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Little Bear May 2016
Such warmth do i feel
soft skin on mine
feeling together
our glow sublime
your taste so sweet
so gently divine
your body a heaven
just like mine.
Little Bear Feb 2016
I'm calling as loud as I can
and you can't hear me.

I'm screaming your name
but you only hear silence.

I am begging you not to walk away
but you do

You can't see the danger

I'm banging my fists on nothing

Crying out to you


"please no..."

Exhausted from crying,
I know there is no hope

I lay upon the ground
and accept your fate

I am silently calling to you
as loud as I can

You don't see me

"Can you hear me?

...I can't save you"

My words are silence

You walk away
and there is nothing I can do


*"please... please stop

before it's too late."
Little Bear Oct 2016
there is a
within us all
to find
our little place
in the world;
to find
what or who
we are

to fit
to find
to be


to find
a peace
with all that we
all that we
all that we will
and the longer
the need to know
whispers in my ear
"are we there yet?"

the more i have come
to realise
it doesn't have to be
one place
one person
one moment
in time
that is mine

because peace
makes itself

when we
simply give
of ourselves

to every one

all ways
Little Bear Jan 2016
Okay, so, in your died.
You had a heart attack and...and you died.
But they started it again, enough to take you here.
To hospital.
That's were you are now.
The machines make me hope you are still alive.
But, you died, this morning,
quietly in your sleep.

The doctors, they say that you have know...inside.
No brain activity at all and your heart's broken...
properly broken.
And even though the monitors make you breathe and your heart beat, you died you see, this morning,
quietly in your sleep.

So i'm going to whisper in your ear just one last time and...
I know that you can't hear me, but for now...
for now I'm going to pretend that you can okay?
"I love you"

We all love you so very much,
you are the most beautiful person I have ever known
and just...I love you"

Okay...look...they are going to turn the machines off soon
so you can rest forever peacefully.
Because, you died, this morning,
quietly in your sleep.
My last moments with my Dad. Saying goodbye was truly devastating but we had no regrets, no words unspoken. I knew he loved me and he knew I loved him. I try to live my life telling those who I love just that, even if it makes me sound like a complete dork. I don't care :D
it's important!
Re-posted from my previous account.
Little Bear Apr 2016
There is nothing worse
than not enough syllables
to finish the hai..
Little Bear Apr 2016
Assuming the familiar comfort
of a fetal position
I am waiting the day out
rocking gently
to daydreams
of every possible way to die
my muscles ache
they burn
and i'm trying so hard
not to shake apart
my seams are frayed
pulling apart
and I can see inside
see what I am filled with
knowing just what I am made of
my nerves are in tatters
as I try to bind the ends
a fruitless task
I wait for this time to pass
but even the thread I hang by
shakes it's head
and wishes me luck
Little Bear May 2016
There's nothing like a house full
when you're a single parent
and you'd think the mess you find you're in
would be a good deterrent

But there's nothing to compare
despite the tears and all the struggles
to everyday the love you have
and the kisses and the cuddles

And i'll say this from the start
there's no one else i'd rather be
and raise my kids alone
it's a job made just for me

And despite the sleepless nights
and the sticky fingerprints
and the ***** piles of washing
and the room that always stinks

There's a bundle of four children
who are as happy as can be
they really are a rabble
but I know that they love me

We've all been though some heartache
and quite traumatic things
but everyday is worth it
no matter what it brings

And even if the washing
is piled to the sky
and the dog wants to move out
though I can't imagine why

And the plugholes always blocked
and there's arguing afoot
and everyone got taller
from the last time that I looked

And they play on the same server
all laughing with each other
all in different bedrooms
two sisters and two brothers

You'd never know that last night
there was almost World War 3
and a hostage negotiation
over playing DayZ

But rules here must apply
there are chores and a curfew
a sense of order must be kept
even if you're 6 foot 2

I count my blessings as I go
and for each other we are glad
when you raise your kids alone
being both their Mum and Dad.
Being a single parent is, without doubt, the most challenging and yet the most rewarding thing I will ever do.

At times I will fail but I will try to do my best my whole life
to be what they need.

And one day, I hope they will to go into the world happy,
well rounded, open minded, open hearted adults.

That is my mission
Little Bear Mar 2016
Things that make me happy..
I believe it is the little things
that are the biggest
...if you know what I mean :o)

little things make me happy
the biggest kind of happy I can be
and so I thought that I would list them
so that you can see.

okay so sunshine makes me happy
and cats and birds and dogs
and smiley happy postmen
and kittens and hedgehogs

I like bus rides that are easy
warm socks and and being tickled
walking home in daylight
burgers with extra pickles

I like holding hands and kissing
hot coffee, the colour yellow
children playing happily
sweet toasted warm marshmallows

I like friends that make you smile
even ones that make you frown
and ones that give you butterflies
and they will never let you down

I like sleeping late and bubble baths
words and reading books
blanket forts and fairy lights
sleepy mornings tender looks

I like chocolate coins in summer
iced cold drinks on hot hot days
words of love and of kindness
that make me smile for days and days.

And I like to know you're happy
no matter who you are or what you do
what makes me the biggest happy
Is knowing you are happy too.

internationaldayofhappiness :o)
Little Bear Oct 2020
"Heart for sale"

One heart for sale, one careful lady owner.
Reasonable condition all things considered.
A little worn, a little weary but still a few miles on the clock.
Beats well when loved.

Has been broken but due to much care and attention is now available to a new home.
Looking for payment in kindness, happiness, love, smiles, companionship and respect.
Occasional chocolates treats would be desired but are not entirely necessary.
Will beat as long as you love and cherish it.
Will always beat for you and only you.
Will make your life endlessly happy given the chance.

Comes with free packaging.
Although outer wrapping maybe mistaken for packing noodles and bubble wrap, it is essential to hearts well being..
and as such must be bought together as one item.

