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160 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
he told me i was cool
and he liked my tattoos
and the the things that i do

she told me i was pretty
that there's nobody like me
jaw drawn with a pilot hi-tec-c

and i agree

but when i stare at the mirror
all these external attributes
and uncontrolled aesthetics
mean nothing to me

a façade of allure
when the reality is much more haunting
enough to deter
even my own heart

faced with a stream
of compliments on how i seem
"but do you LIKE me?"
am i a person to you
159 · Jun 2019
Kelly Jun 2019
How is it that the way I feel
Doesn’t appeal
the next day

The next hour

The next second

The next instant?

Sickening green plagues the airways and my burdened mind rests firmly in the folds of my skull
Hewn from dirt and molded like metal—in insurmountable heat

Absent of the pressure which turns to precious stone

Plagued in an illness that my own cells created
Or rather manifested
That nobody can see

And you hear it
You see it
It burdens you the same way it carves holes in my chest
Of deprecation
And inadequacy
That has absolutely nothing to do with me

And you hear it
You see it

So how could I ask you to help me carry
When your shoulders are already weary and heavy

Dare I reach out for the again-th time
I’d rather hurt quietly, convulsed, and inside.
To ask for help
159 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
Bury yourself under leagues of depth and absence of breath
Breaching the surface beneath some fabricated ideal of ****** appeal

I wanted you for a moment
Within me and daunting,
Apathetically haunting the halls of my body

How ideal

Till playfulness and zeal gave way to a sadistic rope of detest and resentment
Wrapped around my throat

In drapes of kindness and soulful touch
Eclipsed by the blush of
Nervous lust


You never were a friend to me
You just want my body

Well kindly get in line
and you will find
The stagnant flaccid undermined
Ability to invalidate my bisexuality
Because god forbid

God forbid

You actually ******* want me for me.
I ******* hate men.
155 · Mar 2022
Kelly Mar 2022
talk is cheap - that's why we bought it.
we buy the things we can afford
153 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
with each short beat constraints bring pain
like tortured boards
sliced, lost remains
The stark confines
these tethered chains
They weigh me down
They haunt my brain
let yourself out.
151 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
I can talk about it


How my body slips between the sheets
The things I do while on my knees

It’s beautiful

I’m proud of the pleasure of my skin
Always looking for ways to win
The attention of what makes me feel good

I can talk about it

But does holding that pleasure
And lustrous needs
Out of the hands of hungry thieves
Deplete my sexuality?

I don’t think so.
I’m no lesser of promiscuous
Because I pick and choose of us
Those I share myself with
150 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
mourning the loss of people who never existed
you painted a picture

and i believed it.
perhaps you're the one with cruelty.
149 · Apr 2022
Kelly Apr 2022
days pass, and that never changes
until it does
then it's what you always wanted, right?

But by then you won't want it anymore

spend your life waiting passively for a reason
                                to slip away
in a way nobody can blame you for
so your memory brings warmth and love
                rather than selfish cruelty

but when the day of your craving finally comes,
it'll be from a life you no longer want to leave
and that's just the way it has to be
beg for it , until it's there
147 · Apr 2021
Kelly Apr 2021
if you get what you deserve
just know it isn't what you've heard

the devil has a way with words.
peaceful, perhaps
147 · Mar 2022
Kelly Mar 2022
the violent extremes
of my feelings
leave me breathless
at peace - in unrelenting moments
explosive - in calmness, unprovoked markers
of pleasantry, or people pleasing

i tackle invasive cruelty
curled into myself with tear streamed cheeks

i fight kindness blindly
and self-berate
riding the waves that i ******* hate

all of this is me
all of the extremes
but i'll hurt myself before
these things
cause others to bleed.
hurt people shouldn't hurt people
144 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
i was asked if i find comfort in my misery
             as if sadness is a part of me

and for the first time in a while, i cracked a smile --
            and light shone through the gaps between my teeth
spilling truth onto polished wood
  and knowing i was understood

the matte felt blackness around my heart
  the cold abhorrence
        padlocked behind a push-pull door
that always falsely blocks exertion
                                 despite direction

crumbling walls with little force
                  just push a bit, and you'll get more

than you asked for.
144 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
hearts can lie sometimes.

