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4.7k · Mar 2015
― Virginia Woolf.
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”

“As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.”

“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.”

“There was a star riding through clouds one night, & I said to the star, 'Consume me'.”

“I am rooted, but I flow.”

“So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say. ”

― Virginia Woolf
Marisia Delafuga Apr 2015
with great power comes great responsibility.
1.7k · Nov 2014
Remedy Mushroom
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Mushrooms are rebellions
They suddenly Appear Out Of Nowhere..
Like you
Like me
Like everything that gently set us free..
Be careful
They're Watching you
They Witnessing each and every step you make
But they are good
Delicious illusions dancing with the truth
as the poison is becoming remedy
In your room..
and we appear out of the blue like Mushrooms!

How cool is that?

can you feel it?
1.4k · Nov 2014
Mars in Scorpio
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Do you know how it feels having a party with your demons
And at the same time to maintain a serenity just for the balance?

All the Things that No words can describe

A pretty Wild Thing
A pure magic to hold within
Straight to the core
like an Angel of love
A poison and Remedy
A blessing in disguise
An Elixir of fire

Cant escape this desire
You may say it's just a Sky Alignment
and you are the sculptor..
A volcano ready for the next Holy Explosion..
1.2k · Nov 2014
Gratitude List☆
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
You Name it

Do it!

P.s : There is a Metaphysical Love Gravity in The Real Attitude Of Gratitude.

Yes Dude!

1.1k · Dec 2014
Worshiping the Fire
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
NEVER Let them Interrupt your MAGIC!
Why You let Them interrupt your magic?
Never Apologize for your Magic
Magic is here for us to Enjoy
You my pretty wild Boy
You my pretty wild Human
In this Sisterhood Motherhood
Brotherhood yes!
Please Give us more sweet wine
for our heart to celebrate
The Dionysian Spirit is ALIVE
Ready to Bring you New Sacred dances
generously profound ecstatic Blessings
This silence brings New Music
No need To hide
You Are the Light
A drop Of this crystal Ocean
Made of Blues and tears
tears of Love speed and sacrifice

What's your name?

Well It doesn't matter

Thank You Music
Thank YOu Dance

Bring us an Army of Roses
And let this warmth penetrate your Soul

Today you're so beautiful

I miss you so

What's your Heaven Look Like?

It's sounds funny the way we Love to cry

Listen this Melodies...

Breath in Music

It's YOU


Don't Let them interrupt your MAGIC!

Share your tribe

In this sacred Earth

You're The Sun

Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may **** me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
“*** is the consolation you have when you can't have love”

“What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.”

“He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”

“Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry.”

'No matter what, nobody can take away the dances you've already had.'

“There is always something left to love.”

― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
1.1k · Nov 2014
A Mantra from Uranus~
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Refresh the water you are
follow the waves of Love
for love is what you made of
for Love is what you are

Oh My beautiful soul !
flowing in darkness with Victory
of your eternal flame
your Soul flame
to Rise and Shine
Again and Again..
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
I for ImagiNation
I for Integrity
I for Independence
I for Individuality

D for Dance
D for Dreams
D for Desires
D for Dare, Decision, Diversity and Deliverance!

All In One
One in All

I.Dare you

To Have The courage
To Dive Deep And Rise Above
The Sin Of Mediocrity

I Dare you my I.nner D.emon
I Dare you my I.nner D.ance

Now for ever and Again

The Beauty of your Brilliant Dreams Decoding your I.nner D.estiny
An Inner Dance To Dream On and Dare your Destiny..

I Dare you my Inner Demon..

Now for ever and Again!

- Your I.D card Please..

- Oh Holy Shift..

- What?

- ( ..... )



917 · Nov 2014
Dare Darling
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Truth and Dare
Just Because I Do Care
Unapologetic ******* me
Like the Moon like The Sun
That Shine Unapologetic in Silence

Why compromise?
Why pretend?
Why Aiming Low?
Theres no freedom in self denial, no Authenticity.

Close your eyes
Do you Know Anyone in this World Exactly Like You?
So Shut the **** Up
You Weird and StarDusty nasty Individual!

