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296 · Aug 2021
Kelly Aug 2021
did you ever stop writing about me?
did you ever really start?
Everything for the aesthetic
288 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
I used to think I fell in love with possibility
Concrete walls brimming with opportunity
And sudden metallic jerks
Running Rails on Halsey street
As well as the bathroom stalls
Of Brooklyn beer bars
Funneling my vision through crooked teeth
And clippings, semantics separated by seconds
Between moments of forgotten clarity
But now I see

It’s just a city

And I’m still painfully me
287 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
I wish your words could alleviate the worst
       of my thoughts
I wish I could preserve
                         your perception of me
prior to the wreckage
                    I wrought this week

And I wish that leaving
           was as hard for you as it is for me
           was as hard today as before

                 a perfectly composed score
                             of budding love

but now I’ve sung too much off pitch
and I’m overwhelmingly certain
        my fears
        adhered           a foul taste in your mouth

   when you think                of me

And all I believe is “she’ll leave, she’ll leave, she’ll leave”
                         after seeing this worst of me
I love you more than you love me
285 · Mar 2021
Kelly Mar 2021
I'm tired of this platter,
the pieces I've served and the lies I've heard

you don't want me.
sometimes I think you do
283 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
inner contention wrecked my mind
and rocked me to my core
loving you would be a ride
unrivaled, craving more.
darkness, how attractive
281 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
the people i've been
the places i've known.
274 · Nov 2021
Kelly Nov 2021
i can't turn off my brain
                                                   through internal defamation                

of no mild nature

other than the torture
twisting the knife every time
i try to say something                      

about myself.
272 · May 2019
Kelly May 2019
The ties between isolation and liberation
Seem faulty

But in felt driven black
And blotted skies
I find myself in that between
From meaning of life and gentrified
Feelings where we are assumed to spend
Most of our time

I tried

I wish I could hammer pointed flathead nails
Into my harrowed chest
Without the screws of drivered nights

Rendering me blind

Though now I understand I’ve been that way my whole life

The comfort of what’s always there
Illusions of truths
Falsified by minds so accustomed to presume
That we are never alone

Absent of human nature

But as the faulty lines
And sharp riptides
And avalanches
Of hidden tries


We are alone

I am alone

She doesn’t know me
Where the other won’t hold me

What a shame
Who’s to blame?

Me of course

For my heart is too tortured
To harbor
Any broken armor
I’m just softly
Bandaged and bruised
By life’s tumultues

And I’ll never be arounded
Always surrounded
By fire and demons and unwanted reasons

As to why my mind screams in drones
Of always



Being alone
Nobody is honest
271 · Jun 2023
Kelly Jun 2023
i'm not sure i'm ready to give up coffee yet

i like the sharp bitterness
the warmth in the morning
the gentle buzz of energy
the soft reminder that I am capable and eager

i'm not sure why i want to give it up

maybe it's the piercing dependency
the exhaustion of its lacking
the subtle refill in the mid day
even if it drives me too madness

maybe its the same things that destroyed me
about you.
something or nothing
270 · Jun 2023
Kelly Jun 2023
I find it exhausting to slow the mind
I find it exhausting to keep up
269 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
I feel like I'm the only person around
who's anticipating the comedown.
265 · Oct 2018
Kelly Oct 2018
What’s stopping you?

The reflection in the mirror talks back
a slap
in the face of my own draining placid fervor


Point central yet not centrifugal

   look like i always know what i’m doing what’s the next step what’s the higher trek the place the time the track the automation the rotation the pedestal

      constructed of sturdy insecurity


     if energy cannot be lost where are my efforts left vested

     “if Any body, it would be you”

theyallsaytheyallsay so

        entering as my facade fabricated intricated interrogated berrated defiled demolished shredded left


i’m working on it i’m working on it

More to come


                                     ­  capitalized.
265 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
i've lost more than i care to admit
                          by battles of possession
to them i'm a trophy to win
                 a presence to dominate

so often i wait while longer they take
i still reach into my chest
give them the very best                   of me
i just want to love
264 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
i've consistently felt painless
   since three days of darkness
clawing ambition from my aching chest
                to mend a void
chiseled by carelessness
                                            and neglect

and at times i've felt angry
for the frivolous misuse
                  of my heart
a muscle weak from abuse
   and never strong enough to love
                                                            ­      just right

but words from the lips on a crisp metal string
          played in my ears and i couldn't stop the tears
carving into my cheeks
                     and crashing the highs

because west coast, they lie
                      ­            they're not hazel eyes.
260 · Apr 2021
Kelly Apr 2021
I'll watch her foster illness
harbored in my own sick heart
we cannot beat
in mutual heat
because we both are      art.
i should have tried
255 · Dec 2020
Kelly Dec 2020
I hate my inner *****
                                 who flares recurringly, consistently,
        cruelly to the surface upon those
                                                            who least deserve it.

