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yellow pasture
sitting resplendent,
drinking water.
trees submerged in a balmy sea of air
don casual green boughs
and i'm sitting
god slipped me just between the yellow sky
and the yellow grass
of the pasture

that is where the Only Traveled Path leads
but a stinging noise began in the corner of the sky
and who knows why?

and what comes after?
I looked for love
In a bottle of *****
Spilling out my soul on everyone's tongue
They swallowed my love down their throat.
Calling it spit, they came to me with open arms
And smiles in their shy eyes making me believe I found love in a person with shy eyes
But I only loved how they smelt like alcohol when they whispered my name, or when they lifted up my shirt with hands full of bad intentions. Even the times I knew I shouldn't , I always did. I liked the way they watched me undress, like they wanted me. But only because I was stripping naked in front of them and guys like that just wanted to feel something. I thought I was loving people, but I was hating them, giving all my anger to them for pleasure only to find myself in the same spot
Falling in love
With a bottle of ***** dripping down my throat
Hey Jealous foolish woman
       I don't even know your name
        Mine is written on this page
           I'm not the one ashamed

        Poets singing dreams to you
         versing ink stained sheets
        You haven't really got a clue
         as they sit about your feet

        no need for Jealous words
          it's really all fair game
          Poetry and love that is
       I'll put your heart to shame

     You think you're such a mystery
         I know the kind you are
          You and I have history
            I left with open scars

        Jealousy I'm killing you
           by my Poison Pen
         Stupid thought to have
          my lil ' Jealous friend

         I might seem so naive
       but I am so much more
          I really can't believe
        you're antics such a bore

          Have some self respect
            act more dignified
              show a little class
           you need it simplified?

            go hide in a corner
       like the beaten dog you'll be
         taking nasty bites
       won't get the best of me

       You couldn't just fight fair
       I barely touched the blade
       didn't drop a bit of blood
        As down your pen is laid

Cherie Nolan © 2016
For Gwendolyn Farrar, Aeerdna.. my Gypsy sisters & Dyrr Keusseyan- remember Poetic Justice, my man SydRivers, Stephan, Papaya, JamesA... thank you for inspiring my Rhymes and being so  thoughtful it with your comments  this is also for everyone else who isn't jealous or spiteful!
Love conquers all. : )
My friend the giant sleeps in a field
where dreams, posies and grass grow

The wind gusts blow over him and pass through
down to the meadow from which the water flows

From meadow to lake, from lake to sea
the wind and water walk by and by

Tidal forces drive one to drive another
by an eternal force that never dies

Through night and day all over the world
from skyscrapers to farmers hay

Follow the wind on it's endless flight
back to where the giant lay
Who bends the wind
folds it up
puts it in the envelope
then will send

Who gathers the sun
like a flock
bottles it then
says it's done

Who ropes my emotional
ties it and then binds it
in black and red ribbons
it's not fictional

Who teases the vessel
filling the void
where even the left
has a right to wrestle

Come vapor ***** . . . dream
permanate . . . decorate
you titillate in love's
sweet scheme

When ? Then I am left alone
the walls still stand
The night wails as comes the dawn
The heart longs for home
I found sanctuary
in every line I wrote
for my tongue
cringed at the mere
thought of saying it

I found peace in every
pencil stroke that created a word
too heavy for my heart to carry

I found serenity
in the sound of turning pages
as they filled with stanzas
stories and random ideas
that my voice could not voice

I found strength
in every time I held
that blank page from turning
and seeing the unwritten
through my mind's eye
creating itself

I found uniqueness
in the way I integrated
"what I could not say"
"what I can write"

I found a way
to embody memories
and bring them to life
every time the tip of my pencil
touches that blank slate

I found a way to talk to you
and word *****
things I'd never imagine
my mouth would utter

At least I found a
a way!!
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