Dare Darling


Play The Game

Every lil thing counts
One step at a time
Baby steps and High Jumps
With Dignity and Grace
for your Soul's Embrace

Dare Darling

The World is in your Hands
Exciting Adventures for your
Body Spirit and Soul to Rise
Dive in
face your beautiful darkness
Release no judgment
and let your heart reborn with the Divine flame of compassion!

Unlock this brilliant forces
Bring Awareness
Your wisdom is a gift for you to release
In A mystic unique way
Get to Know your daimons
And Turn them into Diamonds
Turn your scarls into stars

No Rush Please!
Rush is Kind and Catalyst
But Not Always useful.

Notice your breathing

and Laughing At Life
Laughing at the Odds!
A New Perspective is Opening ..

And it's Blooming now Through you

The Trumpets following your Symphony of Love
Another Victory!


Cause no one ever told ya
That the ability to Reborn and Thrive is endless..

I trust you

Love you

But Dare

DARE Darling.

P.s: I DARE you..
882 · Mar 2015
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Lovers  speak the language of the Universe
They hold the infinite joy and smiles
lovers are reborn everyday
lovers are the new gold
lovers like you and me
we are the heavens melody
we bring new music in this new Era
Aetherial mystic directly to warm Our soul connection
Lovers speak Orenda!
In this Orenda I Surrender
In this Orenda We Surrender
were the miracles takes place
Lovers Lovers
infinite Lovers!
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
As you set out for Ithaka
hope the voyage is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them:
you’ll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

Hope the voyage is a long one.
May there be many a summer morning when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you come into harbors seen for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sensual perfume of every kind—
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to gather stores of knowledge from their scholars.

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you are destined for.
But do not hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you are old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you would not have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.

And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you will have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.
851 · Mar 2015
Thank you people
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
So many good people Out there
Thank you for your presence on this Breathtaking planet..
799 · Dec 2014
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
Joy and pain Your Victory Still Remains!
Can't hold my Tears
You Gave me Birth
to Faith and LOVE
You Risk Your Life!
its The Desire
The Responsibility for your Destiny..
Guided By your Soul Dream!
The Fights and the Flights
You Did it
I'm so proud of you!
Feel more GOOD News Are Coming our way
Like A butterflies and feathers Like Music from Above!


Liberty and Justice in an endless Tango
You moved my soul to tears
My Prayers and Acts became Real!
No words can describe
We are all connected
we know it!
LOVE Real Love and Lust for Life
is what counts!
No money can buy dignity
Nothing can buy Your Soul priceless Wilderness
You see?
Miracles Are A Part of The Dreamers Journey..
And You Did it No matter the Cost..

