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 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
jane doe
My dearest,
I will miss you
After the morning light takes you away.

But honesty bespeaks my boredom of
Nakedness on ******,
Thrusting into you,
The screams of your pleasure-
It was satisfactory.

The soft scent of your spangled hair
As it ran playfully through my fingers
While I cradled your skull in my palm when
I caught the glitter of your smile as our bodies undulated
Through the oceans and across the galaxies
Where you dipped your toes into the cosmic pools
Before diving into the depths with me-  
I felt you quiver.

Of all the arrows in the world, yours only was
Precise and lethal to the bone;
Searing straight through my universe and
Pulling it apart

To reveal not darkness, but merely the absence of light.
In it, I was not afraid.
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
I come awake at 2 am each day,
My body yearning for yours.
But am always alone. So alone.
I check my messages hoping you are awake.
I long to read that you're thinking of me too.
Whatsapp has become a painful poke,
That you were up and not thinking of me.
I wonder if you think of some other girl, like I do of you.

I try to get back to sleep,
But all I dream are pictures of you.
Taking me away from pain.
Loving me the way I want you to.
Even my dreams don't go right.
My sub conscious senses it isn't you.

I sink to the depths of sorrow.
I wallow in tears and self pity.
Is this love?
This pain when you hurt me,
that drives a knife through my chest?
This constant delusion that you didn't mean to.
The fixation on you alone.
Is it you or the idea of you that pleases me?
You break me into a million pieces,
And still I wait for you to fix me.
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
It was 5 in the afternoon
We hid from the world behind a closed door
The smell of flowers stuck under our noses
Your pale lips shook me to my core
I'll finish this later
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
Stuck inside the purgatory of the mind
Such an ugly barren place filled with the sins that covet my soul
Yet I cannot leave, I wish not to leave
For in those sins and in the ugliness I have found something
Something that I never had in the other side
Comfort, is what holds me to live in the sinful place

Bearing down the world to its thin
Showing all of its true sin
 Apr 2014 Martin Illy
the sun is not quite setting
brighten the sea with golden brushes
the clouds are hanging dry on the canvas
the magenta and turquoise mixes all over my gaze
lighten up the eyes with strong desire
and the night is calling me out
the stars appear with the faithful moon above it
battling with all the city lights
the laughters and smiles are fulfilling my ears
the words of love sounds monotonous to me
and here i am,
chasing down the streets
and wandering the empty hearts of mine
searching for yours
that i know will never be here.
 Mar 2014 Martin Illy
 Mar 2014 Martin Illy
I remember when we sat on a park bench at night, and your head lay nestled in the hollow of my shoulder.
My arm circled around your waist, reaching to meet its twin’s wrist.
I looked at you, and you blushed, and told me that staring was rude.
I spelled ‘M-I-N-E’ in the space between your collarbones and your brow with kisses, and breathed words I never dared to speak.
You were flowers in May, the sea spray in July, and the cold wind of November.
I was obsessed, and I knew I would never be good enough.
Two days later, we broke up.
Every kiss since then has left me lonelier.
this does not rhyme
 Mar 2014 Martin Illy
 Mar 2014 Martin Illy
trembling hands
they are trying to let you go
but you keep ending up here
still you remain

promised that you'd stay
i wish you wouldn't keep your word
you tried to leave, i know
still you remain

idly i searched for you with you
incomplete: i couldn't finish it
 Mar 2014 Martin Illy
I never thought I could fall in love with somebody
the way I have with her.
I thought I knew what love was, but I never really did.
If you would have asked me what I thought love was three months ago, I would have said that it was hurting all the time.
That it was something that you burned up in-
Something that you find in the romance of hazy coffee houses and broken cigarettes.
Something that was unobtainable.
Now, she's made me realize, love is acceptance.
Love is making somebody love who they are.
Love is staying up until 5 o' clock in the morning just to talk.
Love is waiting.
Love is awkward.
Love is worrying about somebody, even when you know they'll be alright.
Love is a shared song that you both can cry to.
Love is a comfortable silence.
Love is wanting to be everything for somebody.
Love is a kiss that can't be felt.
Love is shirts on the floor and butterflies in our stomachs.
Love is her.
I'm still on hiatus, but I thought I should try writing again.
Not, a good time to decide that, because it's still not what it was.
Maybe I'll come back again later.
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