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  Dec 2019 Cody
Today my friend told me
I was acting strange
I gave her the
of a sugar high
But really,
I was just being
  Dec 2019 Cody
Christy Sandhu
even in the stillness of death she looked so beautiful
  Dec 2019 Cody
i want to write my pain out,
but it won't drip through my pen
it's been stuck there for five years,
a rotting clot inside my head.
  Dec 2019 Cody
the ethereal girl
could be
seasonal depression
or could be
lacking any friends
i don’t know.

and please don’t try to tell me “oh you have friends- you really do” or “find new friends” because trust me- I know them- and I don’t want to associate with them and I live in too small of a town to find other friends.
  Dec 2019 Cody
She is but a dream;
a dream that would not fade,
even long after waking up.
And will remain a dream.

A meager attempt after a long break.
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