No fake Morals can buy integrity
No possessions can buy Values!
it takes Art and Lion Heart to be a Human
it takes a Wild heart to Be a Human my Love!
And YES! You Did it!
Cant stop my tears flowing
Tears of Joy Rushing all over me
Washing Away the Dust of the past
Let The LOVE Rise and Shine
One is Enough to Pave the Way
For a New Divine Era
A lion in You
A lion in Me
The Voice Of the Soul
Rise and Shine And Liberty!
Viva La Vida!
Viva la Revolution!
781 · Mar 2015
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
As the caterpillar is turning into a Butterfly
As the Darkest Hour is before the Dawn
As the winter gives Rise to A spring
As In all chaos there is cosmos
And  in all disorder theres a secret Order
That pivotal Moment..
A challenge for us to Thrive in and through Darkness
Such A  pivotal Moment !
A challenge for our burning Desire to Rise
Against all Odds!
Pirates and Sailors
Lovers and pretenders
Conformity mantras
Society's joke
For you to laugh in the face
And to Run Your Own Race
Follow your heart
Or follow the crowd
This is the Quest
That's All About
New Ocean New Life
To those who Dare
To Those who Care
You Are not Alone my Wild Mutineer!
An Army Of Angels By your side MY Wild Mutineer!
Go GO And Start the fight My Precious Mutineer!
Who Are they to let them stop your Dreams?
Who Are they to command all these lies?
Who made up these Rules?
Your Brave Heart is Enough for the fight
Your precious heart is enough for the flight
Youre A soldier Of love standing your ground
You're a Blessing in this Earth to be around
Integrity and Dignity no one can take it away from you
The gift from your ancestors to keep it ALIVE
Resist in the sirens song!
Trust in your Deep faith and silent Lion Roawr!
The journey is long the journey is violent
So violent and exciting!
Enter again and play the game
And you will never be the same again
Cut the cords of the past shame
Enter again the brilliant darkness
Your doubts are vanished in the Sun of your Soul
Your faith is leading the way for you to carry on..
Breath Deep and Shoot Out Loud
Victory Victory Victory !
707 · Nov 2014
Amor Omnia
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Do you Love me?
I wanna Love you more..
How can I love you more?
I Love my perfume on your skin
Your perfume on mine
You magic Individual..
Soldier Of Love.
my eternal flame..
Burning All my sorrows away..
I'm a wild crystal wave
rushing on your skin..
and broken Chains
Reminiscence of our love Victory
An Angel of Love
harmonious melodies
we can't ignore
There's more than this
Theres always more
More Beauty
More Truth
More freedom
More Responsibility
More Miracles
More Divine Acts
More You
More Me
mon Amour..
Marisia Delafuga Apr 2015
Just Do your self A favor to know and conquer the enemy within
no hesitation
so your breath and your Actions will become conscious in an instant
trust the process
it's only a transition..
you don't need to Die
there are many ways to conquer
and you always have a choice
just because you want
just because you can
just because you care
and now watch all your fears disappear as you gently move through them
release control
and wake up New..
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
The Best People In The World Are The One's Who Really Love you
And Care About You, Honor and Care About your presence
The Best People in the World Are the ones your heart sings for
The Best Age in your Life is  Now
The Best Moment In your Life is Now
The Best Place to Be in The World is Where you Are
The Best Place in The World is Here
The Best Movie in the World is The One you Dare To Create
The Best Story in the World is the One you re-Create
The Epic Love in The World is the One you cultivate within
And Dare to share with those who care
The Most Beautiful Human In The World Is The Infinite Eternal YOU
And Only YOU for Ever you My Love
Bless This Divine Beauty!
Time For A New Juice Journey from The Inside Out
Let It All Out Let It Blow you away
The Warrior Queen and The Warrior King inside  is crystal clear and is sending you mantras to kickass your day with Eternal Wisdom of Ages To the Song Of the Earth wind Fire and Water ..
Are you Listening?

Here Now Souls Singing and it's you Eternal YOU and You And You..
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Πάντα ανέβαινε.
Ακόμη πιο ψηλά.
Στη κορφή σε περιμένει η αγάπη
μ’ ένα μπουκέτο τριαντάφυλλα.
‘Ολο μπρος…’Ολο ψηλά.
Κι αν δε βρεις δρόμο
Στην αγάπη
δεν υπάρχουν δρόμοι έτοιμοι,
τους φτιάχνεις εσύ.
‘Εστω κι αν δεις
πως τα λουλούδια είναι ψεύτικα
κι η αγάπη -η ολόφλογη αγάπη-
ένας καπνός,εσύ ανέβα.
‘Εστω κι αν στην κορφή
αντίς για τριαντάφυλλα
σε περιμένει ένα μπουκέτο μαχαίρια,
εσύ ανέβα!
Και πες “ευχαριστώ”.
‘Οχι στα τριαντάφυλλα, όχι στα μαχαίρια.
Πες ευχαριστώ στη δύναμη,
που σ’ έκανε ν’ ανέβεις…
667 · Apr 2015
Phoenix Aura~
Marisia Delafuga Apr 2015
I've been through Hell, And I know it..
And This Time not only
I will Survive
I will win
We will WIN!

