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745 · Feb 2014
sightless world
louis rams Feb 2014
She was born in a sightless world, never knowing
The beauties all around, but enjoyed and knowing every sound.
Her hearing had become so defined, she could tell
The dropping of a dime.
The sounds of a car, truck, or motorbike
No two sounds were ever alike.
She knew the sound of each bird high up in the trees
And the sound of a cricket in the summer breeze.
Being sightless did not mean that she could not see
Her hands took away the mysteries.
With just touching a picture would form in her mind
To be seen as clear as day, and wipe all her doubts away.
She would run her fingers around your face
Feeling every line and every space.
She had all the gifts that GOD had given
And making life truly worth living.
With her keen hearing she could tell what was in your heart
And if you was in love – or your heart being torn apart.
Her life was about as normal as can be, but she had her
Human desires and needed a love to put out the fire.
Then her dream finally came true, when a friend told her
“I’m in love with you”!
Her parents told her – “listen to his heart and you will see
If this love is meant to be”!
She listened to his heart like a doctor with a stethoscope
And his heart did beat true – that this man’s in love with you.
Her sightless world is now complete as her heart skips a beat.

© L . RAMS
740 · Nov 2013
two sinner hearts
louis rams Nov 2013
I saw this sister with her hands folded in prayer
With tears rolling down her face, not knowing I was there.
I heard her words so softly spoken saying:
“Dear GOD “I give you my heart and soul
So that you can make this sinner once again whole.
Like a sheep I have strayed and lost my way
And with you is where I want to stay!
I must join your flock once again
So that I can be with family and friends.
The world out there is bitter and cold and wolves all around
Waiting for me to let my guard down.
They say a sinner’s life could be joyous and fun
But I was never told- my life would be undone.
Lead I back LORD I pray- from your side I will not stray.
While listening to her I recalled why I came
Cause in my heart I was feeling the same.
I sat down beside her and she knew right away
She reached for my hand and we began to pray.
There was a feeling of relief that filled the air
And our lives with GOD we knew we’d share.
It was two sinner hearts that had gone astray
And through prayer we found our way.
735 · Jan 2014
animal abusers
louis rams Jan 2014
I had sensed the presence of someone near
I looked around and there was no one there
Then the feeling got stronger by the minute
As I frantically looked around- then looked to the ground.
There at my feet was the presence that I felt
Of a puppy with cuts and welts.
I could see the abuse as the tears rolled down my eyes
As I started to scream and cry.
“Who can abuse an animal this way?
The one who did this by the law must pay!
I gently picked him up and said: it’ll be alright!
As his tail wagged in delight.
I put him in my car and took him to the nearest vet
He also had a broken leg which the doctor did set.
With antibiotics and pills for pain, yet some of those
Scars will still remain.
I bought from the vet what I would need
Food and medicines on which he would feed.
When I got home, he was fed- then I laid him in his bed.
So he could rest his weary head.
Then he looked up at me with his big brown eyes. And let out a quiet sigh.
With time he started to heal, and his leg he could feel.
The police said they used puppies to train pit bulls to fight
As they were told by the dog fighting ring they busted one night.
I named him survivor because of everything he went through
“Now tell me this: what would you do?”
735 · Sep 2012
the rapist she fought back
louis rams Sep 2012

I was coming home late from a date, and did not look
To see if anyone was around or was following me.
When out of the darkness he jumped out
And put his hand on my mouth.

Then put a knife to my throat and told me
“don’t be stupid if you want to live
To me your body you will give.”

She was always told : “don’t put your life in harms way
And if you can - run away”.
And if someone grabs you from behind
You must stomp on his foot as hard as you can
He will loosen up his hand.    ( which she did)

She swung her arm back as hard as she could
The pain in his crotch - he understood.
He dropped the knife and released his hold
She ran so fast - before her legs got cold.

Now there is a reason for this poem I must tell.

I always told my daughter : to always look around
And to listen for any unfamiliar sound
Preventive medicine can always help you through
If you know just what to do.

p.s. this is just a story -but can happen.
735 · Mar 2014
NEW YORKS tar beach
louis rams Mar 2014
Living in NEW YORK CITY and going to tar beach
For most NEW YORKERS this was a treat.
Taking your beach chairs, towels, and blankets
And a radio to the roof.
Some would come up with shirts and pants
As the roofers began to dance.
And seeing the treetops in the park.
We did not need to go to concerts downtown
All you had to do was look around.
We would lie on the blankets taking in the sun
Or dancing to the music and having lots of fun.
We would gather as groups and start to harmonize
With every roof joining in – it is easy to visualize.
A crescendo of voices floating in the air
With people looking out their windows
And their voices they would share.
A water hose connected to an apartment below
Where we could cool off and water balloons to throw.
You could take your suburbs, your farms and little towns
But nothing to compare to the NEW YORK CITY sounds.
growing up in n.y in the 50's &60's
731 · Feb 2012
my quest
louis rams Feb 2012

I have put myself on a quest
To turn my life around and do my best
So many things that go on in life
And having to make a sacrifice.

There is nothing in life that comes easy you know
And you have to struggle and put on a show
The show of life is on a stage
And there is so much to gain.

We are all actors in this game of life
And reaching our goal is mighty nice.
But most of us are just backups
In all that we do, and we never seem to follow thru.

So I am on this quest to follow all that my heart may say
For I know that it will lead me the right way.
It will open up doors that I’ve yet to open
So that I may see all the beauties inside
And there will be nothing that life can hide.

Life without love is unimaginable and it can never be
If you try to hide your love from me.
Love is the stage where we all gather
To find out what truly matters.

Join me in this quest , this search for love
For it was sent from up above
We need each other like the plants need water
Like the sun needs the moon
Let us not end it so soon.

I love you and I know that you love me
And this is the way it was meant to be.
My quest is now over for my search is through
I guess I knew that when I saw you.
730 · May 2013
louis rams May 2013
Adopted (story)

There’s a tale that I must tell
Of a heart that I knew quite well.
This heart dwelled within her chest
And had given its very best.

