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261 · Nov 2014
A Butterfly message☆
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
We're Going Through Hell and We Know it
And it's Ok baby it's all fine
it's not our first time
You're not wrong
**** the stigma
Understand when Society speaks through you
Understand when it's The Soul's Voice..
Listen Hard your own Soul
You're here To Overcome
I'm Here To Overcome
We are here to Overcome
Why pretend?
it's Exhausting
How can you Do this to your  Beautiful Soul?
it Takes Truth and Dare
for you to reborn again !
And I wanna see you Fly
Like A Butterfly
I'm here to Listen
For us to standing strong together and Beat the ignorance
to cry out your wounds and rain love in your fertile ground
For you to blossom through the seeds of chaos and pain
The Most unique Flowers!
for us to celebrate this Metamorphosis
Your Metamorphosis.
Take A look in The Mirror..
It's me in you
reflections of what our reality we choose to make of..
Take A look in the Mirror and What do You see?
You're still Beautiful Magic eternal being
As you gently crawling into your cocoon
Please have the patience for your new Wings to Emerge!
You have to go crazy a lil
Allow and Surrender
Embrace this Dark beauty
Embrace this Delight
We're going Through Hell and We know it
for your brave NEW life to Explode
I love you anyway
I love you in every step you make
I love you just because it's you
I'm Grateful that you are Alive
please don't Die Before you die
Don't Be One Of Them
You Are an Exception that Rules!
Have the courage to unlock this Opportunity within
You are a miracle
Let This Love come in..
260 · Mar 2015
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
“Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through anyone that suits you.”
― Jim Morrison
244 · Dec 2014
You Say Revolution?
Marisia Delafuga Dec 2014
You Say Revolution Darling?

( To be continued )

P.s: I can't write more right now 'cause the Aliens Are taking m
244 · Nov 2014
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
You Are
235 · Nov 2014
Love Letters
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
221 · Nov 2014
Sacred Number 9
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014

I love 9
It's seems like Laughing..

You See?
214 · Mar 2015
Change 4 Good
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
I want A change
A freedom
from the mental n' emotional
invisible chains
An Angel is by my side
I can feel it
The release is coming..
The release is near..
The release is here..
168 · Nov 2014

— The End —