642 · Mar 2015
Be Kind
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
There people who suffer in Silence
At least dont hurt them
BE Kind
Have compassion
There people who suffer and
Xperience a deep pain
be kind
You Have NO ******* Idea what's going on inside them
At least have respect
And if not gotta remind you
That the moment you Don't respect others freedom n'pain
You instantly violate yours and the Universal laws.
Be Kind
Empathy is the new eternal Gold
Compassion takes courage
Be Brave enough to walk in to Others shoes
And if you cant at least Go Away
You Have NO Idea what's going on No no no.
Apathy is a sin
Be Kind with your soul and Others
Be Clear with your motives
This Universe is a Mirror reflection..
Be Kind And Kick some ***** along the way
For those who don't Honor the Beauty and The Wilderness in your Guts and Glory.
Be Kind.
You Know Nothing
At Least
Be Kind
In this fragile and priceless eternity
here now
A wind is blowing and taking Away all the Dust
I ll take care Of You
Take Good Care
In Mutual respect Flowers Blossom
seeds dealing with dirt to emerge the beauty they carry within
No LOVE can flourish if theres no Honesty and Deep Compassion
Radical Change in The Air
The Air of Compassion..
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
The Real Rejection and The Real Betrayal
Is not When they are rejecting you or Betray you
But when you Betray and Reject your Souls Dreams and Wisdom.
When you externalize your power
that has been given to you as a birth gift
to celebrate The divine gift of your UniQue and unrepeatable
Don't Be their Mirror..
Your value is still Remains Gold
realize it
568 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Where Are you re?

Please give me a sign
Whats going on?

Are you Ok?
you got me in agony!
I'm waiting for your love letter
yes! That card postal from Malaga..

Please gimme a sign

Hit me baby One more time...

No no..
I mean

I want ya!

I miss you a lil

A L I VE !



P.s: Do you Wanna Dance?
Marisia Delafuga Apr 2015
Have the courage to see inside what you have that no money can't buy
and move on higher with your life.

Have the courage to feel already that you are worthy of all the delight your heart and soul is yearning for.

have the courage to realize your internal beauty as a human being no matter what.

Expand your soul like an eagle wings before the flight..

enjoy each infinite moment of wisdom and please don't forget to laughing at  life while your guitar gently weeps.. ♫♪
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Excusez moi, Could you please help me finding the Jim Morrison's Tomb?
- We're searching too!
- Where Do you come from?
- I'm from Mars! haha.. Oh! well I'm currently living in Hellas
- Oh! We've been in Greece a week Ago.. and now we're carry on our
HolyDAYz in Paris and Then back in Mexico to our home..
- You Are Home.
Earth is your Home
- ...
Ah! Thank you ( Sacred Surprize in silence..)
Nice To meet you.

- You're Welcome.
Nice to meet you too..
521 · Apr 2015
Marisia Delafuga Apr 2015
Music Idols talking about *** and in essence have no idea what the real love is, attention ****** all with the same attitude and copy paste style.
What is it for? Is it Music?
Not everything that shines is gold..

Think, Question and feel it's not illegal yet..
the exceptional beauty is invisible in the eye

P.s: The Sky Now is giving the greatest performance with the stars shining for us my love..
517 · Nov 2014
A Cat's Dream
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
My Gorgeous cat is sleeping now
What s-He's dreaming?
Can you Imagine?
A wide Open space
To do A Lil parkur
and plenty of good food to eat
whenever s-He wants!
Wow! what a beautiful Meaw!
must be dreaming Of Cat LOVE
I feel it
You my Wild Cat
You my Freaking Hilarious cat
You're dreaming nothing but
Are you ready for pregnancy?
Or the test will Excite you to Hell?
But you're Dreaming
you're still dreaming
that's why you're innocent..

P.s: I left you some food for your cat friends too
&  Drink A Plenty Of Water Please.

Your's completely
508 · Nov 2014
The first Day
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Today is the day
The first day
A brand New Day
A brave New Day
No matter if it's Tuesday
Morning Shower
Got's The Power!
Whether You Like it Or Not
Today Awaits With New Glory
New Beauty
New Fight
For You To ReJoice
For Us To see
Pray For Vision And Clarity

To Rise And Shine!
The Smell Of gardenias
The Blowing Wind
The Touch Of your Beauty
It's All so new To me
Today is Such A BE YOU tiFULL Day..
LOVE Health And Happiness All the Way..