I hate my inner narcissist
                                        who rears herself
                                                                            so cleanly
                              on the outer sleeve of
          bashing down while lifting me up
                                                            on the shoulders of

I hate my learned complexes
                                    bred not of my parents
            but of a woman who saw                       a light
                             and sought only to
                                                                         consume it.

I hate how amid the dread and sin
                               every rippled part of these indentions below my skin
                                      I must completely forgive them.
what is me, what is not?
254 · Mar 2022
Kelly Mar 2022
I grew up five years after breath gave me life.
        I still pray each day that it is 1995
I'd be adequate now
         and whole
I wouldn't have wasted my heart in their         searing cesspools
Incessant uttered pleas, marks that derange the page
Can't harbor the release my contorted heart craves

I wish just now I’d spoken the worst
    I’m so sorry to say that the pain only got worse
I was born with a broken heart
252 · Sep 2021
Kelly Sep 2021
i have to re root into the ground
pay attention to my surroundings
breathe deeply
draw myself back to me

because you
keep pulling me inward
replaying in my mind
the worst kind
of deviant torture

and the worst part is
i absolutely enjoy it.
246 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
I thought I was good at this
a delicately constructed mask
form fitting and leering
Subject to dissipative resistance
And emboldened flashy facades

Am I the type to scream of my pain
The size of my plate
too portioned to shame
still lay open to you
And you laughed in my face
Pressed liquor to my throat
And called me lame

Berated and hated the break in my spine
Pressed me to the wall when I turned down your white lines
Resentment and hatred burned into my hips

I needed my friend

you just needed my tricks
243 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
i was told i need to let peoples' actions prove their words,
while i've been using their words to justify their actions.
will i ever learn
237 · Jul 2022
Kelly Jul 2022
i'm not certain why i thought i might hear from you on my birthday,

you always had a hard time remembering it anyway
i miss you gently
236 · Mar 2022
Kelly Mar 2022
if somebody is lousy to everybody but you,
some day you'll be everybody too
230 · Jun 2019
Kelly Jun 2019
I wish you knew

How it felt to meet your lips
Pillows of bliss putting my soul to bed

And I wish you could feel

The tracing edge of your fingertips
Drifting currents through my skin
To the shivered ends of my hips

and I wish you could hear

In the silence between pleas
For pain
The craving stifled stream of intimacy
Against the way I never wanted to be touched again

I never wanted to need

And I wish you
As you

Pulled from the storms of clouded vision
And black edged screams
could feel
The difference as I lift
To delicacy
Over legions of lesions
I claim I need
I don’t want to want the pain
229 · Jan 2022
Kelly Jan 2022
some cinematic period of waiting
like i haven't been weighing
the value of my continued breathing
seething in uncertainty
and stationary helplessness
227 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
surface deep on surface thin
but under vacant stares
my body's screaming for their heart
my pulse cannot match theirs
The faithless actions in my bed reflect my tempest mind
My sheets hold saturated tears
to my anguish, keep them blind.
rhyme but no reason
226 · Sep 2021
Kelly Sep 2021
i've always been good at giving fair warnings
i guess i'm still just surprised nobody's listening.
i am your future inconvenience
224 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
I’m an acquired taste
Like coffee or IPAs
A little bit bitter
221 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
you don't want me

sometimes you think you do
but if that were clear
why am I here in a bed with you
asking me to hold you while you cry
while you try
discerning what it is that I

                                    mean to you?
let me know when you're done.
221 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
There's a fire rocking the core of my body
searching to find some delight
but mocking me gently, intruding by day
and ruining my sanity at night

i've never been crazy
i've never been sane
i've never been caught in between

i'm fighting bounds i've inflicted myself,

the grip is asphyxiating
sturdy insecurity (sometime 2016)
219 · Apr 2021
Kelly Apr 2021
i won't stop til my medicine
                        is biotin and mindfulness.
advertise balance.
218 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
I used to wrap around myself
curled inward and broken
compressed to my desires, spoken
to my loneliness

And then I met you.
                                                       and you.
                                                                                        and you.