in the simplicity of the moment, when the ache and burn of need
so purely bleeds

hearts can lie sometimes,

when you awake to find the need has leaked and you must leave a perfect thing for evidently no

hearts can lie sometimes.
i want it back.
138 · Nov 2022
Kelly Nov 2022
my hair isn't as blonde as it used to
but i still use my purple shampoo

it reminds me of you
                    and how you liked the way it turned your hands blue
i miss you beneath it all
137 · Jan 2022
Kelly Jan 2022
cold sweats in the winter
     are a different breed of agony
i shiver in my heat
         and damp sheets
staring up at the ceiling fan
        begging its blades to drip down the wall
     and surround me
confined to the safe isolation of my room

no more bodies warm my sheets
i'm tired of cycling through empty feelings
           pulling love with my teeth

i'm tired
                                   i'm tired
                 i'm tired

there must be more than this uncertainty
am i moving or not
137 · May 2019
Kelly May 2019
How to be alone
Is something you claim you don’t know

And I agree

You’ve buried your identity in the ***** of others
People with higher shelves and faces more likely
To recognize in a crowd

And then you polished and shined and rode and dived into endeavors
The others defined
As their lifeline

Including mine

And I stopped and padded and wrought lost savage
And dusted away each
Tribulation nestled in the waves of your skin

To find the you within
That you for so long failed to recognized

And I’m not sure how I thought this time
some frankenstein
Would stay with me
With scissors for hands
Or stitches in your neck
All cosmetic

But internally is where I sewed the thread
Fought to bring your heart to life
The fire in your eyes

So now you tread so easily
Upon the hands that used to feed


Day in and day out
Defying lying


Flashback Coddling and coaxing
Gently supporting each idea of independence

And maybe the mountain I climbed
With you astride
Reached a summit I didn’t want to see

Where you realized you were free

And I carried your dead weight
And led your legs

To stand on your own

Found the fire in your heart
Let it glow

Until it flowed

Into roaring flames

And that’s why text of black on lightened screens within my hands
Holds lists of names—

That I not forget the ones who stoked my fire
Lit my fuse
And watched me fly

I’ll call them out each and all by name
Because I hope I never gave them pain

The way you have
In bursts and blows
When I tugged you to that summit
On twisted rope
I tore from my body
Combined of my soul

Cared to see you fly

Now you want to be alone

I laid in my efforts and left to your heart
And you took these tools and found light in the dark

Long has since passed of small pathetic tremors
In uncommon bedrooms and soft down white covers

Your ceaseless tears and your face in my neck
Crying of all the things you didn’t have left

and I’d take back nothing to see you fly this high
To see your ascent
And how hard you’ve tried

I knew it was in you
I didn’t do this FOR you
I simply provided the foundation’s

So how to be alone is now what you ask
Maybe that’s how I should’ve let you conquer the task

But I’ll wrap up my pain in ribbons and parchment
Glued with intention and my small sins, repent

now it is freedom you claim to pursue
But if you, from me learned,

Maybe one day you’ll return
136 · Aug 2020
Kelly Aug 2020
Am I putting myself first?

       Not enough?                      Too much?
i feel im going to burst .....

It took me long to learn to be selfish
                                and now those lessons

                know no bounds and in certain times
                 I’m found

Being petulant
                                                  And aggressive

         with my tongue.

I hate the feeling
         Fighting internal bleeding
                       of my very soul
      the one I finally told
                                               to stand up.

As she reveals herself from the pit of neglect
              she rears an ugly head

         is this something I can regret?

Let it go and let her out
                Learn to grow               but I find out

a horror in my capabilities

             Is this unlearning?
                                   or is this
Grow a backbone or show
                the very worst of me
136 · Jul 2021
Kelly Jul 2021
dreams resume

where slipped between the sheets again
with you

lazy afternoons
intrude and coat my rash decisions
with regret
i will let this us be over.
136 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
i turned off my phone
closed down the internet
halted external allowance into my diseased brain
on the day
i was supposed to be most lively
and exciting
134 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
i'd pull vitality from my blood
       into the breaks of your skin
and carefully stitch you together
      with the inhale i take
                                                before breath
    passes my lips
    in between slips             of my obsidian front
                 crumbling from your gentle touch

i'd grab the air by the waist
                and press this taste deep into your bones
       and hope at the very least
                                              you could make a home

in me.
i want to love all of you
133 · Apr 2023
Kelly Apr 2023
if it were up to me,
nobody would know that I'd ever loved you

and sure as hell
nobody would ever know that I still do
you don't even think about me. I think about you every day.
129 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
my dreams were penetrated by pain
and my brain  
is fog again

the vastly built highs of self discovery
shattered against the cliffs
of my functionality

pushed and pulled by relentless waves
no desire for hands
that come to save me

we cling to each other in
tempest weather

no will to survive, but we'll do so

share my pain
129 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
i've spent far too long
              compromising my sense of self
grating my back against the broken shards of angry takers

i'm giving my best to the wrong set
               cracking my chest over and over
and before the breach heals
                 i hand the chisel
                         to a new set of hands
unrelenting and unforgiving

