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the yellow glow of the rising sun
gives me the gift of renewed hope
and gratitude for my breath and life
Thank you.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
 Aug 2014 Florin Gorgan
Poetic T
The toughest scars to heal are concealed on the inside
we spend our last few years
      much as we spent our first few                                                              ­    
trying to get someone to pay attention to us
        wishing we could eat grownup food
                   hoping for better toys

           And waiting for Mom and Dad
                 to come and get us
                    and take us home.
 Aug 2014 Florin Gorgan
True love does know bounds
It just refuses to stay within them.
Breath of life, it is a wild ocean
always a tide coming and going
in this place, it does not linger long
never holding on, only drifts quietly into night
into stars, into fleeting sparks of fire flies
or in the night waters, a ghostly glow
of phosphorescence, a transient trail
of luminescence that soon
fades and reappears to light
the deepest depths
of sea
to all who stop by here to read this poem, I thank you
to all poets, here and everywhere, I thank you
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