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Maria Shabalin Feb 2022
These streets are awake
The lights offer a path to follow
Look up and not down to see
The treetops and brims of sky
Look out to see the painted houses
Of brick and melted yellow
Nowhere to be seen is order
The chaos is what makes it
Beyond words, beyond eyes.
It houses nostalgia of youth
It fears and celebrates death.
This city is mine but not for long
How I'll miss its descendants
Its language of old
The battered, the beaten
All the untold
Brooklyn. My city, my home. I hated you for so long- only because I could not find the strength to find the beauty within me. Brooklyn, you're alright;)
Maria Shabalin Aug 2021
Here I am months later pining over a memory
A false hope I had made into a fantasy
I made the future in a cold white room
Where I faced my demons but avoided doom
I screamed I am afraid of the dark
Even though the fluorescent lights created the brightest spark
My delusions formed in an instant
I saw your face and an infant
The room became familiar
Only a second later was it sinister
They laid me down in a cross
I gained security, there was no loss
I know this means nothing to you
However, all of it is true.
I’m neurodivergent so how can I possibly conform? #daliandIdreamtogether
Maria Shabalin May 2021
Distant shores of France,
Toward you I advance,
Looking for your water.
The sun seems to beam down,
Oppressing the nearby town,
Where I sit talking to a doctor's daughter.
Her clothing looks so chic,
I dare the boy next to me to speak,
Enchanting him with my eyes.
Dare I say this is my place,
I run around the forest with haste,
Expecting a strange man to become wise.
I feel safe at the stump of a tree,
Imagining a family of three
Beautiful birds chirping in the sunlight.
What will happen to me when I get gray and old?
Will I remember the stories I once told,
The ones that brought me joy and fright?
I guess we will just have to see,
Go along with the processes that be,
Dreaming of our youth when it has gone.
I will always admire the country,
Looking upon the sea and its bounty,
Alongside the doctor's daughter until dawn.
I really want to visit France.
Maria Shabalin May 2021
Send me away to Moscow or Vienna
To avoid the collapse of an era
You never did ask me
How it was I felt about being free?  
Everyday slaving away to find the comfort
Of a bottle in a set of three
Walking through the night
Followed by screams of ‘I am right’
The vision you seek is narrow and tainted
Do you not see that Life is what is painted?
Look beyond yourself when you are sailing
Remember that instead of failing
To think of me when you are liberated
From the bonds of the antiquated
My faith in you does dwindle
We circle around within a spindle  
The thread getting torn
Moving farther into the forlorn
What about childhood did not feel right?
Instead of loving me we fight
We can walk hand in hand
And play like children in the sand
If you would only apologize
And throw out this awful guise  
We can sway like poppies in the summer
Quietly holding onto each other
That is what I long for
For without you life is just a bore
Old beliefs and hard drinking do not create a symphony. My words to you when you hurt me ring true like a melody. Hear it and you will know that a poem is not for the suffering soul. That is the truth to the prevailing myth of the Poet.
Maria Shabalin Mar 2021
I threw my cigarette in your luggage
Thinking it was trash
How was I supposed to know
That you had become so attached
To belongings in a case
That will eventually disintegrate?
Turning my grandad’s hilarious misdoings into philosophy. He can’t see very well. Tried to throw his cigarette out in my aunt’s carry on.
Maria Shabalin Feb 2021
Desire I have to be a great,
Desire, lost and won.
I have it in my heart,
For in my many lives I have seen
What treacheries come about
When it may run deep.
I know this place feels foreign,
For I am of seventeen.
I have not made a home,
And there is none to be seen.
Desire for a home arises,
And I must put it away,
For love of all things is to
The poets dismay.
We all love desire, and,
We desire to die,
For we do not know,
Or, perhaps do not have
The means to live.
Desire is the root of all suffering.
Maria Shabalin Feb 2021
Golden buildings and cypress trees
Information that held the soul
Intact and nurtured we would go
To the place to learn the art.
It was not about the test,
This understanding would rest,
Forever lingering about us.
Quickly breathing in the morning
A chilly cycle of the afternoon.
A warm smile in the corner
A straight face in the corridor
A moment with you would
make it all better.
Tell me you got that letter
I sent to the back of class.
This poem details my senior year of high school. I would ride my bright blue bike to school on the chilly winter mornings, past the golden buildings and the cypress tree next to the water. After my last class, which was art history, I would do it all over again- all the way home. Best year of my life.
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