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Lev Rosario Nov 2020
It is our mad fate
That conciousness
Unlived and unexiled

Like a prophet
Whose songs
Cry out in the dark
We stand

Defeated in exile
In front of
An aged mirror

We press forward
In the presence
Of the absolute
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
I want to escape from myself
Throw my body away
Leave it to the dogs

I am a scar on the face of this city
A disgrace to my family
I am but dust on this Earth

All my failures have piled up
And my future is a waste
My God has judged me

I have wasted my talents
I am a worn out computer
Useless to the core

Curse the day I was born
Let no one speak of it
May it be forgotten forever

Yet my soul yearns for life
I want to burst into flames
To become a superman

But I shall not let it
I will eat spoiled food
And let myself get sick

For I deserve nothing
Not even a kiss from my mother
Nor the rest of a good day

Throw me away
Throw me away
Throw me away

I shall walk the path
Of those astray
And never come back this way

My mouth is a puddle of filth
My hands are a force of destruction
My belly is a harbinger of greed

I am a failed star
Thrown into the galaxy
With no end in sight

I am an enemy of paradise
A spy of the rotting planet
And a slave of the guilty self
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
I suspect that poetry
Will save me from death

That my poems will be
The blueprint to immortality

I shall be reborn as a rhyme
And baptized in metaphor

My body will be of words
And my soul of imagery

And the past is eternalized
As photos save memory

And so will you reader
Be saved by poetry

In every poem you read
There's a whole country

Of angels that will praise
Be of good cheer and be merry

Your eyes will be restored
And be filled with mirth

As the crucifix saves
The ****** on Earth
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
It is when two lovers
Meet in the dark
And exchange kisses

It is when two children
Play without knowing each other
Just living in the moment

It is in the creation
Of a new song
By a rock and roll band

It is in the coming together
Of people in the streets
To protest their rights

It is in the baptism
Of a baby. Joining
The communion of saints

It is in the migration
Of birds to enjoy
The sun's warmth

It is when a father
Comes home from abroad
Bringing new gifts

It is in the death
Of a young man
And his mother's grief
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
Don't talk. Listen
To my heartbeat
Can you hear
My heart's metaphors?
I'm a poem who
Has lost his poeticity
I am a saint who
Has lost his saintliness
Will you still love
Me, after all of this?
Or will you
Throw me away?

Transform the climate
Of my thoughts
That my soul may become
A continent of pure metaphor
Of pure light
I want to be
Like the fish
Who swim in lakes
Not caring about
Away from the
Troubled currents

Do not doubt
My intentions
I only want to love you
To caress your body
Like Ursa Major
Like Saint Francis
With the beasts
May we never
Run out of metaphors
To dance to
So that you may see
Your skin blend into mine
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
Throw me like
        yesterday's newspaper
I'll come rolling back
       around like tommorow's weather

Abandon me
        to the elements
I'll still cling to you
         like the sacraments

Forget me like
          an unwanted memory
I'll be what you need
          your deepest remedy

Ignore me like
          you ignore the flies
I'll be the one
          to remember your lies
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
I saw a fallen Apple fruit
Beneath the shadow of the tree
It was all red and cool and fresh
And worms have yet to partake its flesh
Round the fruit's awaited grave
Nothing lies but cool earth; Save
The footprints that lead to and from
This Apple tree that stood alone
This vast expanse of fielded loam

Straightaway I knew the answer to this enigma
Adam rose from the dead and found that he was hungry
He saw the Apple tree, rattled the branches so the fruit would fall
And seeing the prints where the snake did crawl
Decided that he was not going to eat at all
He left; walked around in search of Eve
And his son Seth so that they can run around naked and not toil till sundown
and relieve themselves from the burden
Of being first and last in Eden
I wrote this like 5 or 6 years ago. Inspired by Jorge Luis Borges
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