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Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
the only state
where dreams
are encouraged
and they almost
feel real
Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
i waited
i fought
i chased
for the things that would never stay
like the love i held for you
i was like all the guys in movies,
chasing after the girl
desperately hoping
for another chance
but you boarded the plane
and so did my hope
in ever finding you again
Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
you say hello
like you practice it in a mirror.
you have never been sincere.
for as long as i have known you,
all that ever mattered
was what you saw in your own reflection.
Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
nothing about her was steady
i miss you
she whispered out to the stars,
her voice quivering with on coming tears
i miss you more
than you could understand
and yet
the worst part is
you are still around
and i have to live knowing
that the dreams i wasted on you
will never come true

i miss you
she said again, almost correcting herself
her voice a little louder and steadier this time
but not as much
as i miss myself
Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
there is something about the wind
its frigidness
and cold whispers
that seep into my bones
it calls for me at my window each night
it always warns. . .
a part of me knows
that it is only the cold wind that blows
casting its shadows against bedroom walls
but my door is always open
in case other company shows
for mrs. thornburg
Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
she was a leaf
holding up the blossom
that grew above her

it is hard to love a flower
because beauty
is sometimes vain

that is why i love her
and not the flower
for leaves are not vain
they do not envy
they are kind
and they are true

it is easy to let beauty blind you
for leaves fall before petals wilt
Kelsey Chupp Feb 2018
is like a flower
growing steady
in the sunlight
and growing
even when it rains
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