                                  i should still remain a light
                                  i should still remain in love

it's all i know how to be
                            all i can see
is the very best of people
                            even if they're mean

there's no glory in this test
i'm just rolling stones up unrelenting hills
                                  ­      hoping for the best
the world is the most cruel to the most kind hearts
127 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
I wish when you said you loved me
       you didn’t have your fingers crossed
127 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
You don't have to tell me why
my gods look like you

My hell was populated with gray clouded flames,
merciless darkened waves,
All-encompassing and blinded by faith
of new tastes

and everything remained the same
                                         sickening gray.

But you tasted like spring
with a touch of grace
and suddenly I could say
the things I felt and learned to need

outside of me.

Instead of drowning in ropes of flashflood restraint,
I clung to your hips
and learned to worship

at the ground of something
you tried to save me
126 · Mar 2019
Kelly Mar 2019
In darkest times of darker nights
the cold impounds my legs
I've curled within myself again
And satisfied the pain
Tense corners of the feign drawn air
the power hidden plea
And all I care to delve in now
is how it's taken me
So flexed in shaded hell bound grips
I'm biting hard in vain
In one swift motion,
stifled moans
My life seeps down the drain
125 · Oct 2018
Kelly Oct 2018
If my body is a temple
I built it for you
Let you dwell in every room
And corner cribs of cobwebs
Because with sideways glances I’d swoon

I am all for you

I let you set chests and nests and hang pictures of us from the wood of my ribs
Snapping in northbound hotels
Bottles and swells of love
In upcoming absence
Never a doubt

I slipped and I fell and I didn’t do well for you
I know
I know

But before you gave me air to try
To prove that you and I were something good
No temporary high
You tore the shots from the splintering cage
You had recently laid
With me between

Now my bed is as empty as the halls of my body
This temple is nothing but rubble and sully
You said you would love me
You said you would stay
I patiently rode all the swells of your waves

And I’m sorry

I’m sorry the briars that join at my chest
Weren’t polished or silver
Or quite good enough

for you

I’m sorry you couldn’t make a home in me
I’ll curl to your voice and plead you won’t leave


If you weren’t us
You’d laugh at us

I wish I could believe it as I careful pried vessels from saved beating security
Reached into my chest
And gave you the very best
Of me

I wish I’d been enough

I wish you would stay

My hollowed out beatless heart
Reeks of decay

Of the chance I took on you
So sure
I was sure
I was sure
I am sure

You’ll come back to me

But I’ve always been good at lying to myself
False hope and future blows seem to
Silence the swells
As my life and my love drains in lines down my face

I never thought loving you meant you would break


I’ll still think of Little girls lying in daffodils
Every lit candle, and egg white whiskey sours
And warmth overcoming
The sleek of your skin
I’ll still feel you running
From The weight of my sins

And I’ll be here in patience and kindness and wait
Even though when You ended me I couldn’t take

Please stay

But you’ll leave they all leave I’d said nothing to pay
The price of my toll causes none to delay
I’m sorry my head held shadows in corners
And doubted yourself
When facing my currents

I’d reach out and say I’d be better to you
I’d try with my might, all your mountains, to move

It’s you from the wreckage
The scars
And the war

It’s you who’s stayed standing at the stage of my fronts

I’ve seen you forever like none before
And that’s why, though I cried,
Please still know that our door

Is still open

                                 if you change your mind
125 · Dec 2019
Kelly Dec 2019
In the false spring, there was light


                               Eureka in technicolor

But blinders above centrifugal spokes
                     scattered through prisms
           a deflection of armor
                                   The rain came.

                                                                                       Light remained.

But what previously perceived
                       as vibrancy
was shattered in repeat streams
                       of disbelief
over every evil stitch seamed
                       in the fabric of my clothes
                                                                     And Rose-

Colored glasses gave way
                                                without rest
                external tempest
                                                with self-inflicted misery
I could not leave.