491 · Mar 2015
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Hello beautiful Darkness
Dreams forgotten
They Rise and Fall
It's time to leave
And I Run Away
I run Away
and We run run run
The Art of leaving
The Supreme Liberty
I forgot
They Are Dreams
To fire up your soul
Now I Surrender
In 2 you my Wild Dream
Lets go beyond
And Run
RUN RUN away from
scarcity and pretense
You Can Dream Again
You Can fly again my love
With you my spiritual wild child
Goodbye fears
Goodbye limited perspectives
Dreams are for real
Welcome sweet heartwarming Divine Love
The new Soul contract I re-write once Again
Take me in to your rapture
In this faith I surrender
with you my love
An Eagle Is flying High
And The Universe is Listening
The Universe is responding
Has A
New Song
For You
A New Life to Carry On
The Keys to your Kingdom
Are now in your hands..
Jump in or walk slow
whatever is good 4 your soul
Do that.
A Standing Ovation
Of An Inner Applause is what matters most.
Something Beautiful Is about to happen
And you have things to do..
Let's get Lost in Wilderness..
is velvet
dance closer
a new Understanding
A New Fire..
Embrace it!

It's YOUR Life
Precious Life.
481 · Mar 2015
The revenge of Beauty Vol1.
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Dealing with darkness
Is like Dealing with Roses
And you know what?
I LOVE my darkness
I see beauty in Rawness
I Respect Honesty
I thrive in darkness
I specialize in love
like Donna Summer once said..
And you Laughing like A Dude
but let's face it
Let's embrace it
The most wonderful things in life
Are the Ones you dare to Dream
Are the ones you Dare to Act.
I really can't understand why people discourage each Other
For me Everything's needs to change
I wont be a part of this echoing crowd
I wont be a part of the fake plastic Dreams
I am the change
I am the freedom
No games
No pretend
great music inside and Ahead
Hear it Roaring killing All your Doubts
So violent so bright..
We are here to encourage each Other
you my sistar and my brother
I see no reason to be against your soul
I see no meaning in this fake plastic world
paradoxically I let it be the fuel for my Ongoing journey
In my heart I trust In the rawness I embrace
There's a mental pollution
And reLOVEusin is the Only Solution
I am the Revolution
And You are the revolution If you want to
Dont Die with the music inside your soul
Now is the Time
Each moment is sacred each  moment is a new life
everythings breathing
Everythings heartBeating
Everythings Dancing
The beauty and the beast is inside..
Let's conquer our shadows and thrive
I send you silent blessings
And my love is embracing you
My wild love is warming your soul
keep Love your heart
Why compromise?
Let your Golden miracles take Flight!
Love and Music is by your side
and we're traveling like the speed of Light..
Pure intentions
peace of mind
Acceptance and release
the beauty and the beast.
464 · Mar 2015
poetry inside
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Poems made of pain
Poems made of passion
You Don't choose poetry
It chooses you..
Oh my Holy Madness
Such A MystiQue Such An Awe!
My Soul is Roaring
My Soul's On fire

447 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
how can I unfollow ?
I press the freakin button but it doesnt work

i would appreciate an information.
I'm playing fair

fond of liberty and Justice

thank you
443 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Hey you!
As you are flirting with worries
the fire Of compassion Explodes within..
This Joke has to stop
Someday Somehow,
Blame the Universe Blame the Chaos
It's easy my love..
So now, You and Your soul in A brand New Era..
How it feels to be this ******?
How it feels to Reborn again from this fire?
isn;t a surprise now?
You Did it!
Here Now and Ahead On..
Miracles flowing dancing exploding your way home..
424 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
They Do Exists
Feel Them..
Listen to Them..
In every Breath you take
In your free will
In sacred Silence
In Resurrection
In every manifestation
In your flash sparks of Joy!
In compassion and Understanding


What A blessing to realize!
How Beautiful to feel
An Army Of Angels By your side
All the way your soul to sing!
411 · Mar 2015
Parallel Universe
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Oh Lord This Music still penetrates my soul
Music baby this Divine music within and Around us
Like a Lovespeed to release and realize.