All enquires to the number below.
Little Bear Sep 2016
I don't think
there was any other
to have described
I could have
compared him
to the heavens
And to the stars
in the night sky
To joy
To love
and beautiful
blessings bestowed
Gave me
within in my bones
and a belonging
holding softly
to my heart
And so
i find
the only
I could have
was to call him
Little Bear Mar 2016
In the stories that I read as a child,
the leading character was always the hero.
And, I always imagined the hero to be tall and strong,
handsome and capable.
Maybe they were loud, brash and brave.
But they were always fearless.
Displaying outstanding courage in the face of adversity.
Seeking justice, going to war,
doing battle with those
who would destroy us all...
us being..
the little guy..

They were never the little guy.
They were always someone who I would never be.
To me well, I would always be the one getting saved
and not the one doing the saving.

And as I grew up I realised, to my horror,
that none of this was real.
Heros like this did not exist and that real life is most certainly not a fairy tale.
And some of it, stranger than any fiction I've ever read,
and believe me,
I've read some ****....

'Heros' like this will very rarely come to save you.
But, I will tell you something...
If there is one thing in life I have learned it would be that,
there are heros,
and those heros are in fact...
The little guy.
and You.

And... In our own stories,
we get to play the leading character..
but only if we choose to.

You see...
In fairy tales you do indeed have the fearless warrior.
They dance and sing their way through the stories,
where the village is saved, the wicked witch is destroyed,
were monsters are caged and villains are brought to justice.

more often than not,
the real hero of those stories
is the little princess
who wields the frying pan.
The young girl from the village
who cuts off her hair
and defeats a whole army.
The girl in a small town
who loves to read
and shows real courage and tames the beast.
The boy who,
over coming his physical disabilities,
tames and flies,
of all things,
a dragon.
Showing the whole town he is indeed..
a warrior.

And I could not continue this long *** analogy
without mentioning the story of Frodo and Sam.
Through the mines of Moria,
across the dead marshes and lets not forget who defeats Shelob...
on to Mordor where they reach mount Doom.
Almost defeated, Frodo could not take another step
when carrying the ring,
it was just too much to bear
to finally put in the fire of mount Doom.

And then, even after being sent home,
it was actually Sam..
Sam the gardener,
Sam the loyal companion who faithfully,
with courage and determination,
carried Frodo and battles on to the end.
Sam the gardener,
was the real hero of the story.

Time and time again it will be the little guy who saves the day,
time and time again it's the little guy,
the underdog,
the one least likely to succeed
who will be the true hero.
They will have been told they are not smart,
worth nothing,
are unimportant.
Sound familiar?

They will have been through many trails and tribulations,
many which could and in fact should
have brought them to their knees,
but it didn't,
it hasn't...

like us little guys,
they know what is right,
they know what is good
and they know that they must carry on
if they don't,
the bad guy wins.

And it is the same for us in our every day lives.
And in our own stories you will find,
you have the biggest part to play.
Should you choose to play it.

We face our own villains, demons and ogres.
For us these come in the form of anxiety,
depression, addiction,
abusive partners,
disability and a thousand other things
that can and does bring us to our knees.

And time after time you will show courage
when you think you have none.
You will be brave when you think you are not.
You will carry on,
even when you are face down in the dirt.
I too have been there,
many times.

And sometimes,
things are so desperate,
too hard for us to bear alone.
We can't be all that we want to be..
and so enters our story...
our friends.

In almost every story I have ever read,
in every moment that I thought I could not carry on,
there will be someone else
who sneaks up beside me...

And these will be our companions,
our sidekicks,
our friends.
They will be the ones who hold us up.
Those who will cheer us on.
Those who will mop our brow,
straighten our collar and send us out fighting again.
They too are the heros,
and where indeed would we be
without them?

So please,
take heart that we do not travel this journey alone.
We are not the only one in our story.
There will be others to help us along the way.

Some may stay for only a page or two,
some for a few chapters,
and others you won't be able to shake
for love nor money..

And so,
when things are at their worst,
when it is the darkest hour,
when all seems lost,
they too will be there,
at your side..
you just might have to write them in.

And they will be with you.
Being the little guy.
The hero.
Right along side us..
****.. sorry it's long..
My excuse is that writing is my one true love.
I just wanted to write about the heros,
our friends, in our ordinary lives..
and this happened :o)

Probably quite **** really but I got carried away.
Little Bear Aug 2016
in his love
my spirit softened
like a fragrant balm
had been soothed
over the raging storm
of my disquieting
within my soul
the storm
had been quelled
and a stillness
fell about
my feet
like autumn leaves
covering the ground
which i always wished
would swallow me
Little Bear Mar 2016
Home is a very special place
Home can be where ever you feel love
Home can be people and places
Home can be a feeling of contentment
Home can be the things you love
Home can be anywhere
Home can be what ever you want it to be
Little Bear Apr 2016
As he enters the room, the dimming light shadows the form which lays on the bed. Soft murmurings are heard, she is in an uneasy sleep.
Her form so fragile, so delicate, lays curled and hugging herself.
He can't believe his eyes.. She is home.

His heart pounds in his chest but this time, not from the adrenaline or fear, this time it is relief and love.

"Dog.. he whispers, not wanting to wake her, Dog go now.. good boy"  Dog looks up at his Master and then obediently leaves the room..
he knows now everything is okay.

Lowering his gun, his hands shake as he replaces the safety catch and stands the still loaded gun in the corner of the room.
Taking a moment to compose himself,
to tame his raging heart
he closes his eyes and holds back the tears
which threaten to fall.

He takes the oil lamp from it's place and, lighting it with a match,
he watches carefully as to not wake her.
He lights the lamp and dims the flame.
It casts a warm glow about the room
and the shadows disappear.
Taking a few steps towards her he notices how drawn she is,
how tired she seems.
Dark circles around her eyes where she
has not slept soundly in so long.

