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I  w a s  l e f t,

  m    a
  i      t
  e    b
  r    e
   a     s
      b     t

   D a n c i n g      o n   t h e   e d g e
\a n c i n g /         o n  t h e  e      
\n c i n g /        o n  t h e   d      
\c i n g /       o n  t h e   g      
\i n g /        o n  t h e   e      
\n g /        o n  t h e   o      
\g /        o n  t h e    f      
         V              e d g e                 


 Oct 2014 Mandi Carozza
I've eaten my sickness
and I've no room for seconds.
Yellow, Cadmium, Aureolin, Lemon
It's the shades of your true nature.

Sheen, Spring Bud, Bitter Lime, Lime
It's the other side of you.

The day when I met you is Lemon,
Drowning me into the watery trap of yours
Lemon in Water, that's how you cast a spell on me.

Sour, it's the taste of waiting for you
Bitter, you left me rotten and lost
Sweet, it's when you smile to me
Refreshing, the reason why I look forward toward tomorrow
Plain, the black truth behind your kindness
Sour+Bitter, the days when I must forget about you

Lemon, Lime,
I got addicted to your freshness,

Lime, Lemon
You stir me up like a juice,

Those dream felt so real

I should've known, that I never belong to you, ever.
It's been a long time since I upload another poem. A lot of things happen so fast that I could't express it properly, and so here I am! another weird ones :') a recent heartbreak...

— The End —