Sweet Surrender Sweet Delight Sweet sweet music..
Who knows where it came from?
May be from a parallel Universe
In this universe now flowers Blossoms
and spreading this aether scent like angels
A Good News Angels!
404 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
The Recovery is in your hands
Overcoming this pain
Each and Every single day
A sacred Remedy
Your Faith and Invisible inner work
A Light is surrounding you now
A Light That gently warms your Heart
And Every single cell
For Your perfect Health and Healing
Our Love
Our Pure Intention
Gives speed for you to overcome it
We are Together
We are One
We are All in to this
And This Shall Overcome
An Angel is kissing you
And Our Love is pave the way for your
Brave New Life!
In Mind
All over you
All The way
402 · Dec 2014
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014

402 · Mar 2015
my man
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
I love you my man
you are my man
this is a silly poetry
for silly lovers
just like you and me
together we make magic
together we are the infinite DANCE!
397 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Seven Angels
Seven Sins
Seven Miracles
The 7-pointed star
7 heavens hells
7 pillars of wisdom
7 rays of the sun
7musical notes
7 ancient wonders of the world
7 circles of Universe
7 cosmic stages
7 days of the week

Seven nation Army could't Hold me Back!

To be Continued..
392 · Mar 2015
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
One thing that I Have Learned Along my journey Is that the inability to face Reality by denying it or suppressing it surely Doesn't work.
I wanna tell you that in this pretty wild thing Called LIFE there is
ABSOLUTELY ******* Everything. Oh YES! And I mean it Absofuckinglutely Everything. There's no need to protect your soul from life since you're Already the life!
there is no need to be in a constant fight.
Take it As it is and rebuilt your own Fire, your own tribe!
Honesty is the foundation in facing our inner demons
To regain our inner peace and Your Soul.
If I were A Child Again I would just Listen and embrace this lil soul and I would say to this lil girl that " In this Life there is Everything, Don't wait in vain , there is madness, there is huge light and huge darkness, take it as it is and MOVE On! Move On With Your Life!
NO matter what.  The situations will test your Desire for change!
And Reveal your darkest aspects to shine A Light on them.
Your Soul is a protagonist! You are the Value you are the meaning.

ReSTART again!


TRUST in your Instincts! Yes TRUST In your Instincts please.
Respect your needs enough and laughing at the society's joke!
You Are the Artist in this life so let's make a masterpiece were your soul is laughing and don't believe the lies in your brain. Ignore all the voices that doesn't came from a deepest love, ignore all the liars lil by lil, feel your dreams and feel your waves! And now lets water our brilliant Dreams.."
There is A Voice inside whispering the secrets of your universe!
Where Does this Voice is came from?
Is Your souls Voice!
Have faith in this Beauty
And from a state of powerlessness you transition into a powerful state
From a victim state you slowly becoming a Victor
I wanna connect this distance
gracefully wisely faithfully and fearlessly  with all my passion
and my primal instincts! You may call it resurrection
And in this Acceptance I find a joy and support to Ride My waves!
My life waves!
And I Love them I LOVE them All
Being ALIVE is ABlessing
We are Still Alive and that really means A LOT..
I want more
more spring
more laughs
more tears of joy
more peace
more thrills
more reliefs
more joy
more Love
more Release n' Catharsis
more Abundanceflow
more Awe
More Inspiration To ACT on!
More Beauty
more good music
more Rise and Shine
more Delicious taste
more Aetherial scent
more HOLY Days
More Cool Summer Breeze
more Rise and Shine
more Truth and Dare
more Humans with Kindness
more wisdom in our consciousness
more simplicity
more Angel Kisses
more more more
to blown me away..
363 · Mar 2015
Freedom of speech?
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Responding to Darkness with Darkness is it a Solution?
Responding to fanaticism with fanaticism is it a Solution?
Is this A freedom?
In the name of freedom? In the name of LOVE?
By being The Mirror of their injustice by recycling the ignorance is it Really worth it through the eyes of eternity?
Who Are you to judge others cause they sin Different than you?
The Best way to meet your needs is through LOVE
And LOVE Liberates In Love there is Truth
A Silent Truth That Liberates!
Live And Let Live!
So The muddy water will become Clear Again
To Do The Butterfly Dance
Free from the baggage
To give your self the justice and the freedom of Abuse
What matters most is How you Rising again through fire..
361 · Mar 2015
la poesía es la libertad!
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
There's A Poetry in saying what you really feel
Pure Xpression is Magick
And This is Poetry
Feel your feelings
The sensitive areas within
No distraction
No excuses
Refresh the water of your soul
Be present
and thats really A present!
To you and the Universe
I'm ALIVE Baby!
We Are Alive Dude!
360 · Nov 2014
The Rhythm
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
It's The Rhythm my darling
The Magic Rhythm inside
the Cosmic heartbeat
Directly related with the universe
it's the pulse, the flame the dance within
The Love this Wild Such A WILD force in the Air
Catch it and let it gently Sock you with thrills and ecstasies
Let Doubts away
So your deeper faith to Lead the way
Oh! I wanna storm more of all this magic feeling
but now it's time to go!

