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 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
Mike Hauser
I went and placed a wanted ad
Inside my local discount rag
Hoping someone somewhere might have
Some new words they could send my way

I've started feeling slightly bummed
Using the same old worn out ones
To me they are no longer fun
Plus I need something new to say

The ad went something like this
Needed...New Words With New Ideas
Dial 955-3636
For where to drop off your resume

The words they started pouring in
From short to fat to long to thin
With no idea where to begin
I'll try my hand at come what may

With the new words I did not mince
I poured over them all with diligence
No matter past or present tense
It took up most of the day

With the new words all now lined up
I'm ready to try some different stuff
So hold on tight this may get rough
Never said it'd be a piece of cake

It'll still take effort and some work
To find the right rhyme and perfect verse
That fit the newly acquired words
To help along the way with what I now have to say
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
caress me
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
eyes closed
arms spread out wide
I stood in the open field,

as the wind wrapped itself around me
I began to sway my womanly hips
feeling it
embracing it
becoming it

wind, what a nice touch it has
a cool caress

we swayed together
left, right, left, right
my body and the wind

in the open field
arms spread out wide
eyes closed
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
Those are your footprints
Dead center, smack dab in the
Middle of my heart
Opusculum paedagogum.
The pears are not viols,
Nudes or bottles.
They resemble nothing else.

They are yellow forms
Composed of curves
Bulging toward the base.
They are touched red.

Having curved outlines.
They are round
Tapering toward the top.

In the way they are modelled
There are bits of blue.
A hard dry leaf hangs
From the stem.

The yellow glistens.
It glistens with various yellows,
Citrons, oranges and greens
Flowering over the skin.

The shadows of the pears
Are blobs on the green cloth.
The pears are not seen
As the observer wills.
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
Bound I Am...
What can I do?
Unable to Roam Free...
Listening to the Maddening Despairs of Prelude...

Cursed Charm, I am...
Bad Luck to Spare;
Come Closer, You're

Darkened Melodies
Of Evil Harmony,
If You come Near Me...
You'll lose your Symphony,

So Take Head!
And Leave Me Be!
Or *Forget
and Lose...
Your Own *Identity...
“Follow your dreams!” Said the sage
“But what if you wake and they’re gone?”
“Well maybe you’ll soon come of age?”
“Or maybe I simply have none!”

The years soon past and enlightenment never came
Maybe the wise man was wrong
To rise every morning always the same
No direction for moving along

“Reach for the stars!” said the sage
“But what if I can’t see the sky?”
“Maybe it’s only a stage?”
“Maybe I can, if I try!?”

Well time ticked by but the stars never shone
Maybe the wise man was wrong
Had those pin ****** to heaven faded and gone
Or just never there all along

“What should I do?” said the youth
“Follow your dreams!” I replied
“But for you it was never the truth!”
“Well maybe the old sage had lied?”
Have we yet captured the schemes of our misfortune
A solace granted to us, picketed by our tedious hangups
Oh lost have we been
Wondering the labyrinths halls

Each time we find our steps take us no further
Our stagger is broken
By a light projecting life outside the hallways walls
While envy flaunts it's final solutions
In loo of a future we are attempting to grasp
Our steps move us further once again

Now, just as forgotten times before
Do I see that the peaces of our scheme
Are collected gradually over time
and my mind is the cage for their housing

The fragments are fluid and known
To our past selves on a distant day
But now I live life again from a stance of their recall
While at the same time tempted
To step back to the labyrinths halls
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