Pity fills his heart, pity and a desperate ache for his lost love.
Moving slowly, thanking his lucky stars he has only socked feet,
he quietly approaches the bedside.
He places the lamp on the dresser and turns to see her,
sleeping in a ragged dress, her feet ***** and sore.

"My God.. where have you been my Darling?"
he whispers and a sob breaks from his chest.
His hand clamps over his mouth but the sound stirs her and she mumbles words he cannot clearly make out.

She is so small in this large bed, so broken..
nothing like the beautiful being that she was a few months ago.
She has been missing for weeks.. months.
And now,
now she lays in their bed..
And she is alive when he thought her dead.

Her words become clearer as she gains consciousness,
although still asleep she is waking slowly.
"My Love.. she softly utters .. My Love, please... home"
And the words bring him to his knees.

Desperate to touch her,
to feel her in his arms once more,
tears stain his cheeks and his vision of her,
of his world.
Everything blurs as the tears flow.
Taking her hand in his he kisses her fingers,
praying this is all not just a dream.
Kissing her gently, each and every finger,
pouring all his love upon each finger tip.

Her hand, her fingers move and gently hold his.
And he looks to her face, sensing she is waking
and he sees her eyes are open,
looking at him in the warm glow of the bedroom.
A frown mars her beautiful face,
she takes a moment to believe what she truly sees.

Her voice is unsteady
"Am I home? Is it really you? Are you there my Love? "
"Darling yes, his smile radiant and, with tears in his eyes,
he kisses the palm of her hand..
yes my Darling you are home.. you have come home to me"

She, for the first time in months,
feels safe. Feels overwhelmed with feelings of joy..
and still cannot believe
she sees her handsome beautiful husband before her.

Smiling she cries,
"Oh My Love... I am sorry, my love please forgive me"
She sobs..
her tears now turn to sorrow
as she holds out her hands to him,
begging forgiveness.

He climbs eagerly onto the bed,
kneeling in front of her.
His arms take her and hold her tight,
holding and placing her upon his lap.
She has become weak and is so fragile.
He lifts her easily, taking her trembling body
and surrounding it with his own.
Warming her skin with his own.
Kissing her hair, uttering words of love into her ears,
filling her soul with warmth and kindness.
Rocking her,
calming her disquieting thoughts,
wiping away her tears with his fingers
as his own tears still fall into her hair.

And he kisses her hands,
her fingers,
her lips.
"My Darling... where did you go?..where did you go?"
Holding her tight,
never wanting her to leave his sight,
not while he still has breath in his lungs.
His hands feel her as she hugs into his chest,
she holds him,
so strong and warm,
her anchor, her Love.

And his hands settle about her waist,
softly stroking her body,
noticing how thin she has become,
her curves have all but disappeared..
except for one..

A soft swelling in her stomach.
A noticeable and very soft ..

He places his hand over the bump,
covering it entirely with his large hand.
Feeling it's roundness,
feeling over the soft curve of her skin.

"My Darling? are you... are you with child? my child?"
his words are in disbelief.. in awe..
slowly turning to elation as he feels her nod against his chest..

"My Love yes... You are going to be a father.."
she tentatively gives him a watery smile..
so unsure of his reaction to the news and this...
this being the reason that she fled..

"Dear God..." He is stunned and light headed...
and sees stars..

In just one fleeting moment he sees in his minds eye
a small child playing,
a baby sleeping,
a child running with Dog and playing in their garden,
he sweeps up the child,
hugging and kissing their rosy cheeks,
hugging his Love close as they wander back to their home..

Dog trotting along happily at their heels...

And the moment fills his heart so full that he cries as it overflows.

"My Darling... My Love... you.. we.. are going have a family?
Oh.. my Darling I want this.. I want us .. and know that,
anything you give me is a blessing,
never think...
don't ever think I would not want this My Darling...
a family..
Darling I thought you dead,
and instead,
you bring home to me a new life.
Our child"

She holds him tight and gives him all of her love
and will never let him go,
sobbing her elation into his chest
as he holds her for all of his life.

And their child quietly grows,
feeling already such love.
I wrote part one and part two a while ago..
it's here somewhere :o)
So part three needed to happen..
and I am glad it finally did
Little Bear Nov 2023
coming home at half past dusk
my body is so very weary
my fingers are cold
my tummy
my thoughts are of home
as i trudge my way
through the darkness

a darkness that falls like
autumn leaves.

from late afternoon
the darkness settles
on the ground

starting with the sky
it falls like a billowing eiderdown
onto a cold autumnal bed

twilight flutters
and spiraling down
it slips quietly between the streets
filling fields

in layer upon layer
of blues and violet hues
upon the houses
and the buildings below

tiny stars begin to glow
as the sky turns to indigo

dreams fall upon the cars
and their lonely passengers

radios on
heater cranked to ten

everyone yawning with wishes of home
waiting for the lights to change

commanders of stop and go
the sentry lollipops
are shining their beams
that dazzle so bright

like stars that burn my eyes
as only i can see
the mirage of wondrous colours

its funny how the imperfections
in my vision
make the ordinary
extra ordinary
as i am blinded by something
not real
more than ordinary

glorious illusions
of glittering light
and as i slowly open
and close my eyes
playing with
the beams to elongate
bend and dazzle
red, gold and  green
blinking in disbelief
at the traffic lights delight

night falls and dutifully
it carpets the world

from work
to home
from home
to work
from work
to home...

ad infinitum

coming home
at the end of the day
to the aroma of stew
the warmth of love

my key opens the lock to a
temporary freedom

and the so begins the unwinding
of the machines fingers
the hamster wheel stops at the door
and gratitude fills my soul as i walk in
through the real world portal

dogs barking
cats milling

yes this...
and only this....

