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 Jun 2015 Kodis
so at peace
 Jun 2015 Kodis
i miss what it's like
giving the kiss of death
stealing the bread of life
i long for the days
we'd write songs in the shade
light bongs in a haze
the wind in her hair
just last week, there
in my arms you seemed
so at peace.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Cure me of this plague
That's snaking around my throat
It's been stalking me
Something you all can't see

Allow me to tiptoe
To avoid confrontation
Social humiliation

I could speak if I could only say the words
Cure me
Of the echoing dull in my heart
A dying buzz
But this plague has wrapped itself around my mouth
I can't talk but my thoughts are so loud
In my mind I am strong wearing a lovely crown
Then why is that nothing comes out
Not even a sound?

I'm stressed
Always trying to do my best
But it's hard when you're obsessed
With trying to be "perfect"
And you end up depressed
I don't just want attention this isn't a sign of distress
I'm really not trying to fret
But how when you're such a mess
Man, what the ****, there's a test?
This disease is suffocating my neck
It's tightening its grasp, I can feel it compress
Tell me the truth, do I look like a mess?
I try to look nice, so you wouldn't ever guess
This disease is terminal, it's called stress

I'm that girl everyone believes is quiet, but my heart and my mind is so loud it won't shut up

I would sing if I didn't care who heard
I lost my voice long ago
I don't fight my fears, I just go
The vines of struggle circling my feet
Threatening to tighten
Forever clutching
Me in its embrace

I hear my mom screaming to try harder
That if I really wanted to succeed
I'd try harder
That if I wanted something
Try harder
Is that an excuse ?
Try harder
Mom, how hard till I forget who I am?
Too late

I'm trying to breathe
I need you
You say you know me
Maybe I don't want you to
The biggest lie, can't you see?
Because I don't even understand me
I hide behind poetry
Gasping, losing air
Oh wait, I almost forgot
To exhale

Cure me
Before It spreads
To you
I revised this poem
 Jun 2015 Kodis
 Jun 2015 Kodis
If my walls could talk they would have a lot to share, my secrets and feelings would be thrown out there. My fears, my hopes, my ambitions, my dreams. The walls know more than I do it seems. If my walls could talk, they would have many a story for you. From all the times I cried my self to sleep over you. My walls could tell our story better than you or I. My walls are a vault of secrets. Bursting at the seams.They know more than I think they do, and that scares me. But if my walls could speak today. They would tell a story of the journey made. From a girl long ago who would cry for lost love, to a woman who found love, but this time she found it in her self.
It all makes sense now
I feel calmer
My spirit is relaxed
I know he loves me and that is more than enough
He makes me smile God, please help me keep him around and get my **** together.
Thank you God
 Jun 2015 Kodis
 Jun 2015 Kodis
White Love Story
 Jun 2015 Kodis
I never got the chance to write something for you
Never had the way of showing that you are my truth
Never in my dreams that we will be in this way
Time has separated us, and we can’t bring it back today

Sorry for I let this world took my life that fast
Sorry for I let my soul die, sorry I can’t go back
I just let this love slid away from my hands
I just let my everything be nothing now in my mind

I am sorry for I never had the intentions to save my life for you
I am sorry for I loved you and trusting all my love to you
I’m sorry for I made you be my world without asking your permission
Blame should be to me for I loved you without inhibitions

I am unconditionally in love, and now maybe I was
I am perfectly engaged, but the thread has just loosen its tight
I am kind of disoriented, and the fragments are all over again
Don’t worry I saved something for myself, but death is just one breath away

Pain is rushing down in me, tears are flowing out my eyes
Trying to be in my best content, trying to stand with a guise of smile
But I just let go of forever, cause forever is now just a word
It isn’t now an adjective of us, it is where we must have been belong

I just can’t let you to come back, for you chose to go away
I can’t keep fighting for this love for you just let it out our way
But I am saving all your memories ‘cause I’ve already made our future
I just have to erase it now ‘cause we had just lost each other

As I lay myself to rest, where I know I will be at peace
I will be somewhere in your past, I will be at ease
I will be looking down to you, I will be always at your side
Please remember me, whenever you can’t feel your heart

I hope that someone new will be good to you
I hope you will also feel the love I used to offer you
I hope you’ll never feel any resentment like what I feel for myself right now
I can’t hate you, I’m just sad for the world is unfair again somehow

And now there is no you and me, but please don’t forget
Somehow I know we were real, we gave all our best
We laughed most of the time, but the time just don’t permit us for long
You took your love away, and I just have to let my love go on

I never had the chance to write something beautiful for you
Never had the way of showing that you are my endless truth
Never could imagine that I am alone again in love
Hope someday I can love again unconditionally, I hope I can go back.
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