                                                                    And now I see
that the foyer of this love
                                               was not chromatic
                                               was not prismatic
                    though gaudy, flashy this all-encompassing
Prison of color
                                  was nothing but
           mediated, alternating, monopolizing
                                                                    Shades of Blue.

                And then there was you.

The false spring melted down
                    to fragments in cracked glass
Wiped my blood from broken mirrors
                    no longer asinine and crass
Still mentally impounded
                                                 in emblems au courrant
Took a sip from poisoned drips
                                                                   just one more scar to flaunt

But every day in smaller strides
                                 the forage cleared and scorched
The winter came with sleet and
                                                             another touch to tortured

And as the ice begins to melt
                       and false spring lays to rest
With you there are no problems except
                                                                         where to be happiest
And when the spring came, even the false spring
125 · Feb 2023
Kelly Feb 2023
i wish i hadn't spent as much time
i wish i hadn't spent as much time

because I passed a stop sign on the road
somewhere in monroe
and i cried
and i cried
and i pounded the steering wheel with tired hands
and i thought about how you abandoned me

i miss the heights of the bridge
above rushing water
i miss throwing pine straw in the cold
when my sadness grew hotter

i miss black coffee in bed
and endless songs
i miss learning the drums
and the long
                                                  saturday afternoons

the blues in your eyes turned from water to ice
the last time you looked at me,

when i realized you aren't nice
i lost you friend. i lost you
123 · Jun 2023
Kelly Jun 2023
it’s that time of year again..
The weather is turning

And I’m starting to miss you
i miss the one I fell in love with
123 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
I’ll ******* better than you’ve ever been ******

But mostly,
I’ll love you better than you’ve ever been loved
I do not know how to love slowly
122 · Mar 2022
Kelly Mar 2022
i got just what was coming
and you got just what you wanted
tear me apart
122 · Sep 2021
Kelly Sep 2021
I've already thought of the worst things I could do to you

a game of control and nothing more

yet it hadn't crossed me to consider
the worst things you could do to me

until i was met unmoving with your heat
and I retreated

                 how uncharacteristic.

                                              ­                         how exciting.
challenge my control.
121 · Aug 2022
Kelly Aug 2022
it's easy to digress and stress
over predetermined endings
and inevitable sadness
pain granted by the calling for its opportunity
in efforts not to rule out the possibility

it's easy to build bones thicker than walls
of resentment and regret
when the brick and mortar are laid
by the weak foundation that caused it to break

it's easy to place hate in the hands of owing grace
and half smiles face the tides
of even keeled
untimely fate

it's easy to blame the sand
for causing the waves to break
in forgiveness and space
no landslide wretched,
i always remained

with all the change, there was always space
in the marrow of my bones, i built homes
for you and me
for each time you may leave

and each time i will hope patiently
because maybe
it could be
                   or maybe it couldn't

let's just not rule out the possibility
you again
119 · Feb 2022
Kelly Feb 2022
are you talking to your friends?
seeking comfort somewhere closer?
and these thoughts i stick and cycle
over and over and over
and i feel so ****** helpless
like i'm nowhere near a lover
but i want to be supportive
so these thoughts, i lie and cover
and your pain is in my chest
your tears are in my covers
and my bed feels like a prison
cold sweating with a fever
i hate the distance with a passion
and i want to be there for you
but i know within the space there's love

and i'm doing all that i can do
hindsight, but it was excruciating.
118 · Dec 2021
se manquer.
Kelly Dec 2021
call me,

                               i still love you
I miss you too
117 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
I regret absolutely nothing
except for not letting you go
with a little more grace
more selfless love
117 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
Don't ask me if i see it,
or throw words in blatancy
if you think i haven't noticed how your bones feel
under me

when i look away or play you off
and hard resist
to indulge those thoughts
its cause i'm caught
in my debilitating illness

sans flaws sans scars in all you are
I'm wary of your mind
because in this mentality,
I fear its just like mine.
when i was ill and looks could ****
116 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
I was told once that emptiness is bliss

