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 Nov 2014 Liz
eunsung aka Silas
my heart is brimming with gratitude
for the gift of new life

as tiny hands grasp my fingers
and I listen to tiny breaths
I feel my heart filling with joy and thanks
for the ability to love and be loved

may new life begin in me,
so I may keep welcoming life

thank you for helping me walk though the darkness,
so I can bask in the light now

there is an inner light that lives in me and
in the life of this little one that I hold
The only words that rises to my lips are
"thank you I love you"
Thoughts of a new father grateful he survived times of depression, suicide attempts, an unspiritual life, to now able to live a life filled with gratitude and not resentments and fears.
 Oct 2014 Liz
J Drake
 Oct 2014 Liz
J Drake
Sometimes your heart needs to be broken
So you can see what's underneath,
To the flicker and flame of your soul
That you've always been destined to meet.

Sometimes your spirit shines brighter
Through the glimmering light of your tears,
And when you arrive at the end of it all
Love will outshine the darkest of years
find me on facebook at  OR  email me at  to let me know what you think of my work! :)
 Aug 2014 Liz
Caleb Hammonds
Be my friend
My love is in you
Take me away
And show me truth
I don"t care about my own
I see only fire in my bones
My life isn't nothing without recovery
Regenerate to my previous sate
Before I was placed into human hands
Perfect my strength in the mist of my enemies
Give me a heart for the homeless
Cause I know I don't own this
Fill your possession with your spirit
Take my prayer and hear it
Feel it and take action
Save me from myself
Cause I believe anything can happen
When you are my **help
 Aug 2014 Liz
eunsung aka Silas
divine creator, I thirst after you
because I have known the dryness of
trying to fill my thirst with worldly clamors

my thirsty soul cannot be filled with liquid spirits,
but by the life flowing and giving Spirit

help me lord to see clearly
and to love you more deeply,
so my love of you is not only in thought or
empty words.

help me to be honest and see that my
love is lacking when I hate even one
of your many children,
including myself

may your outpouring love
begin in me, so I may
share your life giving water
with those still
My heart was filled with desire to open my heart a little more, and then this prayer/poem took form.
 Jul 2014 Liz
Damien Randerfield
When we first met, we were bundles of energy and joy.
Grow old with me.

We inevitably became a couple, and we got engaged.
Grow old with me.

A family has started with two beautiful daughters.
Grow old with me

The kids have graduated high school, and are now heading to University.
Grow old with me.

We watch the kids find their companions for life.
Grow old with me.

We help them through times of hardship, and are always there for their achievements.
Grow old with me.

The kids have their own family now.
Grow old with me.

As we now reach our final years of life on this Earth, there is nothing more I could ever want than for you to be by my side.
And to have had you grow old with me all these years.
Makes me the happiest individual there could possibly be.

So let us sit together next to the fireplace on our rocking chairs, and reminisce.
Hmm... I'd rather not say what was going through my mind when I wrote this. It's rather peculiar...

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