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  Apr 2018 Lady Grey
Your Earthly
Myths and fears
Fall *******
Traveler's ears
(Yes there's many of us)
You bound yourselves
To earth
Where your
Superstition has giving birth
But if you truly seek
The real deal
Fear not to breach
A greater free will
Come with us
To another dimension
Where being of light
Need no inventions
Be a master, not a slave
We were never created
To be trapped in a maze!

I long to go
Where creativity flows
No fear of the unknown
Or of some maze that is shown
By light, warm and unburning
Star littered night skies
hair blowing in the wind
Bright eyes shining with a glint
Unbound by time or place
Before the lost of innocence, faced
I'll give my hand, in trust
to another dimension, or bust...

"Temporal Fugue"
Through the mirror
Traveling the unknown maze
Gazing on, site's unseen
And setting them, ablaze
Through the universe
Pausing to explore
Perusing the next, traverse
And wanting, so much more
Masters of discovery
Trust, holding out her hand
Knowing forever and a day
Just a woman, just a man.

(Was that a yes or no?)
Traveler Tim
  Apr 2018 Lady Grey
In my most desperate need
seek out a bush by a tree
rewarded with a rash on my rear end
relieving, with a squat, by poison ivy

No thank you, I will take a chance
in hopes of saving my ***
and hold it until I just can't
and avoiding a nasty rash
even if it means ....
I will possibly *** my pants

Temporal Fugue
*** the least of your worries
as your bladder will expand
making you make decisions
not all that good, or planned

So make your place
and keep your wits
bear, what you can stand
drop your drawers and hold your ****
and ***, as god, demands
Yes, these are very important issue to discuss among friends! **** seriously, it's not funny. # sarcasm
Lady Grey Apr 2018
I take a knot inside my head
Out to see what’s left instead
A jumble of words
And tied-up thoughts,
But to know what’s there
Is all for naught

For only I can truly see
What the world
Could really be
In my vast imagination.

It’s a pain
It really is
To see the beauty up in there
Wrapped up in confusion’s stare
And unable to explain.

All the knots inside my brain
Will always there remain,
For I, a simple dreamer, fair
May never get the chance to share.
I can never fully put my thoughts and imaginings into perfect sense, the way that I think of and see them, so they remain jumbles of string inside my head
Lady Grey Apr 2018
So tired
                            Of what?
I dont know
Im so e m  p      t         y
Its s
         ­                           t
                                    ­          i
                                                     ­            n
                                                               ­                                            g
Not the hard and harmful kind
Just soft and gentle
         Muffling reality
                     Blurring the edges
I can barely breathe
     Or relate
To anyone
Thats my friend down the hall
     Better look down
I dont want to talk
               Dont take it personally
Im just too tired to think
      To breathe
      To talk
I cant focus
Cant open my mouth
My hands tremble
But my eyes are hard and staring
                                                         ­    Rude.
         Im not looking at you
Im just lost in space
                        In the             e m p t y             void
sometimes everything just seems wrong, like you're the only thing that's real, you know?
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