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 Dec 2016 Kim Elaydo
I know we broke up
But we broke up for the right reasons
Sometimes I wish we didn't
But I see why we had to
Please don't misunderstand what I'm about to say
Know that I love you and will continue to care for you
So here it goes:

When I was your boyfriend, I took care of you
I did everything that I could to make you happy
I sacrificed things that I loved doing because I wanted you to be happy
Whenever you're sad, I'll go to the extremes to cheer you up
Whenever you're mad, I'd say sorry even if I didn't know what for
And although these things may have their own merit,
I've realized that there are times when this can be toxic

I forgot how to care for my own well-being and happiness

Don't misunderstand. You're a part of my happiness too.
I want to help you whenever you're in your down times
But do I really help you stand for yourself if I'll be the one to always be there? (I guess that's why people have always told me "you're too nice of a guy" when I should've been a good person)
There will come a day when I really can't be there for you
I am human after all, and there are situations that I cannot control
I want you to be strong
I want you to be independent
I want you to help yourself too
While we're away from each other,
Work on yourself
Focus on getting better
Always strive for a better version of you than yesterday

Now that we broke up
I want you to know that I do miss you
I long to hold your hands again
I long to kiss your soft lips again
I long to cuddle with you again
I long to say "I love you" and hear you say it back to me
I do miss you
A day doesn't pass by without my eyes tearing up
Don't ever think that I don't care about you, because I do and I hope you see it
Don't ever think my heart doesn't ache at the thought of not seeing you today, because it does
It does ache
And I feel it every day
So for now
Know this,
I love you
I will wait
I will wait until we're the best version for each other
I will wait.
I will always love you. More than you know now, K.
 Nov 2016 Kim Elaydo
Do you need a new ****?
Will yours just not do?
Well honey
I've got the store for you!
A gallery for butts
Come one, come all!
There's all kinds of butts
Both big and small

We've got butts that are big
Butts that are round
We've got butts that make
A tiny "toot" sound
Butts that are flat
And butts super small
Butts on short people
Butts for people who are tall

We've got butts that are firm
Hard in your grasp
Butts that are flabby
But nice ones at that
Butts so big
They cover the seat
And butts that are tiny
Cute and petite

We've got baby butts
With the softest of skin
Old ones that show
How old, where they've been
Butts that are fake
so plump and new
Butts that are real
Which are far in few

But what's this?
A **** we don't know?
Yes it's your ****!
And just look at it glow!
It's so very unique
It's one-of-a-kind!
Yes that trunk back there
Is quite some behind!

You don't need a new ****
Why yours is so you!
Who would wear it
If it wasn't on you?
Show off that **** girl!
Because it's got class
You'll have everyone saying
"What an amazing * * *"
With all the depressing poems, I wrote something lighthearted to cheer everyone up

Your **** is beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
I gave up on tears
Long ago, so I will let
The sky cry for me
My feelings today
 Sep 2016 Kim Elaydo
Our planet Earth has a moon.

Yes, a moon. That thing everyone uses for something romantic.

But here's one thing I've heard

"You gotta find your own moon. Someone you could look at and feel something different. Someone who'd be with you the whole night and never want to leave your side."

Admit it. We all want that.
I knew I'd need that in the future.

What I didn't expect was I'd find one. (Or at least I thought ((obviously or else I wouldn't be writing this poem hhhh)))

Let me tell you something romantic!

Sometimes You may feel like you've found your "moon".
You start to feel like that person was something special to you
You even think you're as special to them too
You start to see that moon in your orbit wherever you go

But it pays to observe
It pays to get your own telescope and look at the sky
And realize you weren't the planet. You were the moon.
You were the one orbiting.
Orbiting what has become the world to you.
You were the one trying to give off something special .

You realize you weren't orbiting Earth
You were orbiting the wrong planet.
You were orbiting a planet that had 3 other moons.

No, you don't find your own "moon". You find your own Earth.
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