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 Oct 2014 Matloob Bokhari
love is most healing
Until it's not lust
 Oct 2014 Matloob Bokhari
There is no one in this world who could be like my papa
He is patient, kind and loving
He knows my worries and my fears
the cares of my world
my needs, my aims, my wants
He keeps me safe when darkness comes
At nights when I could not sleep
He is my hero, he is there
to hold and soothe me
Big, strong and brave
He is there
In the eyes of a little girl...I love you, papa...thank you for everything..God bless you everyday and always...=)))
I walk a road somewhere
a road that sometimes leads me
here but more often there,out
in the nowhere.
I see each day in monochrome,grey men,grey streets and if I had a home it would be grey.
Once, I can't remember when but when the world was not so full of grey and men who don't allow the homeless ones to have a say, I walked a different road, flowed easily among and down the streets upon which I met and still meet eyes full of disgust or a feigned surprise,and 'nice to see you's' on their lips
(yeah like I believe that lies are true)

The road like ice can make you slip,trip over,fall underneath the feet that pass you by,
you can cry,you can moan it won't get you a home,it's some sort of 'sods law' when every door you try is locked.
I think it's time we knocked this government into line,there's more at stake here than what we know,
you may want to watch your children grow
to watch beggars standing for handouts from food banks
I don't
no thanks.

I walk a road somewhere,
this road I walk is there inside of you and you can walk it too
or have you already seen it,been there and walked down it,fell and skinned your knees and rose from it,forgot about it?
it's still there
We were the past
I am the present
They will be my *future
Have you seen the moon?
Hidden by a cloud
it's missing

Missing what was ours
Truly it was never meant to be
Gone forever out among the stars
Whisked away, a vapour, just a dream

Have you seen my heart?
Melted by my tears
it's missing

Missing plans we made
When you took your love away from me
Overwhelmed by sorrow and dismay
Surely I will wane and fade away

Just like the moon
Is that already the title of a song? Oops!
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