Love and compassion had filled this heart
But it was taken advantage of from the start.
This love and compassion was given
Freely to children in pain
But to the adoption agencies
It was just a game.

“ sell the child to the highest bidder”
You work for us - we have no quitters!
Take them for all the money that you can
This is part of the company plan.
And promise them what you must
For in us they put their trust.

If they want a particular type of child
Then they will have to wait a while.
We can give them what they want
If the price is right.
But it will not be overnight.

If they just want a child, and there
Is no preference to how it must be.
We will fill the contract gladly.

We have black children, white children
Oriental too.
We’ll do what we must - to satisfy you.

Now her heart was overflowing
And she knew where she was going.
She went to the D C S where her
case she would rest.

The Department of Children s Services was
Already building a case, because
Of so many civilian complaints.
Now with the case pending
Where to place them, the judge was rendering.

“ I will take them if I can, for I have more
Than enough land.
I have a ranch with more than enough rooms
Give them to me it’s not too soon.

Do a background check, which I know you must
For in the system I put my trust.

One month later, they was living under their roof
For the courts had gotten the proof.
She raised the children like her own
And to the courts it was shown.

Now she can share her heart, and the children
Can have a brand new start.


louis rams
728 · Jul 2010
louis rams Jul 2010
I’m living my life the way I want to
No one’s going to tell me what to do.
I’ve got to make my own mistakes
And if it’s wrong then it’s my fate.

You’ve already lived your life and like most
Mistakes you’ve made quite a few
That is what we all seem to do.
I’ll make mine so I can’t pass the blame
And I’ll hang my head in shame.

I am young and a teen, and there is
So much in life to be seen.
I’ll make mistakes, I know that’s true
But it’s something that I have to do.

I love you mom and dad , and I know you care
But you can’t live my life
It’s just not fair.
You should know for you went through the same
And on your parents “ did you pass the blame?”

The dress, the talk, the way we look at life
We do not think about it once or twice.
We just do what’s in that style
And we’ll grow out of it in a little while.

Trust your children “ mom and dad”
For your future is our plan.
725 · Oct 2012
louis rams Oct 2012
Some say I’m over weight- while some say I’m fat.
I say I’m big ***** - my doctor told me that.
What does weight matter? -  does it mean I can’t love?
I was made this way - by GOD up above.

My brother is tall and thin- they say he’s bones and skin.
                Why does weight matter?
Can any of us ever win !

They say when we walk down the street
We look like ABBOTT and COSTELLO
He looks like a bamboo stick
While I look like a cello.

We’ve learned how to accept the jeers
And to control our rages and emotions
For “IN GOD” we put our devotion.

Love lives in any size bodies!
Big or small, short or tall
GOD has given love to all.

Why do people love to criticize and find
Fault with every one, when they themselves
Have faults , which can not be undone.

When I was growing up , there  was a saying
For both fat and thin, and no matter
which way you put it
Both sides would always win.

They would say : the closer the meat to the bone the sweeter it is
And: the more the meat, the better the treat.

So to all you criticizers ! We will not be put down.
For you are the one
who walks with the heavy crown.

louis rams Aug 2010
My head was up in the clouds
No daylight to be found.
White and gray clouds  covered my sight
I could not see for my mind was in flight.
I looked all around and all I could see
Was the clouds covering me.

I felt like I was in a plane
And all the passengers seeing the same.

So I know I’m not the only one
Who feels this way
Millions of people go through this
From day to day.

It doesn’t matter to you what
The others are going through
Just that it’s happening to you.
You don’t like this feeling
of being up in the air
And with others your thoughts
You can not share.
Is this a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s
Disease ,And can I set myself free.
They say “ the mind is a terrible thing to lose”
It is not something that we choose.
Will I forget my loved ones
And everything that’s around
Will I stumble and fall to the ground.

Right now we still have our faculties
But for how long will that be?
So let us continue to write while we can
For tomorrow we can not plan.
Write everything that you think
See and feel, for in the future
Your mind may reel.
Head up in the clouds? Who is to say.
Until the medical fields find a better way.
louis rams Oct 2012

When this chemo pain is -OH SO STRONG
And you feel you can’t hang on
When the pain racks your body
And you’re feeling weak and sorry
When your breathe is becoming weaker
That’s when you pray to your keeper.
There is nothing that you can’t do
If to your heart you are true.

I have never traveled your road
But in my heart I sing your song.
I look around and I see the eyes of strength
Which to me you have lent.

I see the eyes of hope - not of despair
Cause I see so many people who really care.
I see people of fame and wealth
And of people who search for your health.

“We are a reflection of you
You are not a reflection of us”
But in each other we put our trust.

Your eyes are storybooks of hopes and dreams
And visions dancing in your head
And the road that you will tread.

I see GOD planting your seeds in the ground
That soon enough the  cure will be found
He wants to see the same things as you
And your prayers to SAINT JUDE will help you thru.

© L . RAMS
for the children
722 · Aug 2010
louis rams Aug 2010
I heard church bells ringing- ringing quite clear
I heard the church bells ringing- deafening my ears.
I looked all around and yet I could not see
Any place of worship even close to me.

That was when I realized that the ringing
Was coming from my heart.
Because it was you who captured it
Right from the start.

You entered my life like the earth enters
the day- and forever you would stay.
The bells are ringing with every passing
Thought of you, and it tells me all that I must do.
And to keep this love- to you I must be true.

I sometimes ask myself how can this be?
The bells toll louder every time you look at me.
Is this the way that love is really meant to be
That my heart is racing fast, and I feel wild and free.

We’ve all envisioned love and how it should be
But love is something you can not foresee.
Everyone sees love in a different way
And with your heart, love will play.
And love like a guitar that’s out of tune
You will lose it pretty soon.

So find the faults while you can
Tune that love and take your stand.
Now as I look at you I ask:
"Is this happening to only me
Or is our hearts singing in harmony"?
louis rams Sep 2015
I say this prayer and I’m leaving it for you
Because you know what I’m going through
I don’t ask for money or for fame
Just for health so that I may see
How to raise my family.

