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Like the ocean's tides
The rollercoaster ride
of life
A bitter pill to swallow.

When you know
Too much
When you feel
Too much
When you Love
Too much

Which makes you

Eat too much
Drink too much
Work too much
Have *** too much
Gamble too much...
... and on and on and on.

When you care
Too much
You get hurt
Too much

We are all boats on the ocean.

Except boats aren't sentient.
They don't struggle and
Flail their arms
And kick their legs
And holler



I enjoy collaborations.
It was a great pleasure
Working with Nancy ♥
This morning I heard myself say,
"Don't go 'cause you won't get away"

"You'll never get anything done,
You'll be sitting there reading 'til dawn.
You're dishes will sit in the sink,
Your body will stink,
'cause it's all gone to hell,
Sitting 'round in you're petticoat pink" ? lol

But I logged on anyway......

I don't judge people by their mistakes and imperfections. I've
got my own scars.
Everyone will face something at one point
that will change them for life.
Never judge people for being depressed. Never.
Everyone faces a battle that you may know nothing about.
Never judge people for what is only skin deep.
The most broken people tend to love the most.
Don't focus on their imperfections. Don't focus on trying
to fix their mistakes. Focus on loving them.
Focus on trying to help them love themselves.
Teach them.
Demons aren't always visible from the outside.
Their demons are burrowed in their soul.
They are hidden.
Very few will completely understand how it feels.
Don't judge people for the cracks in their personality.
Their cracks show how many times they were under pressure,
and didn't completely shatter.
 Oct 2014 Matloob Bokhari
Let me weave signs of love to you
For I want to dive into
Those glistening dark pools , your eyes
Where light dances

I lay words on your lips I want to read forever
For I smeared my prayer beads
with your name
Alas I weaved signs , signs of my love

Making you my dua while I bowed to the One
For I wish for your name to be mine
As you weave my signs back** ....
This is all I did helplessly .... Coz finally I knew " love is powerful tenderness which becomes at times almost in supportable" ....
Dua : plea , prayer
A singularity is a point in a black hole of infinite density so that all matter and energy is crushed together so there is nothing between us

There is nothing between us
No skin
No flesh
No blood
No bone.

We are a transient dance etched into the membrane of being.
We are softly laced with the delicate threads of string theory.
We exist in dimensions you could hardly guess at.
We play in a place where there is no Yin or Yang;
Only pure Chi: indivisible.

And all the raging, raving beauty of the world declares
That love is not something you make or do, but
That love is who you are, and often
Oh, so very often
Love is letting go.

There is nothing between us
No skin
No Flesh
No blood
No bone.
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