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 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Below my feet I feel glass
Under my ******* I feel sweat perspired by pain
In between my eyes I see anxiety emerging through my veins right into my eyes
My teeth clench themselves in agony
My voice creaks with fury because beauty is defined by profanity
Profanity embraced by people because they think they know better
Who are we to judge?
But who are we to not judge?
Defined jaws from promiscuous women clasp with fury and worry
Their belief of beauty is supposedly seen through them
Everyone else wonders as to how this may be possible
But their conniving and piercing words curb our brains for their beneficial belief
I sit and wonder how one could possibly define what beauty is…
A tongue that bares words of ultimate obscenity provides atrocity to those whom may be concerned
When you look into their eyes you see fear
Fear of being judged and fear of feeling lost
Rage fumes through their eyes and the burning sensation triggers their tongues to hurt others as a mechanism to feel better
Words spat out from their mouths haze those who they are meant for
These women think beauty is seen from physicality but others beg to differ.
I for one, know that I am one of them
I am not much of a beautiful person on the outside but I know that through all my internal trials and tribulations, I am a beautiful person inside
Windy weathers determine a person’s mood and these women fail to understand
They fail to understand that an increase in problems lights up a matchstick that could burn down a person’s soul
The weather already provides gloom for those in doom but these women fail to comprehend the pain and desolation brought by this weather
These wanton women think Louis Vuitton items define a person’s worth
Lord have mercy may passages of evil not swallow them
May oceans of hurt not sink them
All they have to do is learn how to not judge but how to love
This will help them build their self-esteems into an empire full of care
enriched by hairs of happiness
Perfection may be a satisfaction
But imperfections make one’s life worthwhile
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Tali S
My bedsheets are covered
In blue stars
I bought them because i thought they were pretty
But I forgot
Stars are suns
And they burn my skin
At 4am
When I am trying to sleep

The cold is all I've ever known.
My lonely heart is made of frost.
Never has it beaten yet,
not once has it been lost.

The heavy clouds that fills the sky
delivers ice and snow,
and every day I fiercely pray
for winds of spring to blow.

My brittle bones are aching,
longing for her touch.
A smile warmer than the sun
and eyes that shine as such.

She'll set my heart ablaze with love.
She'll kiss me on the lips
and through my body heat will spread
from toes to fingertips.

We stare into each others' eyes,
naked to the bone.
Still fully dressed, though, we know now
we'll never be alone.

Forever will I love her,
my summer buttercup,
and all she has to do
is simply showing up.
Please keep in mind when reading this that this is the very first poem that I have ever written. Also English is not my first language. This is a very simple poem with little depth to it, however I feel like it captures loneliness as an emotion pretty well.
Love is a thing most wretched vile,
hear me now for what I say is true.
A shattered soul, an empty smile
is all that will remain of you.

If Love should be when the birds would sing,
then a crow I must be.
If Love doth joy from the heart forth-bring
then mine is but a lonesome cavity.

If one should drink from that poisoned spring
to prove absurdity,
then one will cling to suffering
for neigh eternity.

Yet know this about Love's bittersweet breath:
If it is pure, it will outlast even death.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Kristo Frost
This notebook and I share a secret,
which I will never reveal.

This notebook, on the other hand,
has at times sleighted me slightly.

This notebook is not to be trusted,
for if I trust it, I may be betrayed.

This notebook and I share a secret;
it will never be told lest I talk.
Thanks to all the readers!
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Criss Sole
A boy I loved kept the truth from me

Just so I could keep on smiling

His laughter contagious

His hands on my shoulders

And in my hair

And on my lighter

To light my fire

I studied his face, while I inhaled

He studied mine as I exhaled

I, trying not to show too much of what I felt

He, trying to make me show what I felt for him

Any minute now, I might break

The cigarette in his mouth

Becomes an hourglass

Almost at an end

He smokes it slowly to prolong the time

We know once it’s done

The reason for our outside meeting

Will no longer be legitimate

What was it then that I felt, and why?

Was it the certain way he touched a cigarette to his lips

Or how he kept it there deciding his next move?

I wanted to be that cigarette

He puts it out

It’s no longer burning

But I am, as I walk inside
I wrote this sometime in the summer of 2009. Looking back on it now, I cannot believe that that was once my life. Things seemed almost carefree... well compared to now. In one full year all of that would be taken away. I had a crush on a coworker, and we'd always find reasons to spend time together. Looking back on it I smile. Those were good memories. When I say he kept the truth from me, he was about to get fired in the upcoming week. He just didn't want to spoil the fun we used to have.
I was home and all alone,
Laid and thought about the days we spent recalling all our pain,
Front porch talking about when we work again,
And how we wish we could spend those hours wasted on the floor on each other,
But I know you don't have the time,
I'm a teenage love at best,
Bound to wash up in your dreams,
I'm just too much of a mess,
Keep me wrapped up in your thoughts,
I hope I pass the time,
But you just kept moving way too fast,
Just wish that I could hit rewind.
I couldn’t give it up.
Coffee’s luscious touch
As I’m stuck and I’m broke
A lackluster girl depressed to the bone
No matter where I go
my residence is clothed in white walls
and still, the darkness follows me
Haunting these very halls
And when the clock strikes midnight
It brings out the worst in me
the quietness, the stillness
No one here and no one’s coming
So I wake to the morning
To find my dream catcher was a fruitless endeavor
Turn to the window to see the wasps around flowers
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