So I pumped my blood full of


And temporary fixes
can I find another escape or am I left to face it
115 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
the throbbing pain of a headache the drugs won't let me feel
the highway always looks the same
113 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
i tried to put on paper the way you make me feel
blotted onto a back lit screen
and on the pages littering the corners of my room

i tried to make sense of weighted absence in my bed
still sunlight, stripping my sheets,
golden as your hair in the morning

i tried these things and many,
my methodical, logical mind turning circles over and around
the shape of your body and
                                                   the walls of your mind
bouncing over the articulation of your voice
still resonating on the walls of my room

and i came to a comfortably uncomfortable denouement
that liking you
was absent of reason,
no resolution
                                       adequate for the disgruntled mathematician
                        hired for the rationalization of my brain

how insane

                                       so i'll remain

infatuated with the colors in your eyes and the dull thud of your feet on the earth
no attachment to acumen, let my hand off the rip cord
and trust that the fall and the pain it may bring

is so unquestionably worth having you, having me.
relevantly structured entropy.
112 · Jul 2021
Kelly Jul 2021
investment in yourself is highly encouraged
never likely
and usually exciting

but what they don't tell you
that's quite the most frightening
is sometimes they spit it back
and you lose all,

just like me.
unrelated to love, for once
112 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
Silent screams from the rooftop
as the night ended in a bit of an anti
Rounded out by your hurry

but never discoura-ging

I watched each defined crystal line bring forth from the depths of the lead in our chests
a divine struggle

of life and highs

Cliche though it may sound
the round
-ness of your face
with your hair at my chin brought me exactly what I was looking for

By giving me nothing that I was looking for

Ink stands forever in skin
And I still think you deserve that

Your words will spring forth from my lips
And I still think you deserve that

But the ethereal place that I cinch at my waist will leave empty a canister once filled by your name

Though you did not leave of shame.

Just like the encounters of those in my art
your shaded brown eyes brought the start
Of me

Spurred by the Heart
of you

And in that, we will share, although you were somebody that I never knew

And I, somebody you will never think of

A saunter in the dark, strange conversational

Silent screams from the rooftops
and the fire

for me.
110 · Nov 2021
Kelly Nov 2021
I am so deep in my insecurity
Only certain that you’ll leave me
Before I even have you

How ******* crazy do I have to be
To show you the worthless and useless
Decrepit pile of wreckage and filth
I call “me”

It’s unending

The tantrums thrown in my brain
In disdain of the atrophied cells in my body
Breeding this feeling
And knowing you’ll see everything

And want absolutely nothing to do with me
110 · Dec 2023
Kelly Dec 2023
I wish I’d never done it
Looked for something to look for
Pulled up the floorboards and found my heart
Still bleeding
Still beating*
One and the same, a treacherous game
Of just how far I can push into that part

A toothy grin, the smell of skin
Just beyond my fingertips
I reminisce
I hurt
I heal
I hurt
I heal
I hurt again
It never ends
107 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
I love my family more than anything
I just wish they were gentler
                                                      wit­h me
106 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
i'm fighting losing battles,
i wonder what i've done
still searching for a beating heart
inside this empty one
hold me in the morning.
106 · Nov 2021
Kelly Nov 2021
my limbs creak with metallic rust
and i dust off the wires in my brain
far less humane
than acknowledging the steady feed
of coded numbers contracting my muscles
and moving throughout the days

i hate this place

but there is absolutely no trace
of life within me
aside from the mundane fog of rolling admission
cycling through the space between my ears
dulling all my tears
and scaring me into a shackled hell
of cycled fear

and i feel

105 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
sturdy insecurity
an oxymoron
juxtaposition not akin
to the feelings I feel in my          
solidified, black lead
when driven deep into the sunken fronts
of lust vs a crush
which is neither nor nothing
                                                         ­  i suppose

and how i hate feeling victim to
my own insidious head
holding firmly the affirmations
turning over and over
since i've known her
stating plainly that i am entirely
                                                        ­         wholly
                                                          ­                           completely
                                                      ­    and utterly

to the people around me.
chronic perceived inadequacy
104 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
my chest breaches inward
     a brittle and defenseless cavity
to the acid rain of tears
     falling off your cheeks and burning my skin

wrapping serpents of deficiency, constricted around my heart

bleeding for every serrated edge
                 of your agonizing emotions
and bashing my head into the most unrelenting of walls
so afraid of just how much i am                                  falling
                     ­                                                                 ­    short.
104 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
I'm terrified of the moment I'll first touch your skin
brace to the blows, and let you in
I wonder if we will hold back our first kiss
shyness in tension                        still burning my hips

breath in my chest, skin over bones
dragging my teeth, hands free to roam
lifting to fingertips, sunk in my bed
drip down my throat
and cement in my head.
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