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 May 2014 -KL
1.18 am
 May 2014 -KL
I don't love everything about you.

If I said I did, I would be dishonest.

I don't love the way you hold yourself too arrogantly sometimes

I don't love the way you can be too mean with your jokes,
even though you don't mean them seriously.

I don't love how your sense of humor gets too weird sometimes

I don't love how you just love talking about yourself

I don't love how you can seem so cold and how
you can so easily ignore me to the point of madness.

But I will tell you this.

I do love the way you flash your imperfect teeth into a warm smile
whenever you see me.

I do love your stupid laugh, because it makes me laugh even more
than the joke itself.

I do love the way you talk about your dreams and your views and the world.

I do love how you can surprise me with kindness and attention
when I least expect it.

And most of all, I love how you can make me feel everything
no one else ever could.

And that is why the reasons that I love you
are all so much more important than the reasons why I don't.
 May 2014 -KL
 May 2014 -KL
You love to tell me the simplest of lies,
Like how you'll love me forever and I'm beautiful in your eyes,
You'll tell me I'm perfect and that you'll never leave,
But suddenly you're gone and I'm left to grieve.
 May 2014 -KL
 May 2014 -KL
How foolish it is
to think about someone all day
and you never
crossed their mind.
 May 2014 -KL
Call me crazy
 May 2014 -KL
I guess I was just crazy because I didn't have a problem with my wild brown hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. I didn't have a problem with who I was at all. I think what's worse than hating yourself is liking what you see in the mirror and wondering why no one else does.
 May 2014 -KL
The leafs fall upon your grey
To me it’s all then fade away
Once we finally stalled, the miles couldn’t speak
Time is the only thing I fear in doses that are weak

Farewells capture the hollow of my heart
Get well attached with measures broken apart
Dares that laugh for books having to end
Our time is short my lovely friend

In storms of geography and pencil fading
In poetry’s tears and the woman I am dating
Every tic is of the essence
Every line pays a price
After it all crashes, what will survive?

Signs to wrong directions paint your face
Unspoken love songs fill the drains
Attached to her letter was what left her to cry
Oh how a life without you, I’d rather die

Romance dripped over cigarettes and wine
A poet’s trip on escaping crime
The bars are but windows to the miles ahead
Longing for her touch awake in my bed

Whispers that break silence are a timeless curse
Lovers dancing to violins on a sketchy curb
The pointless picture is within her flame
A love in my veins that only she can tame
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