this is a joyous wage
for a job well done
Little Bear Aug 2016
so i went back into that room
and saw what i knew to still be there
covered in dust
and years of silence

not disturbing the scene
i closed my eyes to remember
the scent was still the same
death and fumes
and the quiet still deafened

but this is a necessary evil
i have to remember how to begin

and the floor still had my footprints
from years before
the blood, dried and dark
but they were mine
from where i last stood
in fear

i looked within the ashes
and found tiny footprints
the same as mine
all fleeing
toward me
and gathering around my own

and i saw where his led
out towards the door
wide steps that had paced and roared
black eyes
rolled over
like a sharks eyes
biting chunks from our souls
and i remember he called us ****
and he spat
he raged until he could not speak
spitting obscenities
clawing our soft baby skin

and we stood in silence
trying to remember
how to breathe

as he went
the door slammed so hard
the kitchen window cracked
we payed it no mind
but watched the door
holding hands and apron strings
holding our fingers to our lips
"please don't come back"

the sound of our silence
was the beginning
and now
i am in this room again
for myself this time
trying to to remember
how to begin once more

i take in the memory of that day
and again i lock it away
where it belongs
where it has lain dormant
for so many years

but now
now i add another
to the shelf alongside

this little memory box
burns my fingers
as i hold it
just this one time
as i put it in it's place

this one is made of teeth
and not bone
like the one before

it will be placed with the others
out if sight
and far out of reach
of my heart

i step out of the ashes
and leave behind
the tiny footprints
that had followed mine
out of this room
on that day

small, bloodied and wrecked
but still they followed
holding hands
and apron strings
following me
as i led them home

and this is how i remembered
how to begin
as i stepped from the room

i went to my children
with my heart in my hands

and in return
they gave me their love
to cushion my heart
they told me the things
i had forgotten

they told me how to begin
how to love

no matter the blood
no matter the ash
no matter the bone
no matter the teeth

i know i had forgotten
so many things
and they gave me in return
the thoughts that i had lost

upon their blessings
the hate in me cried out
as it was loved into submission

tiny feet led me by my apron strings
showing me how
i had once shown them
how to begin again
Little Bear Apr 2016
close your eyes and think of dreams
knowing nothing's as it seems
think of things so soft so warm
closing close your eyes till dawn
imagine imagine imagine sleep
remember remember i'm yours to keep
take a breath leave the world behind
finding dreams and peace of mind

wander through meadows of gentle flowers
counting the weeks and the days and the hours
feel softly soft upon your skin
take a breath and breathe it in
just so warm so soft so light
hush hush my love
good night good night
Little Bear Jul 2016
you run
i run
you stop
i stop
you chase
i run
you hunt
i become prey
you shout
i cower
you fight
i hide
you abuse
i will never come back
but if
you talk
i will listen
you listen
i will talk
you are tender
i will grow
you want
i will give
you smile
i will cherish
you lead
i will follow
you love
i am yours
alternatively titled "don't be a ****, this person has been through a enough already and doesn't need you to shout your mouth off and act like an ****"
Little Bear Aug 2016
1)  get a canvas

2)  get some unicorn paint

3)  paint a unicorn

4)  realize you can't paint a unicorn

5)  cry

6)  paint the moon

7)  put glitter and a horn on the moon

8)  pretend it's a fat unicorn

9)  be happy

10) show your dog

11) call the dog back into the room

12) show your dog again

13) get a new dog

14) show that dog

15) tell that dog it's being too critical

16) ask that dog to leave

17) put the picture in the bin

18) decide never to paint unicorns again

19) eat chocolate

20) decide to paint a dragon
Little Bear Oct 2020
close your eyes my child
close your eyes and listen
listen to the hummingbird
beating in your chest
hear it angel
hear it's life within you
know that the sound
of the beating of it's wings
is your joy

let your hair be glorified
in the sunshine
as it falls about your shoulders
like a waterfall
let it flow love
an emanation of silken
sweeping in tides of peace

let your mouth open
may your sweet lips
glisten with honeyed words
speak truth to them child
speak it quietly to the deaf one
let them hear you
and to the ones with out sight
let them take you in
without denial

they will see your eyes sweet girl
they will see kindness
deep within the amber
and golden pools of light

even while you sleep
you draw them close
your soft voice calls to them
the beating of your
humming bird heart
gives them hope

and with that hope
they can learn to love
once more
each other
Little Bear Feb 2016
I can't do love, not romantic love.
I know about 'that' kind of love
and it never ends well.

That's the kind of love where you get hurt
and there is pain and fear
and you're scared for you life.
And at 3am you're begging to live,
to live through just one more night
so that you can leave in the morning.

Quietly slip away.

And you can't call anyone to help
because the phone is smashed
and is somewhere in the garden..

I can't do 'that' kind of love again.
Because that **** damaged me,
damaged my heart.
It broke something deep inside,
and I can't fix it.
My heart is fragile
and it won't let me love again,
not like 'that'...

I can do friendship,
I can do that.
The kind where I can walk away
when I feel trapped
and I think you might hurt me.

And the only reason you will follow
is to ask if i'm okay
and if I want to share the cookies you made
because you made too many
and thought of me.

The kind of friendship where I can trust you,
just enough to hug you,
and you might let me take care of you
when you are sick.

The kind where I will always be there for you,
but you won't ask anything more from me,
you won't ask me to love you,
because you know I am giving you everything,
everything I have already.

I can do the kind of friendship
where I will give you the pretty button,
the one I found on the way home.
I will give it to you and insist that you keep it,
because it's beautiful,
like you.

The kind of friendship where I will make you
chicken soup when you are ill,
and softly stroke your hair
and sing you to sleep.
I will rub your feet when you are tired
and paint your toes. :o)

I will make you phone your Mum
and share my last chewing gum with you.
I will remember your birthday
and read you stories
and make you waffles.

I will listen to you tell me how your day was
and not interrupt.
I will support your decisions and respect your views.
I will let you have the tv remote
and write you notes in your lunch
with a picture of a weasel..
or something equally ridiculous.
Just so that you are happy.

I can do that.

But I can't do love...
not the kind I know about,
'that' kind of love never ends well.

