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 Jun 2018 luci
Megan Grace
my hands are tired from
having no purpose
so why don't you take
the load off and
slip your fingers through
This rain is driving me insane with lighting and thundering oh how much will you put me in pain
I need my lover right here next to I'm about to explode from within my inside of me
I need your touch and your lips on me.... while my heart is beating fast with every legs are weak and start to shake...bring your body and lay

on top of me. As I rub my hands all over your body and my lips start to kiss your neck... I need you so badly you making my body sweat...just take me and I'm yours...
then kids come into the room I wake up to it was only a dream...
All I can say is **** I was about to explore
 Jun 2018 luci
 Jun 2018 luci
Three things that should always be strong.
Poetry, and You.
 Jun 2018 luci
 Jun 2018 luci
we'll make love on the shore
beneath the trees of sycamore
a lilac scent in the air
my fingers run through your hair
your mouth leaves marks on my skin
I can't suppress a silly grin
I feel your hand run up my thigh
my legs open, your reply
and as the tide begins to shift
your mouth gives a splendid gift
all at once, I feel you tense
your love for me, too immense
once you have come inside
and after you are satisfied
I feel your tongue further down
in this pleasure, I could drown
I'll ride the waves and let go
my heart is now set aglow
so let's make love by the shore
and I'll feel you in me once more
I attempted rhyming **** with limited success.
 Jun 2018 luci
Natalie Welinski
She had never spoken a word
Her mind and body pushed into a single form
Society gave no sympathy
The anger inside her was at its point
Her rage gave way to a bitter side
Her thoughts had finally reached the sea
An open expanse
To which her mind spilled
Flowing away from her conscious
The impact of her voice    
Was still, not heard
 Jun 2018 luci
Finding us
 Jun 2018 luci
Come with me to the boardwalk and wander down to the turbulent blue sea.
Come with me to the fire and let the shadows of the flames dance across your face.

Take me back to the sandy white shore with the cool waves lapping at my feet.
Take me back to the yellow sun high in the sky, warming my face.

Follow me down the rough path and feel the cool stones on your feet.
Follow me up the steep hill and stare at the moon’s inviting face.

Get in the car and leave the lonely world in the rear view mirror.
Get to the top of the mountain and watch your fear hide its face.

Bring your best and your worst and we will explore it all together.
Bring me to the first place you felt truly alive and we will basque in its face.

Let us get lost in the inky night sky, and never find home.
Let us get lost in the abyss of each others eyes, forever staying face to face.
This poem type is called Ghazal. In it you will have between 5 and 15 stanzas with 2 lines each. The second sentence should always end with the same word. In mine it is face. The stanzas should be able to stand alone but also work together. I really enjoyed this piece as it is different from what I normally write.
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