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 Feb 2017 Mahima Sharma
The setting was beautiful..
Some forest somewhere as green as envy itself..
There was a very calm river with a covered bridge that ran over it..
The bridge was all white and looked like a house..
I went inside and found that the ground was made of glowing green grass..
The walls were made of dirt with flowers growing out of them..
The smell was so nice..
It seem cooler inside the bridge..
I walked on through bare foot..
The flowers were now an aura of colors..
Endless colors..
I awoke from this dream..
And I can't stop thinking about it..
I crossed a bridge in my dreams. A bridge that I made over a river inside of me..
Not so long ago
in this land of Poetry
you see

I was Used, Abused
and Misused
and like that wasn't  

I was then Stripped, Ripped
and Flipped
Stomped, Cursed
and Kicked

And finally,
Finally when I thought
they were done with me

Well this ringleader,
Mr. So and So
His pride
must've been really sore
Not exactly sure why though
He wasn't satisfied
Until he gave me more
An experience on Hello Poetry
 Feb 2017 Mahima Sharma
You can ignore me,
but remember that you once loved me.
Yes, it hurts me sometimes,
but then I remember what you've done.
Taking screenshots of my loyal love,
and making fun of me for my feelings.
Thinking my heart was just a pawn,
a pawn in a board game that you'll forget about.
This bitterness against you isn't me being a crazy ex girlfriend,
it's me being human and having feelings.
I just don't understand how you could tell me that you loved me,
but leave me for the girl whom you told me you couldn't stand,
and do this all in one day.

— The End —