And I want us to end well
or not end at all.

I can do friendship,
I can do that.

I can do that with you
for the rest of my life.
I still have a slightly twisted view of relationships,
what is healthy and what is not.
It's hard to unlearn ingrained behaviours.
But I don't think I will ever allow myself
to go through that again,
to fall in love...
if that's what it ever was.

Love?... nope.
Friendship?...  yes!
I can do that,
with a passion.
Little Bear Aug 2016
never has my heart ached
so much
as to see the nightmare unfold
i have shed the tears
only fit for a funeral
and when you are done
i will be here
i will paint colours today
as bright as the sky
more than rainbows
as big as the ******* moon
and dip my brush in my tears to clean
to rid my deep
of you
glitter will fill my room
and flowers bloom
i will play music
and shake the earth today
i will tear down every wall
to wipe you out
break every glass
and eat the shards
so i don't have the ******* taste of you
in my mouth
rip out my ******* veins
to purge your ******* venom
i don't know how to unfeel this hate
hate hurts
and bleeds on my hands
and everything i touch
will be tainted
but i won't have that
no ******* way
you've danced me in my life
long enough
my meat suit never looked good on you anyway
you didn't even have the opposable thumbs
to do the buttons up
how do you process hate?
it ******* hurts
like a foreign body
wearing mine
an outpouring of grief
upon the ground
my heart aches
i want to take it out
history repeats repeats repeats.. like cucumbers :D
i still don't feel hate, or anything close for this one, only hate for the things that were done.
Little Bear Dec 2016
i don't write
the words
are not
in my head
to be written
to be said
they are not
in my heart
to be etched
upon the page
they no longer
upon my tongue
to be sung..
the space
they once
poured from
that hole
within my chest
has been

.. healed?

i find
i do not


i find
myself living
just a thought
Little Bear Jul 2016
I would give you the oceans
if they were mine to give
but they belong to the shore
and the shore
would be certain to miss them
very much.

I would give you all of the stars
if they were mine to give
but they belong in the night's sky
and darkness would fall
without it's glittering beans
and that would never do.

I would give you the moon
if it were mine to give
but it belongs to the tide
and, to be honest
i'm not quite sure
where you would put something
so monstrously big
in your little house.

You know..
i think it might be better
if i just give you
all of my love
from now until forever
and that would fit in your heart
just perfectly.
Little Bear Jul 2016
As he packed his bags he told me that i must remember to go back to sleep when he's leaves.

He said that he bought some milk when he was at the shop last night, because he knew we were almost out.

He said don't forget to take your tablets after breakfast because it hurts my tummy to take them before.

He said have a lovely day at work and not to worry about him.

He took his guitar and said he was writing a new song that he would record and send to me. He knows how I love to listen to him play.

He hugged me tight as he walked out the door and said he would message me the moment he arrived, as he knows I would worry.

He said he has left me a few pounds just incase I needed anything.

He kissed my cheek and patted me on the head and we laughed as he walked away.

"I love you, see you soon" I said

"Have a quiet week with out me" he laughed.

But he didn't say I love you back.

He had already said it, in every thing that he had done and in every word he had said.
My son is visiting his girlfriend for the holidays. Kids often find it hard to say I love you. But I heard it loud and clear :o)
Little Bear Apr 2016
I am so ****** frightened to tell you
I love you
I don't want to say it.

If I tell you that you're an idiot
and I lean my head on your shoulder
and I look at you
like you are made of magic
you'll know  
that's exactly what I mean..
Little Bear Jan 2016

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to **** or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Rather than just imagine... Make it happen.
Little Bear Sep 2016
the dust will settle
and i will come
under the ground
to find you

still breathing
still bleeding
still needing
my love
i will find one more
for you
as you gasp
and grasp for
for heaven

my love
smile with me
let it go
for all we need
to hold onto
is the sky
between our fingers

hands holding tight
look at me
see no lie
place my promise
in your heart
where it belongs

and i will save us both
Little Bear Jan 2016
Oh how I wish you were still here
I wish so much that you were here to hold me
To give me your words of comfort
To guide me to were I must go
I wish you could still laugh with me
That I could show you how far I have come
I hope you would be proud of me

Oh I wish you were still here
To tell me of which path is best
To tell me that I am brave
To show me what it is to have courage
To love me as you always did
And then I could tell you over and over again
Just how much I love you, I need you, I miss you.
I miss my Dad so very much.
And, even after all this time,
I find need him now
more than ever.
Little Bear Oct 2016
and i
never thought
i'd be
so fortunate
to never love like
i really
that i could

but that's okay
because i'm glad
i don't
feel it
like you do
because when you go
i'll be spared
all the things
that most
go through

so i'm okay if you stay
and i'll be okay
if you leave
and i'm okay
if you want to
when i die
that you might grieve

so if you leave me on the side of
the road a while
i promise
i'll just play with the cars
it makes me smile
and i promise if the day comes
and you don't return
your keys
i promise i won't beg you
make a scene  
falling upon my knees

i'm okay if you stay
and i'll be okay
if you leave
and i'm okay
if you want to
when i die
that you might grieve

so don't worry
that i'm bleeding
from the inside out
just move along
and sing your song
there's nothing to see

i'm okay if you stay
and i'll be okay
if you leave
and i'm okay
if you want to
when i die
that you might
for me
just a poem/song/words/messy/ lol/ :o)
Little Bear Apr 2016
I had to write it
right then
nothing would stop the flow
out of my mouth
whirlpools of imagination
my vision drenched with words
running over and over the brim
it was pouring out
spilling onto the floor
puddles at my feet
find me a pen
I need a pen
write it write it out
on the back of napkins
scraps of paper
write it while the river flows
while the deluge pours
while the words still make scense
find me a pen
I need to write
I will never remember it the same way
the same way it saturates my clothes
my skin
panic and euphoria
fear and excitement
write it out
write it out
find me a pen
before it's too late
before it's gone
Despite having more reading books in my bag
than any person in their right mind should,
I have learned never to be without
a note book and a pen.
Little Bear Nov 2016
I can't remember
the moment
I fell in love
There were no fireworks
Nor lightening bolts
No movement
of the earth
beneath my feet
Nothing like that..

