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1.4k · Aug 2014
Midnight thoughts
Koketso Faith Aug 2014
Its a minute past midnight
My thoughts won't let me sleep
Memories are haunting me
I think of the last time I saw you

The pipes in my eyes burst
Impure water is released
Salty drops that carry untold pain
From the eyes to my soul

I never should have let you go
The walls of my life are a prison cell now
I watch as reality slices me
Sadness swallows me
Truth digest me and
Regrets defecate me

I close my eyes in the hopes of not waking up in the morning
615 · Jan 2015
the absent being
Koketso Faith Jan 2015
As I stare in the midst of darkness
My mind invite you in my thoughts
I shake my head in the hopes of getting you out
You forever present in my thoughts
But fail to show up on my doorstep
Or send a mere text

I hate how my mind always defend you
"Maybe he hasn't forgotten you", it says
"Maybe he lost your  contact details" it adds
"Or maybe he's  just to busy to contact me" I correct it
"Or maybe he never wanted me" I add

Everytime my phone beeps I used to wish it was you.
Maybe you finally remembered that I exist
Thanks to your absence,
My heart is as cold as ice, and
Hard as a rock

Now when my phone beeps, I hope it's one of your BELOVED family members
With a message that you got hit by a bus.
A dead father is better than an absent father.
505 · Aug 2014
Before And After
Koketso Faith Aug 2014
Before I met you
Nothing seemed interesting
My world was dull
I'd lie in bed looking at the ceiling
While counting sheep
I had nothing to think about
But why people would mess with their feelings
What was this "love" that everyone talked about?

Now that I've met you
I know longer have to count sheep
I lie in bed thinking whether u real
Yes our tongues often collide
Hands examine our bodies
But are you the real deal?

Everytime I think about you
I smile
I long your touch
My stomach turns into a zoo
I bite my lower lip
As I remember the secret our tongues shared

Meeting you has made my world heavenly..
295 · Aug 2014
Koketso Faith Aug 2014
Every morning I walk to you room
Hoping to hear your favorite song playing
Or you talking to your friends over the phone
But I hear nothing
The silence is getting louder
My heart beat is competing with the silence
As I try to push myself to open the door
But I'm scared of the pain that I might release
Its been a while since you've been gone
But I still haven't found the strength to move on
I slowly turn back to my room
A tear drop as I slowly turn to my room
177 · Sep 2020
At Peace
Koketso Faith Sep 2020
The room is sparkling clean
A soft tune of "Amazing grace" is playing on the computer
The blinds and windows are open for fresh air
Pain & suffering still linger in the air
The room smells of an unwanted guest
The sun gently kisses her body as she lies peacefully on the perfectly made bed
Her hands on her chest showing gratitude
"Hallelujah" by the Pentatonix is playing loudly in her earphones
She's not listening to it
She's not answering to her name being called either
She's very still & cold
She has finally found her peace
Her long awaited lover, Death.
Low-key looking towards the day

— The End —