With good health I could make a living
And handouts will not have to be given.
So many of us with death related sicknesses both young and old
And when we go to the doctor is when we’re told.

It is a burden which is hard to bare - then with the family
This news we must share.
How do you tell a loved one that you have a certain amount of time to live
When in your heart you have so much yet to give.

So dear GOD this prayer goes out to you
Let us see what you will do.
We know that not all of us can be saved , some of us must go to our graves.
Because you have a job for us to do , and it can’t be done
Till we’re with you.
© L . RAMS 090315
714 · Jan 2012
louis rams Jan 2012

So many children are waiting in the wings
For being adopted is their thing.
Afraid to make plans for they don’t know
What lies ahead - their future is something
That they do dread.

Some move from home to home and never
Finding where they belong.
Many were abandoned and left on the street
With just their clothes on their backs and no food to eat.

Some were newborns left at police stations
Fire stations , and at church doors
Never to see their parents any more.

They have dreams like so many others
But they would prefer to have parents
And a sister or brother.

A person that they could say that- this is my mom
And this is my dad and I’m proud and awfully glad.
That I have parents as so many other children do
And knowing what it is to be loved like you.

We are all adoptable if given a chance
Look in our hearts and you’ll understand.
We don’t know why we was abandoned
Or what we had done wrong, but with
Parents is where we belong.

I’ll wipe away my tears so that you could see
The love and pain that’s inside of me.
If you can’t have children or have a kind heart
Then adoption is where you can start.

711 · Apr 2010
missing you
louis rams Apr 2010
I am missing your warm embrace
The tender kisses upon my face
The consoling words
I’ve always heard.

I miss the playful laughter
And the smile upon your face.

The taste of your kisses engulfs my entire soul
And from there , you take control.

The words “ I love you”
That you whisper in my ears
Takes away all my fears.

I miss all that you say and do
But most of all “ I MISS YOU”
711 · Oct 2012
blind leading the blind
louis rams Oct 2012
I tried to explain colors to a person who could not see
But I found it was too hard for me.
Then a thought came into my mind
To put their feelings into color and rhyme.

The first question I asked is :
      “I feel like I’m flying high above the sky”
Then I will call that GREEN
For high above the earth, that color is seen.
    It’s when I have no one to talk to and no one around.
Then I will call that BROWN.
      That is when I lost something that cannot be replaced.
Then I will call that “GREY” for that
Is something which in your heart will stay.
    That is when my stomach shakes like Jell-O.
Then I will call that emotion “YELLOW”
Then the final question I must ask
      That is when I am lifted high above
      All that I think and feel.
Since GOD is pure, I will call it white
Because he puts your heart and soul into flight.
“ we have enough colors for different emotions
Just like the raindrops that fall into the ocean.
Now the colors no longer have a barrier, because now
It has an emotional carrier.
Emotions and colors go hand in hand, just like the joining
In a wedding band.

© L . RAMS
708 · May 2014
humor #4
louis rams May 2014
She woke up in the morning with gas that would not pass
So she put her head up her ***
She looked to the left and then to the right
However, there was no blockage within her sight
Then she heard the rumble deep down inside
If she did not pull out her head, it would blow her mind
She pulled her head so fast it created an air pocket
Hitting her like a two-ton rocket.
They found the crap splattered everywhere
On the walls and on the chair.
The paramedics stood in disgust and awe
As they turned and closed the door.
WARNING: if you have some gas that will not pass
Do not stick your head up your ***!
704 · Oct 2011
louis rams Oct 2011

The autumn leaves falling on the ground
The autumn leaves of yellow, orange and brown
The trees like a rainbow of colors
Such as this there is no other.
My friends would climb up the smallest trees
And shake the leaves down to me.

then the leaves are raked up and placed in a large pile
Children diving in and laughing all the while.
The crispy crunch that you hear
Sends the chills through your ears.

The autumn leaves reminding us
That Halloween was very near
Where we could dress up and create some fear.

But for now we would have our fun
Chasing each other with our water guns
Diving into leaves of gold and brown
Hoping that we wouldn’t be found.

The park keeper was as happy as can be
From raking the leaves he was free.
He would pick them up and putting
Them into the metal cans- and the smell
Of burning leaves would fill the air
Letting people know that autumn was here.

( memories are made of this- like the song)
701 · Jul 2015
womens flowing tears
louis rams Jul 2015
( these are the thoughts of women when they thought
i could not hear them over the years. )
womens flowing tears
i want all the world to see all the feelings inside of me
feelings of love , disappointments and fears all of which create my tears
tears are our " escape valves " from the past and even now.
tears are like water faucets which can be controlled to release the pressure
built up inside- pressures which we try to hide.
tears that flow which only a woman may know.
we have a release valve unlike a man , and we can create
it at the drop of a hand.
we are women " unique but not weak " in many ways.
we can compete against the powers of man ,
something which they don't understand.
they may see us like a fragile delicate flower as a rose
but we have thorns which can ***** you at any time, if you cross the line.
men and nations have been destroyed for the love of a woman
the history books tell many stories of our " infamous glories "
so when you think you have the upper hand, it's because you've been scamed.               (C) L . RAMS 070615
womens thoughts
696 · Sep 2012
freedoms voice
louis rams Sep 2012
( 9/6/12)

They had gathered in the square
And a feeling of unrest was in the air
A message of freedom resounded out loud
you could  hear the talk amongst the crowd.

Their voices started off very softly
And rose to a high pitched frequency
And in their faces the anger you did see.

The world is changing and so must we
We must fight poverty and bigotry.
Families are starving all around this world
Just look at the faces of the boys and girls.

There are children who are skin and bones
And are left without a home.
Mothers have no more milk in their breast
And not a morsel of food for them to eat
As they lay dying at their feet.

When they do have food to cook
They need clean water and a plate
And a spoon , fork , and a knife
So their fingers they would not bite.

A netting for where they sleep
To them is a treat.
Insects flying all around
And the children s crying is the only sound.