What I do know is..
it was slow
and sweet
like molasses
licked from a spoon
It was like
an easy
Sunday morning
and sleeping
till noon
Like smooth
creamy coffee
on my tongue
That feeling
of warmth
beneath covers
The taste of your skin
The taste of you

The way your soul
Loves mine

The way your soul
Loves mine

And All i know is
the world can go to hell
Because I've fallen
In love
And I don't even
remember when
Little Bear Feb 2020
Humpty Dumpty dinosaur
Cabbage intervention
Pomegranate superman
Cat combustion engine

Floribunda mermaid sock
Tulip nuts crab apple
Dingo sausage metaphor
Peanuts wedding chapel

Rabbit bacon octopus
Toadstool hair satsuma
Weasel carrot gristle flag
Timone simba pumba

Purple chicken nugget sauce
Generic baby boomer
Zebra armpit underware
Butterfly harpooner

***** pickle under pants
Worm negotiator
Windy beansprout sausage dog
Cardboard Rotavator

Hairy ice cream body *****
Juicy **** denial
Otter baby gusset lunch
Autopsy free trial
I found out that having a constant internal narrative was a thing. I thought everyone had an internal monologue. Mine is a constant. Some have no inner voice. How does that work? I thought (to myself) the constant narration in my head was normal. Not just thoughts floating in and out but conversation, with myself, about everything lol

Not to say this is what I think but, the steady stream of words is weirdly normal to me :)
Little Bear Feb 2016
The windows broken, shattered in wrath.

The doors marred with holes were fists landed.

The floor tiles hold such sad memories..
such unforgivable, unspeakable things.

The corner of the room where I was beaten.

The bedroom where bruised skin and pain was normal,
the bed flipped over, the cot smashed.

The garden heard the screams of hate.

The living room where the ornaments flew, the tv smashed,
a knife held to my throat.

The front door where I was pinned and battered,
stopped from leaving.

The phone ripped from the socket, no calls for help.

The place in the kitchen were I cowered and
our home was ripped apart.

The kitchen tiles where I was made to scrub the floor on my hands and knees for over an hour, while my head was held down, banging it on the floor...
the day before my daughter was born.

The unforgivable words that broke my heart.

The day I knew I would eventually be killed...
and my children.

But, those days are now over.

And I am glad that they are.

Because today, that same window, it frames the prettiest bunch of daffodils.. and a cat...

The doors now hold the name plates for the happy children who's bedrooms they are.

I have washed that floor more than a thousand times and slowly,
it becomes clean.

That corner of the room holds a beautiful bookshelf with scented candles, flowers, my favourite reads piled high.

That bedroom is no longer mine.

The garden blooms with flowers and the grass grows, it is the place where I think the best. Where the birds feed, where our two bee hotels might need an extension...

The living room is my favourite place, such bright colours adorn the walls. Filled with art, music, books, more cats and the occasional dog..

The front door is where we leave for work and come home,
tired but happy. I have my own key.

The phone and number replaced, for when I call my friends and family. For when my children call home.

The kitchen floor, wood covers those scars, the floor will always be ***** no matter how much I scrub. My daughter is 14 and happy.

I cannot yet forget nor forgive the hateful words.

Everyday I know I was right to leave.

We are here...

We are happy and have begun to heal.

And so has our home.
Time eventually heals all wounds. And for the scars that are left behind, well... they must become the reason you move on and find happiness again. The things spoken have been the hardest to get past. I find it hard to trust anyone, but it is a work in progress... that too will come in time. We decorate our home with flowers, art, laughter, pets and music. It heals us. And it heals those places in our home that bare the invisible scars, the ones I can still see.
Little Bear Oct 2016
im going to live
by myself
surrounded by
loved ones


but i am not alone
nor am i lonely

i have me
and right now

i am more than enough
Little Bear Feb 2016
Sometimes I wish I was invisible.
Not to go around and be sneaky.
Doing **** that upsets people or hurts them.
I just wish I was invisible because
I'm just so ******* tired of being seen.
Having to hide my insecurities.
Having to lock up my emotions.
Having to keep myself safe.
Just being out there.

I rock.
Not the kind where i'm awesome...
The kind where I find I hug myself.
Where I move back and forwards.
All the ******* time.
When I eat.
When I write.
When I read.
When I do anything.
Just gently rocking.
Always have and probably always will.
But it comforts me.
I comfort me
That's so ******* weird.
But it's honest.

I wish I was invisible.
So that the world could leave me alone.
Because it gnaws on my bones.
Like it has the right to do that to me.
I just want to be invisible so I can live quietly.
Doing my own thing.
And no one will know I am there.
And hopefully no one will see me.
And, if I close my eyes.
And rock quietly, and slowly.
I think that's the closest I will ever get.
To being invisible.
Anxiety *****. Being an introvert in a world of extroverts is so draining. Just makes me want to be invisible for a while.
Little Bear Mar 2016
i take it back
my name from your lips
it doesn't belong there

i take it back
my love from your heart
you don't deserve it

i take it back
my life from yours
it was never yours to keep

i take it back
so i can live again
without you.
Little Bear Mar 2016
It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship.

It’s okay to say no to ****** advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and ostracized — it’s okay to say no to anything and anyone that causes you pain or makes you uncomfortable. You’re allowed to put yourself first. You’re allowed to set limits and boundaries.