P.s: Please Dance.
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
Have power
are the secret weapon
a pray
and a message
Across the Water
Across the Air
A flame to Arise
for our Soul to bare
A Gospel to you I send
This Invisible energy
vibrates with the cosmic dance
unites with this Holy force
This Rhythm Divine
A New Life
A new Flame
Liberty and Justice
to bring
For your Body and Soul
To Rise Up Within..

347 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
One Revolution
One Soulution
One Touch
One can make a huge difference
One Love
One fire
One Electricity
One Universe
One Law Of Attraction
One Vision
One me
One You
One We.
O n e

339 · Dec 2014
Thank You Hello Poetry
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
I Just want to express my gratitude to Hello Poetry
and to all beautiful strangers and poetic individuals
for the presence and the rawness they dare to share.

Thank you

Bless you !

Love and Appreciation~  
325 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
You are my love
You are the Cat that I adore
You are a poetry
A stylish figure to Rule the World
Could you tell me what do you Think
when you're watching me singing you
my new songs?
309 · Nov 2014
A Butterfly message☆
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
We're Going Through Hell and We Know it
And it's Ok baby it's all fine
it's not our first time
You're not wrong
**** the stigma
Understand when Society speaks through you
Understand when it's The Soul's Voice..
Listen Hard your own Soul
You're here To Overcome
I'm Here To Overcome
We are here to Overcome
Why pretend?
it's Exhausting
How can you Do this to your  Beautiful Soul?
it Takes Truth and Dare
for you to reborn again !
And I wanna see you Fly
Like A Butterfly
I'm here to Listen
For us to standing strong together and Beat the ignorance
to cry out your wounds and rain love in your fertile ground
For you to blossom through the seeds of chaos and pain
The Most unique Flowers!
for us to celebrate this Metamorphosis
Your Metamorphosis.
Take A look in The Mirror..
It's me in you
reflections of what our reality we choose to make of..
Take A look in the Mirror and What do You see?
You're still Beautiful Magic eternal being
As you gently crawling into your cocoon
Please have the patience for your new Wings to Emerge!
You have to go crazy a lil
Allow and Surrender
Embrace this Dark beauty
Embrace this Delight
We're going Through Hell and We know it
for your brave NEW life to Explode
I love you anyway
I love you in every step you make
I love you just because it's you
I'm Grateful that you are Alive
please don't Die Before you die
Don't Be One Of Them
You Are an Exception that Rules!
Have the courage to unlock this Opportunity within
You are a miracle
Let This Love come in..
304 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Leave all The Odds
With Exclamation
and then in a Wonder..

How the Hell S-h-e Did it?

Oh Well..
It started as a Quest..
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