People being condoned because of their
Religious beliefs ,color, and ****** gender
And it’s not getting any better.

I live in a world of political corruption and hate
But I always try to keep my faith and
Hopefully one day they will open up their eyes
And take away that disguise.

This is the reason you hear  FREEDOMS VOICE
Through out the lands - because people just can’t
Understand why our politicians turn their backs
And refuse to pick up the slack.

They say that these are third world nations
Who have all these devastations
But don’t they have rights just like we
So lets try to help them stamp out poverty and bigotry.

I know it’s nearly impossible to do what we say
But one by one we can find the way.


695 · Apr 2015
the preacher girl
louis rams Apr 2015
She was a little girl about seven or eight
Had a dream but couldn’t wait.
Said she been dreaming of this since she was two
And knew just what she had to do.
She felt the LORD in her soul –that to preach she was told.
She told her preacher what she felt inside
And it was something that she could not hide.
She would preach the gospel while in school
While other kids thought her “the fool “.
The preacher seeing the pain in her face said:
“You can preach in my place “.
He set up his pulpit with a wooden stand
So she could grab the mic with one hand.
When the congregation gathered to their dismay
She grabbed the mic and started to pray.
The sermon she gave left the people in awe
This had never been done before.
They all stood up and started to sing
Because the feelings this girl did bring.
The” hallelujah s “and” praise the Lord”
Was being sung like never before, as they walked out the doors.
She is just a little girl – but JESUS CHRIST filled her world.
The preacher girl
She was a little girl about seven or eight
Had a dream but couldn’t wait.
Said she been dreaming of this since she was two
And knew just what she had to do.
She felt the LORD in her soul –that to preach she was told.
She told her preacher what she felt inside
And it was something that she could not hide.
She would preach the gospel while in school
While other kids thought her “the fool “.
The preacher seeing the pain in her face said:
“You can preach in my place “.
He set up his pulpit with a wooden stand
So she could grab the mic with one hand.
When the congregation gathered to their dismay
She grabbed the mic and started to pray.
The sermon she gave left the people in awe
This had never been done before.
They all stood up and started to sing
Because the feelings this girl did bring.
The” hallelujah s “and” praise the Lord”
Was being sung like never before, as they walked out the doors.
She is just a little girl – but JESUS CHRIST filled her world.
695 · Jan 2015
love is just a word
louis rams Jan 2015
Love is just a word            

Love is just a word until you give it meaning
For this is what I’m feeling, this is what I’m seeing.
This word love is so misconstrued, so abused, so misused
It can be used as a tool to chisel a work of art
Or as a weapon to destroy another’s heart.
It is used as a word of affection to a person
Place or thing, and a look of joy that it brings.
It is used as a phrase “I love you “or as a statement
‘I LOVE YOU ‘or as an emotion – my darling I LOVE YOU.
Yes! Love is just a word, but it is the most powerful
Word that can ever be used.
‘LOVE ME ‘as a person and for the way I am and
Not for what you want me to be, or perceive me to be.
True love is like the flame of the eternal torch which
Never goes out, but just burns on and brightens
Up everything around it and love can be rekindled
Like the flame on a candle.
LOVE is the second greatest gift on earth
And birth being the first.
© L . RAMS 010115
693 · Oct 2013
skeptical heart
louis rams Oct 2013
There’s a thing called love standing at my door
Wanting to give me a feeling I never felt before.
         But I’m a skeptic!
Nothing in life is free-why is love trying to be nice to me?
They say that love makes the world go around
Has there been any truth to this to be found?
On my own conclusions I can rely
But I’ll never know if I don’t give it a try!
I’m opening up the door to my heart and letting him in
Just to see if love can begin.
I know it won’t happen overnight, but little by little
If things are right.
I’ve gone through most emotions known to man
Now it’s time for love to stand.
Come on love – show me what you can do!
Let’s see if what they say is true.
WHOA!    Who is that person standing there?
Looking so fine and debonair.
Is that person looking at me?
NO!  It’s not possible – it just can’t be!
Why am I getting this queasy feeling deep down inside?
Is this what they mean when they say “LOVE IS BLIND “?
What is this tingling sensation and this joy to be alive?
Making me feel as if I could touch the sky.
So this is what happens to “SKEPTICS “like me?
My heart is opened and my eyes can see.
692 · Jul 2010
louis rams Jul 2010
58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam war
our soldiers being sent to far distant shores.
war is not the key to our salvation
let peace reign throughout every nation.

how much more tragedies must we see
before we try to save humanity.
don't you think we have enough disasters
without wars taken lives even faster.

we are now in the middle east
in a country where we are detested
in this country that is terrorist infested.

who do not care who they ****
and they say that it's allas will.

I do not believe that any god
can be so cruel
to use terrorist as a deadly tool.

so let us stop this fighting I pray
that peace will reign from this day.
it must spread throughout the world
for all to see, that this is the way
life is meant to be.
Louis rams
louis rams May 2012

She was laying in her hospice bed
She knew in a short time she would be dead
She had no fear of death you see
She waited for it patiently.

She knew she lived a good long life
She was a daughter, a sister, a mother , a wife.
Regrets- she knew she had none
GOD had blessed her with a wonderful son
A faith so strong in GOD above
And she showered family and friends with tenderness and love.

She was loved by everyone around
In her spirit and heart true love they found.
The most gentlest person you’d ever want to meet
Knowing her was such a treat.

When she went for her physical that year
The doctors found what they feared
A cancer cell growing so rapidly
It was something they did not foresee.

She showed no signs as many do
But they knew her life was through.
Her family was with her 24/7
They knew soon she’d be in heaven.

The hospital corridors were filled with people
And bells were ringing from all the steeples.
She was not a woman of fortune and fame
And of nothing in her life did she feel ashamed.
Just a loving heart so pure and true
That she shared it with everyone she knew.

They say she died in her sleep, as everyone began to weep.
But before she died - she had told her son
“tell the world- LOVES JUST BEGUN’.
688 · Oct 2012
expectant mother
louis rams Oct 2012
She is gentle yet strong-meek yet bold.
She  is a woman to behold.
She is a expectant mother as we can see
Waiting for her child to be set free.