And you deserve to make your happiness and well being a priority. You don’t ever have to settle for something or someone that doesn’t feel right. And you definitely don’t have to compromise yourself for the sake of making other people happy. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, AND IF THAT MEANS SAYING NO, IT'S MORE THAN OKAY.**

A quote by – Daniell Koepke
"No" is a complete sentence.
It does not require justification or explanation

(not my quote)
Little Bear Jul 2016
They say it's the quiet ones
that are the real freaks
but i'm pretty normal
for me

and so..

if by freak they mean
living without regret
within the secrets i keep
and loving all
of the rainbow dreams
i dream
and indulging in
the delicious passions
i crave
and never saying sorry
for the weird ***
what's wrong with you?
does your mother know?
kind of life
i fully intend
to live
then yeah..
maybe they've got a point

and so..

by that reckoning..
i must be
the most unapologetic
and quietest freak
you're ever likely to meet
Little Bear Feb 2016
As he left he handed me a letter and said
I must not open it until he had gone...

We hugged forever as I held the unopened letter
tight in my hand.

A kiss lingered in the air.

But I did not give it and he did not take it.

But a secret kiss left my lips
and floated after him as the door closed.

As he drove away I opened the letter.
It read....

My Lovely Button... :o)

To me you will always be the breeze that picks up before a storm.
You are the 10 seconds before midnight on New Years eve.
You are the rumble on the runway before take off.
You are 'that' look before lovers kiss under the mistletoe.
You are Christmas eve when the house is finally asleep.
You are the look over the edge before a bungee jump.

You are the anticipation, the butterfly's, the wish.
You are the want... but the never have.

I will miss you..
more than I will miss Monster Munch

He knew not to steal a kiss...
Because he knows I am saving them..

For the one who wants my storm
and my midnight
the whole holiday
and 'that' kiss
my Christmas day
and my free fall...

I will miss him longer than forever.
My friends move to Canada next week.
While his wife said goodbye to her friends and family,
my childhood partner in crime and best friend
came to say goodbye to me.
There has always been a 'spark' between us...

But I want the whole **** forest to burn...
Little Bear Apr 2016
I never professed to be pretty
certainly not beautiful
and okay so...
babies don't actually cry when they look at me
I know what I am
what I look like
you don't have to remind me
Yes.. I'm awkward
I mess up my words
I'm shy until I know you a little better
Do you notice I find it hard to look you in the eye?
I thought not
Do I wish the ground would swallow me whole
more than once a day?
You bet
So.. I'm not really comfortable in my own skin
I know that..
But I refuse to have a thick skin
to man up and to take it on the chin
with or with out a pinch of salt
I refuse to be like you
I don't want to be hard hearted and cynical
and I also don't want to brush off your comments
like they are nothing to me
Because every word you said
every thing you implied
I have thought of myself too
all the time
And if what you said hurts me
then so be it
But that also means I am not like you
I would rather be me
self conscious
a great big bag of what if's
But ultimately happy
I care
I want to do better
I love
I am soft
I have passion and dreams
(okay, so weird ones sometimes)
but I won't make fun of you
and if I like you I will tell you
and I will remind you that I love you
You don't know what I have seen
and have been through
You don't know what happened to me
because you don't know me at all
So don't judge me on what you see
judge me on what you know
And by what I know of you
I'm just glad I am me
I wrote this a few years ago.
I was on  a bus and there were
some very unkind things being said
by some other people on the bus.
Not just to me but to other passengers.
I came home and wrote this.
I just needed to write it out.
The sad thing is..
this is still relevant.
Little Bear Jul 2016
Hey Johnny where are you now?
You left, and never came back, just like you said you would.
And now i have heard that you died, my Darling.

You were always my Darling, and i was always your 'little bit of fluff'
And if what they say is true, i know you'd be ****** as all hell if you ended up in heaven, because hell was always more your style.

But i do hope, if you are in heaven, that it's a heaven made just for you.
I reckon they would have a jukebox that only played Kansas and the Eagles, beautiful women and had Stella and black on  tap.
Oh and a GPZ1100, with no speed limit..
And you know what i mean by that.. you little ****.
You'd be in heaven.. oh the irony

You were the first person i told that i like girls too.
I told you i love their softness, there beauty, their curves, their taste,
the way they taste like me, feel like me, are soft like me and that i had *** while watching a video on MTV with girls singing in the swimming pool.
You said you needed a minute to think about things...
for a very long time.. in the bathroom... on your own..

Your tattoos were beautiful, covering you from head to toe.
My favorite one was the pirate that your friend Pervy Pete did
while he was baked, it was meant to be Long John Silver, but it looked like your Nan.

You gave me my first snakebite and took me to my first gig.
Wembley... Metallica.. ****** out of my head..
Best night ever..

I taught you how to crochet and you let me paint your toenails..
only the once. And you taught me how to whistle with my fingers.
In the end you told me to shut the **** up, because any minute now a whole **** heard of sheep dogs are going to come running over the hill, and **** us both.

I held your spanners, sat on a crate and had fork oil, all over my summer dress. You said it was a good look on me and i told you that you were beautiful. You smelt of sweat and juniper oil and i could have *** from that smell alone.

Your eyes were the same brown as mine, you used to put your face so close to mine so i could see myself in your eyes. I only wish you could have seen yourself through mine.

If we had ever been together, i would have wanted to have saved you.
And i would have too.
But you didn't want to be saved.
I would have spent my whole life trying. You said you would have hated yourself, to have been the one to have killed me like that.

In my heart we will always be. I knew you loved me because, while i slept in your arms on the way back from the Bulldog Fest, you whispered it to me.

Good bye and sweet dreams my tattooed greasy biker.. my Darling.

I'm grateful you never found out about the life i had without you.
You would have killed him.
Little Bear Feb 2016
I leave this place.
The clouds of humiliation hang heavy,
drenching my naked skin.
The air damp with shame.

Looking back at the town
called worry and torment.
My naked form ridiculed and put in stocks
as the towns folk aimed their best.
My time was served
for no crime that I committed.

And I am now leaving.
To wander the hills and woodland once again.
To find my peace.

