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 Feb 2021 luz maria
aiden (2)
 Feb 2021 luz maria
i don't think i'll ever forget you
you'll move on, and i'll be stuck
i'm not bitter,
i just remembered
how much you made me feel
 Feb 2019 luz maria
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
 Nov 2018 luz maria
mari j
 Nov 2018 luz maria
mari j
sometimes i forget
the universe never wanted me
in the first place

so now i must
fight harder, breathe deeper,
become stronger,

all to let her know
that i am here;
and i am here to stay
 Nov 2018 luz maria
B Elizabeth G
Today I missed you...

     but missing you is an empty jar
     that once contained wrays of
     Now it is nothing more
     than a jar...

          You see...

                tomorrow, I'll remember
                all the reasons why
                we are galaxies away
                when we used to be
                a couple of moons
                that spun in the same orbit...

Tomorrow, you'll be gone again,
but today...

     today I wanted to open the jar
     and hope I found that same
     and today I wanted to catch a
     to the closest moon in your solar

          But missing you is empty...
                        Empty Jar
                        Empty Space
 Oct 2018 luz maria
Hanna Jordan
I want to drink away
the memory of you
but the alcohol running
down my throat doesn't
burn nearly as much
as the pain of my
the day I decided
to walk away

 Oct 2018 luz maria
At least say something.
Please don't leave without saying anything,
It causes me pain that you won't have to witness.
But it makes me wonder,
Did I do something wrong?
 Oct 2018 luz maria
Eleanor Rigby
Your smile is a million suns
The galaxy never knows night
When you're happy.

-- Eleanor

— The End —