyes just to cover it up with a smile you can't resist. You have seen past my mask and have uncovered what I have never seen. I thought love could never exist with a soul as cold as mine, but you have proven time after time that I have more to me than what society has given . I thank you for your efforts, nobody has ever tried this hard before.
Her body is my home. Sweet and warm. I can smell the beautiful fragrance of her perfume, and I can hear her soothing voice echo in my ears. Her vibrant smile reflecting off my thick glasses. She laughs at my corks and holds my heart. Her soft hands skim the surface of my cheeks and her personality makes me tremble to my weak knees. My goosebumps couldn't have come at a better time. I'm glad SHE is mine.
These chains are locked onto my ankles, rattling as I try to grasp onto the soul I once knew.
Paint my life the way you see it. Rip down the blocks I have placed in front of you. Let yourself roam my mind, and see what you fail to realize. Lift me up and show yourself how ruthless you have been. My life is meaningless, I am just an image trapped in a 9x12 frame.
The humid air escaping my lungs.
The vivid heat escaping the sun kissed hood of my car.
The cool feeling of my drenched clothes after kids find our sprinkler.
You come and go so fast that all we have to remember is the scars you left after we stayed in your sight too long.
My baby, thank you for visiting. It seems to have been years since I last hears from you. My nights grow darker without you. My days dim to a small flame thaybhelps me push through. Your light has helped Mr see far, but I miss you with my whole heart. Daddy wishes he could be strong for you, but you seem to be stronger than I. I'm proud of you baby girl, I can't wait to see you in heaven.
Rip baby girl ❤
The dark consumes me like the cold covers the night, the tears wash my blood as my blade only deepens the wound. The depression acts as a blanket when I need warmth. Suicide becomes a thought when I see no hope. My blade becomes a must to my problems. My belt becomes a nuce for my throat. My life becomes hell that I call home. Pain becomes the life I choose to live. The only thing keeping me alive is a friend. A very special friend that shows me pain identical to mine. So I choose to live in silence knowing others can feel my pain. I choose to live with her and one day we bwill show each others scars.... One day
To the person who spends 6 days a week at work,
5 days filled with exercise,
4 days surrounded by friends,
3 days at school
2 days working on yourself and
1 day to relax and play soccer.
Life is to short to be short of time for yourself.
You lack the sympathy from others so you can't even think about what you want for yourself.  You need to realize all this hard work is getting you minimum wage, lack of friends and a lack of you.
If you were to look in a mirror, would you see succes painted across your forehead, or would you see a blank slate smothered across your face. Your eyes have become blackened with other peoples succes as you watch them stomp in front of you. Your heart has become cold like the moonlight you use to see before you became a "Hard worker".  Look through your problems and reconstruct. Mold your future into something you remembered brought you joy, and don't become the person you are now.
The shimmering light upon the stream reminds me of the twinkle in your eyes. They possess so much strength, but can be brought down to a simple plea of desperation. The morning fog reminds me of the day I met you, I sat in clouded state of mind and you ended up gleaming light into my life. You are the beauty of all nature and I will forever hold you close.
I rest in the arms of myself. I've spent the last years of my childhood in the arms of the wrong person, and I have had no regrets leaving. The meaning of love have changed places with lust and strong emotions. Now I'm on a journey to search for myself before I trust anyone to hold what I've been protecting for so long. Love should be shared for one to know and the other to learn. The meaning of love is everlasting and never quaking in fear. Love is what I'm looking for. If I find it in myself then maybe one day I can share it with someone who will hold it with pure intentions. I'm sorry for those I've hurt, but you weren't the one. Take this time to be yourself before jumping into the arms of a stranger. Life is too complicated to make guesses. Be strong and hold out, for life has many hidden secrets and strong paths for you to walk. Don't fear what could be, fear what you've seen and tread this path heavily. Falling isn't the worst to happen, the worst to happen is to not walk any path because of fear.
This is not for a particular person. This is meant to be felt and heard.