My rucksack now packed with my hopes,
like Lambas bread.
A small cake of it
would feed a grown man for a day,
even with a hard march ahead.
I know there are many in my bag.
Enough to last a lifetime.

My water skin filled with laughter,
drinking deeply to quench my thirst.
I know the clear springs I find
will fill my bottle to the brim.

My dreams are worn about me,
as the finest cloth,
To give me warmth at night
and to hide me from my foe.
Their colour indiscernible,
neither grey nor green.
The soft Hithlain hangs about my shoulders
clasped with a broach of comfort.

I wear my friendships under my garments,
keeping them close to my heart.
As strong as Mithril.
And just as beautiful.

My map shows the way to happiness,
just over the horizon.
Away from this town.

The sun shines through the trees,
showing me the way.
The only thing I can trust is that it will rise in the east
and will set in the west.
Everything else will be met with caution.
A lesson well learned.

My heart is light,
my mind clear,
I know the way ahead will be led
only by my own footsteps.
Walking barefoot to the new lands that await me.

waving my map...


I love Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings'..
Just read 'The Hobbit' for the second time.
Now reading 'The Fellowship of the Ring' again...
'The Two Towers' next!!!

One day I will be brave and read 'The Silmarillion'

When life gives you lemons, keep 'em, because hey... free lemons.!!

Little Bear Mar 2016
Maybe I want to be single
maybe I like myself that way
I can do just as I please
no matter what they say

Maybe I like being alone
and take pleasure in being myself
having fun and loving life
I am not left upon the shelf

I am dancing and I'm singing
I read and draw and paint
maybe I don't want to be a couple
unhappy? no I ain't..

Maybe I like to be silent
and not have to talk for days
I can come and go as I please
I am happy in so many ways

And I like being by myself
I feel comfortable with me
don't assume I need another
I am happy and carefree

I'm not ready to be 'taken'
I am as happy as can be
my life's just the way I want it
I am happy just being.. me
It seems I have spent my whole life with someone else. I lived at home until I was married at 18, lived with my husband until I was 35. Until now, I'd never had a room to myself and I have never lived alone. Now I find I like my space. I love to do the things I love. I am happy and content to be just me. I can be carefree and wander, finding out more and more about myself that I didn't know before. One day, maybe I will find love, or love will find me... either way,
I'm in no rush.. i'm just enjoying the scenery.
Little Bear Jan 2016
Why don't the weather presenters just say it like it is?

Why do they say 'Oh a high of 34 it's going to be a glorious day'...

When really that is a completely ridiculous temperature,
Its boiling and I know my head is going to melt just getting to the bus stop. I'm going to have a face like a baboons **** by the end of the day... but no... it's glorious. ******* is it...

Watch out for those icy roads...

No... but thank you for your concern. I however will be doing my best Bambi on **** roller skates impersonation because the roads are gritted but the pavements are like ******* sheet ice. I might need a replacement hip joint by the end of the day.

There could be an accumulation of snow overnight...

Well if an accumulation means three flakes and the town grinding to a halt, I'm moving to a ******* Alaska. At least I could get to work on time. Even commuting from there would be quicker than my bus driver detouring around three ******* flakes, one of which looks suspiciously like a bit of lint.

Why don't they tell the truth?

Why don't they say okay, it's going to be ******* freezing, I wouldn't bother. Phone in work and say your dog is sick, make something up because you are going to regret every **** step you take to work.

Or... it's going to be a snow day,

The schools will be shut so your shop is going to be rammed with rosy cheeked, sniveling kids with their chubby fingers in your pick and mix all day. Kids in the street are going to be complete **** holes and pelt you with snow because their aim is crap and they should be inside in the warm on their computers...

or Mate... its ******' it down...

You might want to build an ark at some point. Your dog won't even go out in it, it will sit whining it's miserable snout off at the door all ******* day because it wont use a litter tray...

But your cat will be happy... smug little ****.
And now, the weather..
Little Bear Oct 2021
Little Bear Apr 2016
My reactions they are real
every word I say is true
out my mouth comes trouble
there's no time to think it through

so if I tell you you are perfect
I really think it's true
and if I tell you that I love you
I'll believe I really do

if I'm happy I clap my hands
like a mad demented seal
but at least you'll know I'm happy
I can't help but keep it real

my mind works overtime
but my mouth's one step ahead
some of the **** I come out with
wishing I'd stayed silent instead

but my reactions are all real
and i'm holding nothing in
if you to me are perfect
I will tell you everything

I will tell you you are magic
I will tell you are smart
I will tell you your a genius
and your poetry's an art

I will squeal when you say nice things
I will cry when I am sad
I will call you a **** weasel
when you have made me mad

I don't pretend to be amazing
I won't act like someone else
because the truth is very clear
it's hard enough to be myself.
shy, introverted, anxiety driven,
socially awkward nervous wreck.
I wish I had an off button.
Little Bear Mar 2016
Words of kindness
are like a balm for the soul
and should be applied liberally
where it hurts the most
Little Bear Jan 2016
My thoughts tick
in a different kind of way.

Slightly twisted,
with a little 'kink'

Wanting what you give,
giving what you want.

My mind and my body is yours,
to do with as you will.

Dominate my sweet love for you
and I will surrender.

Giving myself over to your pleasure.

My obedience is infinite.

Tie me to the bed
with the pink ribbons from my hair.

Make your fingers dance over my skin
feeling, stroking,
penetrating me
over and..

Take what you will.

Hard and with passion.

Fill my mind,
my thoughts,
my body,
with your essence.

Whisper softly in my ear.

'You are MINE!'

There is nothing I want more.

So delicious
So divine.
Edited :o)
Little Bear Jan 2017
i am sorry
that i will not have
the time
to grow old
and my heart weeps
that i will not see
the world
just one more time
as it once was
i grieve
for all of the futures
that will not be
and the pasts
that will no longer
be retold
i lament day
and night
that it has come
to this

to be present
the end
as it begins
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