Though I face the yelling loud,
I'd like to make my daddy proud.
A's, B's, and one C,
Never will it be a victory.
No I can't be like my big sis,
Tests 99%, only one miss.
I try so hard,
With a good report card.
Still can't give you a smile.
Even when I twirl,
I'm not daddy's little girl.
I stand on my toes,
To be right under your nose.
You look past me,
And yet I'm still not free.
I'm doing pliés at the barré,
While you're at the bar.
Why can't I make you proud?
Oh how I wish I was your son,
So I wouldn't want to be undone.
We'd play catch and drink a beer,
Then I wouldn't have this fear.
Of disappointing you again,
Feeling all that pain.
I can't keep doing this to myself.
Instead you shut me out,
I have many reasons to pout.
I haven't seen you in a year,
I shed a tear.
I miss you,
Even if you don't miss me too.
It's time to find someone who loves me.