Why is that everytime life seems to be stable, I decide to question the trail? Was it the insecurities I grew up with? Or something deeper? Like regret of ever falling, or the constant fear of being alone? Was it the self induced scars that marked its territory around my body? I have pondered this thought for some time and have decided that.. We always question lifes trails. If it weren't for the vintage rope bridge that leads us to another part In life, then we would be sitting and not achieving what should be our realities. Life does not have a "no man left behind" program. Life is not something we can hack, or play or even see. Life is  planned out from our birth, and we go along with every jump, pull and sprint. I have decided that I can not be a better person without battling my bridges and burning them after so no one can follow. I will be on a path life chose for me and I am determined to go further everyday. I have decided that questioning my path only leads to regret. That only paying attention to one obstacle, leaves me weak and stuck in the past. The real question is, what is tomorrows plan?.
Your heart is burdened with the chains of despair. The lock is attached to my ankles, rattling, dragging me along with you. My hand grasping for the soul I once knew, but now is long forgotten. My tears shed for the past but long for the future. Your eyes gleam in the light of infernal affinity. I am no longer the same boy, but forever your man.
Illuminate the path you have carved into my heart. Take what you have left and don't look back. Pull whatever knife you've had in my back and throw them at your next victim. Unveil the identity you've cherished for so long. Show me what its like to have my heart ripped from the cold hands that had pieced it together.
Self harm is never pretty. No scar will ever look as appealing as the beautiful body you already have. Put down the blade and see yourself for you. No opinion other than yours is worth a scar. Save yourself the time, because at some point someone will ask and you will wish you never had to take the time to explain.
The sweet smell of late winter running through my nose. The brisk air pushing me to close my bedroom window. The **** taste of coffee at 5:00 in the morning. The long wait of my lower class T.V. To turn on. I think I will take a walk instead today.
Kinda bored
I spend my days sipping hot tea and roaming different trends of words
You talk about my writing like you could do better. Write your emotions in a symphony and play it so I can hear. Pour yourself through a pencil and see where you go. Read my past and tell me there is a difference. No art is different. From writing to speaking and drawing, art will forever remain the same. Our styles speak louder than our words so take caution for next time I promise I won't hold back.
Your eyes glimmer in the darkest of space. No sun could compare to your brightening smile. my heart loathes what you have and begs for you to share. Let me take you for a midnight drive. Maybe we can catch a movie in the drive-ins, maybe we can just sit at the park and take a long walk as we talk about our past. I want to learn what makes you smile today and what made you smile 10 years ago. Let me into your mind so I can wander into heaven and meet you where our paths cross.
This feeling is swallowing my very being. Every day I feel a striking pain but no particular area is the cause. I've taken medication, but no medicine can help what I have. I wrote my feelings on paper for you to read and you just burned it to the core. I drink shot after shot to **** what hurts and it only makes me see my demons and they yell profanity and curse my writing. I am no poet but an outlet for the less unfortunate. Let me show you what pain really does when you release it through ink.
I see you through those bar windows, I feel the cold cuffs around my wrists, I feel the black stick hit me every time I watch you get arrested. You said we were family but I've never had family rat me out over bail. You said you were my ride for life but now you have a flat tire and in walking home tonight. I'm no mechanic, but I do know that you're totaled. Have fun in the okay pen, I'm going home.bro. See you on the other side.
Your lips are lined with silver, sharpening as you steadily mark what's yours. Your long hair flows in the wind created from my breath being taken away. I want to explore what you believe and see where your boundaries end. Take my hand and let me pour myself into you.
I thought you were done...
You've struck me with feelings, so now I waltz through my apartments blinded by the conflicting sense that's in my gut. I have no choice but to accept the eternal dance in my head and heart so I ask one time. May I have this dance?
My feeling are sealed for nobody to read, and you unravel them like I am some novelty item.
When you make a decision. follow through with it. Don't let anything interfere with your happiness. If you have negative people trying to get into your life, throw them aside. No amount of effort is worth you being sad. You will have opportunities to become a better person, and it isn't going to be easy, but your life is truly all you have. Live as if you are the only one walking on earth. Nobody will ever know who will stab who in which back. Live as if you are the only persons who can unstersand you.
You dwell too much in the past. If you let some of it go then the future can take up more of that space. Fill yourself with positivity so our future has hope. Put down the fake smile and let me make it your reality. You shine when. I see your true self.
You are etched in every word I draw, and you are heard by my audience. You were my go to, my angel. You were the reason I kept going and now that I have fallen I knew I had dropped you. I apologize for everything my angel, so forever rest in peace as I walk chained with brittle bones and no words to speak. Farewell my love, this will be that last.

— The End —