Sleeping in a fetal position- doesn’t help her disposition.

Feeling the kicks at home or at work
And thinking that all men are jerks.

She wonders about the nine months that she must go through
If she will have the strength to survive
And if her husband will be by her side.

When she is in her chair at night
She sees her stomach as a glorious sight.
There is a child in her waiting to be fed
And doesn’t want her to go to bed.

The baby wants to feel their mothers touch
And the soothing words that she speaks
This is what they seek.

When the time comes for the child  to see the world
For  the first time-feels the cool air
They look for their mothers warmth to share.

The joy and pride that the expectant mother feels
Is something that can’t be concealed.
682 · Mar 2010
just a drop
louis rams Mar 2010
Just a drop of water into a still pond, sends out
Ripples to an even larger area.
And so is the love from GOD.
For what he gives is better by far.

The ripples create more than we could ever imagine
Or dare to dream, of things that are seen and unseen.
It gives hope to the ones in despair
And with that , they continue to share.

They share that hope to all that they meet
As they walk down a lonely street.
We can never exist with out feeling and thinking
about how we came to be
if it wasn’t for GOD
Within you and me.

He created that drop for he knew
that it would create the ripples
that would save me and you.

That drop that I speak of is not water you see
It was the blood he shed at Calvary.
He gave up his life, because he knew
That this was what his father  
Planned for him to do.

He was taken away that very day
But three days later he was on his way.
He now sits at the right hand of  GOD
And sees all that his death created
And the love that he taught others to share
Is spread daily through out the year.
682 · Aug 2010
louis rams Aug 2010
I felt the love so deep in my heart
Like a knife tearing me apart
I felt your breath in every
Pulsating blood vessel  flowing
Through my veins, and I knew
That my life would never be the same.

I felt my heart wanting to break
Every time I’d look at your face.
Your eyes would take me on a long journey
To places I’ve never been before
Like in a whirlpool going round and round
And my self going further down.

You are every breath of my life
Every desire in my soul
And you are the one I want to hold.

My heart has become an open book
Pick it up and take a look.
My heart no longer has anything to hide
So come on down and climb inside.

Look at the way a heart truly beats for you
And there is nothing that I wouldn’t do.
To capture your love and put it in a bottle
For all the world to see, that your love
Belongs to me.

This is my heart and I give it to you
Like a bee gives us honey
Taste the sweetness and the joy it brings
For your love is my everything.
681 · Oct 2013
the impossible dream
louis rams Oct 2013
Let us sit and talk about all the injustices of the world
And how it affects us, and every young boy and girl.
We have created a world of insecurities and doubts.
Is this what life is all about?
The education is failing them, but not so much from the school
But because we have changed all the rules.
We have created an “I don’t give a **** “attitude
For all the young to see, this includes wars, slavery, and poverty.
How can they grow? When they’re surrounded by all of this!
Isn’t there something that we missed?
Is it the fact that we are supposed to set the example?
Of what is right and wrong, and make this world for them
“Just “and “strong “.
People have left their homelands to come here for a better life
Now they have to think twice!
We are creating the same things they tried to escape from!
What has this country become?
Government buildings are shutting down
And on the “Obama care “republicans frown.
The only solution that I can see is have the children run the countries.
Most children don’t know about bigotry and hate
Let’s keep their minds fresh before it’s too late.
They must not be exposed to the evils of the land
And shown the brotherhood of love that they understand.
Children will bicker and argue like all of us do
But they don’t hold a grudge and follow thru.
They may not know about finances and the bottom line
But they’ll learn it, given time.
They do know how to BARTER and it is
So much easier and not that much harder.
They say: I have a yo-yo and you have a top
Let’s exchange it and call it “even Stevens “or
Let’s go to the park and play.
They may have the answers to the problems that we seek
Cause as we get older, our minds get weak
We just see things in black and white, while they
See things that they know are right.
louis rams Nov 2011

This is the first day of your new life
This is the day you chose to be his wife.
You both feel that your love is strong enough
That a marriage you could share
And for each other you would always be there.

A marriage are vows that are made to each other
That you will always “ love one another”.
You say you will love each other until death do you part
Is it what you feel? Is it really in your heart?

The vows of marriage has changed drastically
Marriage is not - what it used to be.
Fear of the unknown has changed the way you think
Six out of ten marriages are now on the brink.

Living common law is now the new rage
They don’t want to feel like they’re
Locked up in a cage.
It’s easy to walk away from a relationship
If there are no vows.
And if there’s any children, they’ll survive somehow.

We don’t need a marriage certificate to
Have a ****** affair.
We can change partners, and different beds we can share.

This is the thinking of the youth of today
All our teachings and values have all gone astray.
678 · Apr 2012
women s strengths
louis rams Apr 2012

Men and women are different in so many ways
Men sit in front of the t. v. ‘s to watch their games
Women will watch their soap operas if time permits
That’s how they get their kicks.

It seems to me that this is their dreams
Men look to games for the power they seek
While women look for hearts that are tender and meek.

Men want the powers of fortune and fame
While women use their charms
for whatever they can gain.
It seems that we use each other for
Our own selfish reasons
But the women love to use their charms for the teasing.

Men may tend to use their physical strength
To put the women down
But women know how to use the strength
To turn it all around.

The LORD said : “the meek shall inherit the earth”
Is it the women who give us birth?
Are they really the meek of which he speaks !
Hmmmm I wonder !

I don’t mean to put us men down
But I think they’re the ones that wear the crown
We are the jokers in the kings court
     (have you ever seen a female joker in the kings court?)
While they sat on their *****- enjoying what their mothers taught.