But then I met fire
and tears
and rain
I met heartbreak
and sadness
I met immovable pain

now here I remain,
curled inward and broken
compressed to my desires,
returned home to

even somebody painful to love
214 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
i could never take for granted
   waking up in a room filled with your heat
      watching the gentle heartbeat
pulsing in your neck
        echoing the rhythmic,
outpouring of love from my own chest

And so powerful a word, sullied by
               frivolous and fickle misuse
now washes over me
when i catch the currents
                     of your warm red tide
                                                            ­      pulling me under

and knowing i can breathe so much better
                                                          ­                            underwater.
you could have my heart.
212 · Feb 2020
Kelly Feb 2020
A sharp pang
A silent ring
Drifting from the corners of my most precious

Darting through my body in a lingering scent
That turned my heart to lead
And yanked it to the pitfalls
The brick wall of

And the peripheral edges I kept
Side eyes and swept
To try to reconjure the pain
Instead of your name
A free radical in my brain
Slamming my skull in remorse and disdain

“******* retrospective idealism”

I took to my fate
Satisfied the craving
In simplicity
Unbeknownst to me

And instead of refuge
I Found beaded lights in complex plight
Forced to see the stream of me
Where I usually go to break free
From you and me, an unrealistic dream

And now my solace is littered with us
I spent too long on those words
That were gathering dust
Under lock and key in my healing cortex
Cerebral disfunction in seven letter text

Over and over and over I read

Instead of release the destruction increased and I began to bleed, barriers broke with ease
A flood of contrition, prohibited paths
Thinking in numbers, extirpate my crass

Denial that I cared that you clipped your nails
No talons to scratch me, pleasure to veil
Wait til I’m gone to ease that small pain
Convert to embitterment
To not admit that I miss your name

In similar, small, ignite on my screen
I never wanted mean
And never wanted to leave

And I sat in silence
Re read and re fed
Vitality with your words

And Pretended you still meant

Pt 1
Can it get worse?
210 · Apr 2022
jamocha almond fudge.
Kelly Apr 2022
i still have your favorite ice cream flavor in my notes
i don't want to forget it
just in case
I still linger on your laugh in the moments off guard, coming across your face on another's page
just in case
i remind myself of the curve of your voice, the tears on your cheeks, and the bulk of porta 800 in my pocket
just in case
i remember the smell of your skin, your ringless fingers laced in mine
just in case
I still hold the breath of our last "i love you"'s in the pit of my stomach
just in case
just in case you change your mind
just in case you come home.
204 · Jan 2022
Kelly Jan 2022
even my responsibilities feel a bit purposeless
an extra buck
                                         for what?
to stack on the numbers in my account
          for some sort of muffled safety
a tactic pressed from another time
                                            that doesn't matter to me anymore

i just want to lift my skull from the temples and
            remove the vessel
                                             tortuous and fruitful
   in constant bloom
                   spreading grotesque petals into every avenue
           of this festering cortex

i want to lift my spine from my shoulders
           and fill the space with every ache
                                                 for change

so none of me remains.
200 · Mar 2021
Kelly Mar 2021
no lead between my chest,

                             just love.
only once, a long time ago
199 · Oct 2018
Kelly Oct 2018
I hate how I succumb to your every
Subdued by the laugh that emits
through your eyes
The weight of your body pressed hard
on my chest
I know not now what I would do if you left.

But you leave.

You are leaving.

You leave me in ruins each time we exchange
For my wanting is higher than the price
you paid
How am I to know if your mind ever
Past the point of a one night you wish
I had saved

                                               For you.

There's two that'd give two on the bet
that we'd work
Though my fear-stricken mind paints these claims
as absurd

You're not what I want

You're not what I want.

Then why am I sitting here wondering what
                                                            ­                                 you taste like

I threw down the pen as I wrote these words
I wanted to Lie
But they wanted to be heard
What feelings of body from you
I could've learned

Would I have wanted to go there?



