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how to say your name without choking how to embrace without clenching how to love without bleeding how to **** without detaching how to say goodbye without wincing
i don't know what else to say but i thought i did
sorry, i guess i'll just leave this here
the next time you say
"no one loves me",
remember how its like to have a fever
don't reach the glass of water your throat is thirsting for
close your eyes for a little bit
and see your body for what it is
it is a warzone
and it is fighting to keep you alive
because it loves you
it doesn't know what you are
who you are
what you have done
but with every cut you etch across your skin
as if you are trying to erase your mistake
it heals you as if it is
trying to tell you
you are worth it
worth it
even if you don't think you are
even if everyone else doesn't think you are

so if you are looking for unconditional love,
reach for that glass of water - clench your thirst
pull that blanket over yourself
sleep knowing that your body loves you, even if you don't love you
everything will be okay
hold on a little bit.
For every shade
     of green you see
For every wave
       you catch in the sea

*I hope you remember me.
 May 2014 kingjaffiejoffer
Mr X
Why did I run from the people I love?
Why did I expect them to understand the unspoken words?
Why didn't I cry when I knew they'd soothe me?
Why didn't I let go of myself when they hugged me tight?
Why was it that my pain always took the form of rage?
And my unspoken sweet words acted as knives piercing their veins?
Why did I tell the unforgiveable truth instead of telling the divine lie?
Why did I make such mistakes
And why don't I realise?
Why is it that they still stand next to me and say
"We'll always be by your side"?

 May 2014 kingjaffiejoffer
Mr X
They say trusting is a virtue
I say its a sin against myself.
They say loving is a good deed.
I say its heart breaking and greed.
They say its godlike to forget and to forgive.
I say I am human enough to cry with the painful memories...
They say I am a cold heart
I say its a survival skill...
Years back I trusted, loved and forgave.
Years later I doubt,  hate and punish.
I know, its God's work to punish.
But isn't it also God's work to forgive?
They say heaven is not for me.
I say my heaven is this...
They say my soul will travel to hell.
I say my hell is this...
Orange squeezed, tea brewed, bacon fried
Self showered, beard shaved, robe wrapped
Wife kissed, tea brought, eyes rubbed
Juice sipped, toast munched, day discussed
Sugar stirred, tea drunk, watch checked
Kids rattled, cornflakes spooned, plates emptied
Mum fussed, kids grumped, teeth cleaned
Noses wiped, shoes on-ed, lunch packed
Stragglers awayed, byes waved, friends greeted
Office called, PC packed, car started
Wife snuggled, door closed, journey begun.

as pages turn 
his memory greets her... 
the filtered light 
of saddened beauty, 
yet, without would be 
but crushing darkness,
his footsteps welcome, 
an entrance crossing 
lightly o’er the 
threshold of her mind; 
his visits she could 
not bear to miss. 
and though it wets 
her cheeks with weeping, 
though it fills 
her pail of tears
from sorrow’s ever 
deepening abyss,
this, her rose of hope 
its beauty precious
its fragrance borne 
on petals crushed.
each page she turns 
his memory greets her
with each his visit 
she prolongs;
and moments sweet 
she dare not rush;
dispels her darkness
when nights are long.


*post script.

he visits on pages that fill her life... 

the photo albums,
the turning calendar, 
books that bear his footnotes... 
cards and letters beginning with the words, “Dear Mom...”

ever so slowly, she is learning to welcome, 
even find comfort, in his visits
among the pages.
To think i actually cared at one point.
It's pathetic, you've always been that.
Like a child scraping their knee, talking about booboos for days.
To say i loved you at one point.
It's pathetic.
The word i love most because it describes anything we had once.
The word, who's face so stunningly glorious.
You laugh and smile in my presence.
At the thought of me?
At the thought of someone who actually cared for you?
Is pathetic.
I despise your prensence.
The Plague you spread.
The love i had
The things unsaid
Never to be done again
A Thing i experienced.
You're lost love.
I'm sorry that things went to hell.
Because this Thing that i feel isn't burning desire anymore.
Nor is it hatred.
It's nothing, an empty pit of darkness with one ray of glancing light.
I asked someone how you're doing today.
I looked for you today to give you the mix i held onto.
So **** me?
Maybe you should think about the way you go through people.
The way you go through life
So unsatisfied.
I'm not going to have anymore idiotic "Poem Wars"
I have eyes to see.
You needed
You need
and everything i couldn't stand to give.
My sanity is back.
I realize, i didn't Love you.
I just think.
I just liked your music and your thighs.
Stop the *******. And i'm keeping your mixes.
 Feb 2014 kingjaffiejoffer
Lost in my mind
With emotions running the game
I can't figure out my thoughts
Because they're never the same.
Lost in a world
Loving the thought of that one
Who can't stand the thought of relationships
And decided that we were done.
Lost in my feelings
Not angry, but dazed and confused
Because she still likes me
So I just don't know what to do.
Lost in my heart
Feuding between two sides
One wanting her more than breathing
The other just dying to get by.
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