Now I must say this in the defense of men
We get what we want (and deserve) in the end.
So I leave these thoughts for the men and women to decide
Who is the meek? Which one will cry?
675 · Jan 2013
sandy hook and gun laws
louis rams Jan 2013

gone are the mom and pop stores that i once knew
candy stores , malt shops,newspaper and magazine stands too.
life was so much simpler then, you knew your neighbors
and had a lot of friends.

schools were for learning, and where kids could go to play
now you don't see that on any given day.
teachers and adults were respected and a sense of pride in the air
" now a days no one seems to care".

they are trying to pass a stricter gun law
because of what happened at SANDY HOOK
but that won't happen, because we have too many POLITICAL crooks.

twenty little angels were taken away that day
and six adult educators who got in the gun mans way.
now i'm not against the second amendment
i think it's our given right , but when it comes
to "ASSAULT Weapons"
the public should start to fight.
the public don't need " assault weapons"
we must take them off the streets
these are weapons of mass destruction
being sold through "political corruption"
while children lay dead at our feet.
i think the publics "outrage" should be heard loud and clear
maybe then - it'll create political fear.

(C) L . RAMS
675 · Dec 2012
christmas spirit
louis rams Dec 2012
this is one of my favs that i've written

    Christmas spirit   (11/4/12)
I hear the birds up in the tree tops sing
I hear the bells in the church steeples ring
I see the squirrels run around with delight
OH MY GOD ! What a beautiful sight.

I see the first snow starting to cover the ground
I hear the old familiar sounds
I see the clouds a silver grey
I see the sun trying to shine its rays.

The rabbits , the chipmunks , the possums too
Under the foliage hiding from you.
They’re all getting ready for the seasonal treat
That GOD has bestowed upon them to eat.
The fish in the ponds, the frogs on the ground
Know that this is the time that CHRIST is around.

Why is it that every living creature knows
Of this time of year
When the kindness of humans fill the air.
All of GODS creatures, no matter who
Or what they may be - are joining together as families.

The Christmas spirit spreading throughout the
Land , air, and sea
And voices singing in harmony.
Let’s open our eyes and ears to the sounds
For GODS love is all around.

The cries of a new born child seeing the light
For the very first time, and hearing sounds
They never heard before- “ as GOD opens up the doors”.
Let us be thankful for all that GOD has given
And make our lives all worth living.

He gave us his son on this glorious day
And to him we all must pray.
He’s shown us what love is all about
And from every mountain top we should shout

“Thank you JESUS for all that you’ve done
For you are GODS begotten son.”
You’ve shown us the way our lives
Should really be- even when we’re living in misery.

You’ve given us the greatest gift around
Which in our hearts can be found.

© L . RAMS
672 · Aug 2010
louis rams Aug 2010
I stood where things are worth fighting for
I fought until there was no more
I stood where hunger controlled the earth
I stood when a mother was giving birth
I stood where there was racism to be found
I stood- I held my ground
I stood where there was poverty and pain
I stood- and my heart will never be the same
I stood - when I found true love
I stood- because it came from above
I stood - on the unemployment lines
I stood-and didn’t ask for a dime
I stood - when everything around me was falling apart
I stood-because he gave me a heart
I stood- when there was no place to go
I stood- when there was little to show

Now I stand here to meet my maker
I am ready for the undertaker
I stand here on my judgment day
But before I stood I began to pray

LORD ! I feel I’ve stood up for
all the injustices in life
I’ve tried to change the wrongs to right
I’ve lived my life the best I could
Now I stand here before you.

This is the last time that I stand
For you had always given a helping hand.
Let me stand on the other side
And forever be by your side.
670 · Aug 2010
louis rams Aug 2010
You find yourself drowning-water going into your nose and mouth.
You find yourself drowning of that you have no doubt.
Your arms are flaring wildly as you struggle to reach the top
You know you must continue- you know you can not stop.

You know you’ve been in this position
Many times before, but you always seem to
Make it to the far distant shore.
You take a deep breathe as your instinct
For survival comes into play.
You know you have to fight to live another day.

You reach land and you know a new battle
Will begin- peer pressure, life s pressures
How are you going to win?

You ask yourself: how can this be?
You can drown on land- not just in the sea?
Every time you’ve survived
Who do you think was there
It was JESUS giving a helping hand.

He’s been by your side, every minute
Of every day, he will pick you up
He will not turn away.

So do not get discouraged, do not despair
Put your faith in GOD , he is always there.
670 · Feb 2012
breath of fresh air
louis rams Feb 2012

You are my breath of fresh air
you came into my life when I was in despair
I felt god had made you just for me
Because in my heart you will always be.

It seems I searched all my life for someone like you
Went all the wrong ways and didn’t know what to do.
Then you walked into my life like a breath of fresh air
And all my heartaches and pains disappeared.

Your smile radiated every room you walked into
And all the men s heads turned and looked at you
Your voice as gentle as the pitter patter of the rain
Soothing and cleansing and relieving all my pain.

Like dew drops that cling to everything on the ground
This is your love- which in you I found
Like the rising and setting of the sun
You are my love, my only one.

You are the breath of fresh air which I need to survive
And our love will live thru the ends of time.
667 · Oct 2013
deceits and lies - part two
louis rams Oct 2013
Deceits and lies that people tell
I’ve grown to know them oh so well
They tell you they love you and that they care
When you find in your back a knife sticking there.
While they are with you , they’ll talk and joke
Then with others at you they poke.
Is it that they need to be the center attraction?
When everyone gathers around
Then they abuse the friends they have found.
Unfortunately this prevails in many women I meet
Where they’re good at their lies and deceits.
They’ll start off with: “I LOVE YOUR BLOUSE”
But in their minds your blouse they hate.
They’ll criticize you to no end
Then turn around and say they’re your friend.
Many times we’ll judge people at first glance
But we’ve got to learn to know them
And give them a chance.
But these are people with insecurities
Their own faults they just don’t see.
Then they fall in love and say that others
Are out to get their man, and start to create
Their devious plan.
Now the lies and deceits begin
With people like this you just can’t win.
We have to stop them in their tracks
Otherwise they’ll be no turning back.
We must tell them about their hypocracy
Just so they’ll stay away from you and me.
667 · Sep 2013
wife s sentimental journey
louis rams Sep 2013
this is for all the women that think love is gone !