Oh god no, I do.
To see if your colors held
new shades of Blue.
I couldn't to my own intentions stay true
I wanted to because
I thought
                                                       I couldn't love you.
196 · Aug 2022
Kelly Aug 2022
safe spaces are crazy
i think i inhibit even myself because
subconsciously i still think i'm being looked at
from the outside
I think im being judged
or scrutinized
i wonder if it's the mania, if it's way too intense
if it's shame or "cringe" of my past behavior

honoring this hate
to some degree, is necessary
even if i want to cut back the vines and allow my
emotions to swim from the depths

i know they have have gills

but all sharks still break            the surface

don't they?
191 · Oct 2023
Kelly Oct 2023
If there was nothing
Would you have left?
If there was nothing,
Could you say it with your chest?
As if the matter between us
Split the sky
Your hips
And my thighs
A tigh -tening
And the curve of your lips
I never noticed
Don’t retreat
Because you’re scared
To meet me
In my room
Under my skin
Beneath the clothes
Hell bent
Give in
Give in
Give in
I never intended all this madness
183 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
bite with my words and
                           curl to my tongue
cold and abrasive,
                       so wryly stunned
defenseless defenses
                  with strain in my lungs
antecedently encouraged
          incentives to run.
183 · Jan 2022
Kelly Jan 2022
I think I need to spend time with a higher power
        but crashing waves and mountain ranges
don’t sit nearby
                       to remind me
that things much bigger than I am
      pull the tides
                             and carve the rock face
and threaten every safe space

I’ve been spending so much time
      crawling between caverns
               and doubtful sounds
to avoid the rain          or keep my shoes clean
               and my mind sane

but cover never shoved growth
                         down your throat
the way that rain soaks your clothes
       and shows all you’ve yet to know

- so go.
178 · Apr 2022
Kelly Apr 2022
I've been silent on paper
I've been loud in my head
the voices that chatter against my skull
              Reverberations of all my shortcomings, failures,
My narratives of unworthiness

                                  I am my own detriment
                                           my own destruction

I cling to pain and welcome heartache like an old friend

                                     I was born with a broken heart
fragile and shattered
                                  carefully pieces together
                                 bursting at the seams

crushed by the hands i chose to hold it.
i break my heart to make it bigger, why not crack my skull when my mind swells
176 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
pixelated and white
drawing from a blindness of absolution
in my hands

if what you said rings true,
I never grew
and Foresight implied intrinsic lies
I could never rectify

the monsters I pushed and pulled from her
grew loud in my brain
a steady purr
as I sunk
and sink
into the person I never wanted to be.
how can i make somebody feel the way I never wanted to feel again
172 · Jun 2022
Kelly Jun 2022
i prayed for this
now i don't want it

the highs fly by and my eyes can't catch any moments
i ride on attention and affection

i spend time between the sheets with people i'm dying to meet
and wake in the morning begging for solitarity

i pathologize my feelings
i want to be alone but my thoughts are my loudest company

my brain is stuck in cyclical relentlessness
i speak to myself and somebody else answers
172 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
I feel like property you check in
Every now and then

To make sure that my weeds are clear

        so someone can move in
Why are you still keeping me
170 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
Every time I look down
The ink on my chest burns red
The taste of the shades of pink in your lips
Grabbing my hips
In selfless descendance

I can almost feel it
Your fingertips
In soulful bliss
I beg for it
is it you?
166 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
i can try to blame lovers,
    but it's not all their fault
  i'm still learning the difference
between white sugar
                                      and salt
stand up for yourself, kelly
165 · Sep 2021
Kelly Sep 2021
Not dead is alive enough sometimes
not as sorry as it sounds
160 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
Hills are climbed for coasting
Trudging the upward *****
crunching your breath
legs burning and aching
pressing the pedals to the pavement
for the thrill of the drop

but darkness can hide in overactivity

and after the climb
I find myself pumping the gears
desperate to catch traction on the fall
to keep pushing
when all the wind wants me to do

stop pedaling
160 · Sep 2022
Kelly Sep 2022
i got to hold you yesterday

                               all seconds of the day

and bring a smile to your face
on a difficult monday

i hate the tears in your eyes
but i'm so glad i get to wipe them
                                  before they dry
i love you
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