For fifty years they were together as husband and wife
And like all married couples they would bicker and fight.
Then the day came that GOD called her away
And with him she could not stay.
He mourned the loss of his soul mate, and to be with her again
He did not want to wait.
As he went through her belongings of fifty years
He found a box which brought a tear.
It was a 12” box with the words engraved “treasure chest box”
With a key for the lock.
It was something he had never known before
As he opened up the door.
It was a stack of letters tied with a red ribbon
And a note on top which read:
My dear husband – if you are reading this it is because
GOD decided to take me away, and with you I could not stay.
But these letters is what kept me alive, and of your love I did thrive.
Each letter tells me of the love that you have for me
And thru my teary eyes I did see.
A man of compassion and kindness and love
Given to me from GOD above.
For each letter that you had written me, I wrote a response
Although I never gave them to you “till now “.
I knew that you would find it hard to let me go
This is something I did know.
So read my responses to the love you had for me
As you have set my heart free.
Every letter was dated from the first one written on the bottom
To the last one on the top
He held his breath and his heart stopped.
He read all the love letters he had written and her responses
To every one which she ended with “from the start you stole my heart”.
After reading all her letters he went back to her note and continued to read.
It said: life is full of mysteries, twists and turns we do not see
Life can never be a road straight and narrow with the ending in sight.
So each day I prayed with all of my might, that a love as the one that you
Have for me – will live with me eternally.
For if there is any such thing as “human eternal love”
You have gone far above!
You have been my ROCK OF GIBRALTER
And I knew you would never falter.
Now I need you to be strong, because this is where you belong.
Show everyone the love that you have given
For you make life worth living.

louis rams
662 · May 2015
i took the vows
louis rams May 2015
i work my fingers to the bone , but my wife won't leave me alone
she is always looking for a fight, sometimes i think she just ain't right.
i'm sure she loves me in some way, but i'm finding it so hard to stay
women say they wish they had a man with qualities like me
but this is something she just doesn't see.
she's been a housewife more years than i care to count
i thought this was what marriage was all about.
she has most things that women dream of , even has her spouse's love.
but she nitty picks me to death and doesn't even take time to catch her breath.
i make a list of things to do, and she won't stop criticizing until i'm through.
is it that she is so insecure- that with me she's not sure ?
why does negativity control her life - a little change would be nice.
i guess i'll have to accept this life- because i took the vows when she became my wife.
(C) L .RAMS 050115
661 · Dec 2014
christmas bed of JESUS
louis rams Dec 2014

All the elves had gathered around
For the bed of JESUS had been found.
It was a mere fruit basket in which Mary had put some hay
And for this bed and shelter -Mary and Joseph had prayed.

The elves stood around in amazement and awe
As Santa heard the commotion and opened up his door.
AT LAST Santa s search was through
And the three kings had told him what to do.

From the workshop rafters came a sound
And whence it came - it could not be found.
Then an angel soon appeared
With a voice so beautiful and clear.
(she sang)

" This is the bed where our lord did lie
As the armies of angels above him did cry
He was sent to the world from God above
To show this world compassion and love.

He's come to save all those who believe
That with their simple thoughts and deeds
Their lives can be changed anew
And they'll know just what to do.

So on this glorious Christmas day
Get down on your knees and pray
And thank him for all that he has given
And made your lives worth living.

Give praise to the living God
Give praise to the living God
For he has captured every heart."

Now Santa had to spread the word
Of how this angels voice was heard
And under each Christmas tree
JESUS bed you will see.

655 · Aug 2010
political arena
louis rams Aug 2010
It was a political arena that he was in
A political arena where they said he could not win.
He was fighting for the rights of man
Someone had to take a stand.
His religious rights were being denied
They said he was a war activist which was a lie.
He believed in the commandment “thou shall not ****”
They wanted to take away his rights of “ free will”.
So his lawyer went to court, and fought
With everything that he was taught.

He knew he had a battle up ahead
But it was a fight he did not dread.
Civil rights were being denied
Freedom to all should apply.
They went to court the very next day
He knew the jury he would have to sway.
He started debating how he should start
When a deep feeling pierced his heart.

He told the jury: if this had been GODS will
He would have taught us *******.
Can you find it in your heart to take another mans life
And leave a person without a husband, family, children , wife.
Those words penetrated deep into their minds.
It did not take them very much time.

“ NOT GUILTY” we the jury do find.
650 · Sep 2014
the rapist-she fought back
louis rams Sep 2014

I was coming home late from a date, and did not look
To see if anyone was around or was following me.
When out of the darkness he jumped out
And put his hand on my mouth.

Then put a knife to my throat and told me
"don't be stupid if you want to live
To me your body you will give."

She was always told: "don't put your life in harms way
And if you can - run away".
And if someone grabs you from behind
You must stomp on his foot as hard as you can
He will loosen up his hand. (which she did)

She swung her arm back as hard as she could
The pain in his crotch - he understood.
He dropped the knife and released his hold
She ran so fast - before her legs got cold.

Now there is a reason for this poem I must tell.

I always told my daughter: to always look around
And to listen for any unfamiliar sound
Preventive medicine can always help you through
If you know just what to do.

p.s. this is just a story -but can happen
649 · Sep 2011
can you picture JESUS
louis rams Sep 2011

Can you picture the blood of JESUS lying on the ground
While laying on this cross being nailed and bound
The pain that was etched on his face
As he prayed for the lords grace.

The nails being driven through his hands and feet
Knowing soon that god he would meet.
Yet he was forgiving his fellow man
For they could not understand.
That he was being sent by god above
To show his compassion and his love.

As they picked up his cross and placed it in the ground
The screams of “ crucify him” simmered down.
Many fell to their knees and cried
While others were joyous and satisfied.

Now picture JESUS looking down at the crowd
Searching for his mother and seeing her on her knees
And with god she did plea.
You could hear in her mind saying
“ let thy will be done, for you had blessed me with your son”.

And as the skies turned completely black
And his face fell to his chest
The crowd felt the fear and the unrest.
The thoughts entering their minds
“ is this truly the son of god that we crucified?”
And we believed the rabbi s and all their lies.

Now that you visualized this in your mind
As I had done so many times.
Now picture the face of JESUS looking
Down at you and saying

       “ I forgive you”.
647 · Apr 2015
louis rams Apr 2015
The day is approaching when he arose from the dead
And walked the earth as the bible said.
Every year we celebrate this day – when the Christians kneel to pray.
For children its Easter bunnies and Easter eggs and dressing up for mass
But as parents we must remind them of the past
Of how this day came to be – when CHRIST died for you and me.
He was not laid in an earthly grave, but into a mountainous cave
And a concrete wheel put at the entrance way, and guards
To protect it so it would stay.
On the morning of the third day the guards had found that
Not a sound had been made –as the wheel was moved from his grave.
When the followers went inside and searched “to their surprise “
He was nowhere to be found and his burial cloth lay on the ground.
They say that some had seen him walking on the mountain top
Turned around and looked down to where he had laid
Smiled and walked away.
© L. RAMS 040215
644 · Aug 2015
my own music
louis rams Aug 2015

to all my friends -

this is to let you know that my music is now on
youtube -itunes and numerous other stations and sites:
under - louis rams songs vol 1
the latest song "till the end of my days " is a love song of a husband to his wife
even after her death.
for you men it is a song that women will cherish and a song that women will treasure.
now is the time to buy the album

all i ask is that you listen to these songs ( in particular -end of my days )
and tell all your ffamily and friends to listen , if they don't have the .99 cents to buy it.
it is a beautiful story in this song
643 · Jul 2013
the unsung heros
louis rams Jul 2013
It does not matter!!!
For every soldier living or dead
Is a hero in my head.
It doesn’t matter whether they was on the front lines
Fighting the war- or in the back lines working at S-4 (supplies)
They all contributed in some way
To keep our freedom safe from day to day.
The army, air force, navy, marines
In our battles they are seen.
Men, women, both alike fighting to keep us safe at night.
They joined the military so that our country could be free
And to protect you and me.
The medics who struggle to keep us alive
Not knowing if we’ll live or die.
From the cooks who supply us with the food we eat
Which may have been your neighbor from down the street?
Everyone had a job to do, and every one followed through.
You don’t have to be with a rifle in your hand
It doesn’t make you LESS of a woman or a man.
We are covering each other’s backs
Now tell me!! What can be better than that!
So I honor all of them – for they are my brothers and sisters till the end.
                   “FREEDOM ISN’T   FREE “
642 · Jul 2015
the storm
louis rams Jul 2015
the sounds of thunder echoing in the sky, bolts
of lightning passing my eyes, the fears of the storm gripping my soul
making me lose all control.
where do you hide when you're in open space
another storm you have to face.
a silent prayer comes into your mind, and you lose the track of time.
when the prayer you have finished-the thunderous storm has diminished.
the skies start to clear , and the birds are singing in the air.
the squirrels running on the ground making their familiar sound.
the sound of a helicopter buzzing in your ear , giving
its reports from far and near.
the day is back to a normal pace, as a smile crosses your face
the storm is over and you are fine- it's just another day in time.
(C)  L . RAMS 070715
638 · Feb 2012
her smile
louis rams Feb 2012

It was her smile that caught my heart
The smile that set her apart.
A smile so captivating
That had my heart hesitating.

Her smile like the sun rising in the east
Putting your mind completely at peace.
She had a smile that could melt butter.
Like her - there is no other.

Now she is going away - “and to where”
She would not say.
She packed up her bags and boarded the train
And my heart will never be the same.

She smiled at me once again
as the train neared the end
Yet ! As the train had pulled away
I thought I saw A teardrop in her eyes,
as if she was about to cry.

I got her friend to tell me why she had left
When she told me - it was because of a test.
All sorts of thoughts started to enter my mind
That she had cancer or was going blind.

Her friend said She had passed the military test
and wanted to surprise me with the rest.
That she agreed to marry me and we
Could live on camp rent free.

Her smile I will now see every day
And to my lord I do pray.
636 · Jun 2010
pregnant and with pride
louis rams Jun 2010
You came back from the doctors office and he
Confirmed what you already knew.
He said: you are pregnant ! I’m happy for you.
You struggled for a while for you to conceive
Now it’s become a reality.
When you are ready I’ll set it up for you
A scan is what we will do.
You will see your child in its early stage.

Medical technology is an amazing thing
Gives you images you can see.
She left his office and her heart was filled
Telling her husband, he would be thrilled.
She went back to have the scan done
And found out she would have a son.
From a family of two, it would now be three.
She was full of ecstasy.

She now started feeling the aches and pains
Morning sickness she did gain.
She would feel him kick and move around
His feet kicking like he was on the ground.
She would rub her stomach and he would calm down
Sing him lullabies that were world renown.
She changed the wording on some of them
To fit what she wanted to say.
     “Hush my little baby, don’t you cry
Mommy will always be by your side.
I will shelter you from wind and rain
And take away all your pain.
I have given you life, but you have given me mine
And I will love you till the end of time.”
The months seemed to go by fast, and the pains they did last
But the pain was the price she had to pay
Because her prayers were answered in every way.
Her son was born, and as beautiful as can be
And GOD had blessed her and her newfound family.
634 · Oct 2011
a childs sadness
louis rams Oct 2011

Why do I feel this sadness deep inside
Is it mistakes that I try to hide?
Like a drowning victim gasping for air
Your chest becomes tight and your hearts in despair.

Like a wind blown feather landing on the ground
You want to scream , but you don’t make a sound.
Hundreds of people all around
Yet this sadness gets you down.
You don’t know how or why you get this way
You just want to hide - or run away.

Some get sad for menial things
But this is what sadness brings.
So this thought I will inflict
“ you have to get over it really quick”.

Sadness can pull you down, especially
When there’s no help around.

Did you feel the difference that it brought
This is what I was taught.

             SMILE !                   :-)
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