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2.1k · Apr 2014
Kelly Miller Apr 2014
Goodbye to the past
I watch your hands waving
While my heart's ship sails safely
Across the big wide blue

Goodbye pouting rainclouds
I watch you cry somberly for me

Good bye little shadows
I cannot stick around

A glistening sun comes
To say Hello
1.2k · Apr 2014
Kelly Miller Apr 2014
Stripped down to my core
There I was, bare naked
With bare naked emotions

Exposed to the cold air
It chilled my bones
I couldn’t feel my skin
Raw and soar was my soul within
Exposed to the elements
Exposed to reality
I wanted out
No, I wanted to cry
It was like the world was waving goodbye
As for that hopeful train
I missed the ride
I was numb, frozen
Perhaps even blind
Must have been in love
Or just too kind
Have you ever fell into a sea of oblivion
Have you ever given up your wings
To appear more human
Have you ever felt so raw
Like your core was ripped
Have you ever felt
Your heart being stripped
879 · Mar 2014
Kelly Miller Mar 2014
It’s hard to be human in a world that rejects the concept of humanity.
We meet hostility before humility.
We fight over space, before we create it.
How many boxes can human minds create before we suffocate, cease to exist?
How does one perceive higher intelligence?
There is no measurement,
For intelligence is acceptance…
Accepting the things we cannot change,
For after all we are human.

Who is your maker?
We made ourselves, so they say.
So why can’t we change ourselves?
Why can’t the Deepak’s and the Oprah’s deal with the deep matters of the mind.
Still trying, defining, living our nearsighted visions
Falling haplessly into hyper realities
We enjoy short lived tales on the backs of constructed fallacies
Those who have eyes? Why can’t they see?

History is alive, when I live it inside of me

Yet there is still a "rock a tree and a river" Maya Angelou

It is possible, they teach us more than we wish to discern.
We are a fortunate species, not robots.
We can sit for years contemplating the obvious.
We can ask for answers when there already provided.
We can keep fighting the things we won’t win
We can still try to be ruler while we are being ruled
And still question humanity when we are human.

We could carefully plan or courses.
Peregrinate upon rich soil that we never laid.
Drink water from those rivers that we never made.
See beauty in things we didn’t design
Take fruits of the field, and make ourselves wine.

To be human, then, is quite strange

And if you never listened, never heard, never cried
Never seen, never thought, never tasted,
Never felt,
Then perhaps you are not.
Reflections of humanity
745 · Jul 2014
Poem For Maya Angelou
Kelly Miller Jul 2014
In a moment of time
Your words birthed
A vision inside of me
To be human
Yes it's quite strange..
But in our uniqueness
We realise
That we are all the same

The phrase I love you
Has a transitory tone
It can either end or begin
A chapter

The storms of life, may grey our skies
But  you've taught us
How to see
The rainbows in our clouds

Poets are encouraged to remember..
Words Are Things

So all though you have stopped on
The train ride called life
You leave us lingering passengers
With the courage to complete the journey
With empowerment for the destination

Your smile will last
As the memoir of your legacy
And we will press on
For today and tomorrow
With the mask removed
We miss you Maya!
644 · Apr 2014
Give Me A Moment
Kelly Miller Apr 2014
Give me a moment before the beat drops and we hip hop
Give me a moment back in time...
Give me a moment--before poets needed mic stands
When God was worshipped over rock n roll bands
Give me a moment where the world was once yours and it was once mine
Cause I'm needin a moment --A moment in time
Give me a moment-- where the only light was the sun
When there was no imitation gods, just the true living One
Give me a moment-- before cliches and celebrated pop stars
Before labels on people instead of labels on jars
Give me a moment--when there was no need for King and Queen,
When two peple worshipped one supreme being
Give me a moment -- of way back then
How we would live, to start over again
Give me a moment when nature sang its song
And you could just listen to it all day long..
So I pause..
Cause I'm needin a moment to put me into focus
Cause this world done lost its mind
So please, give me a moment
A moment in time
630 · Apr 2014
In Honour of Slow
Kelly Miller Apr 2014
Throughout the muddle of to and fro
Our borrowed time, our come and go

Our constant search for the quicker way
Never owning the chance to seize the day

Only at life’s halt, do we then discover
The purpose of the quiet hour

Time to shop, no time to stay
Time to entertain, no time to pray

Of doors to lock and belts to buckle
Of errands to run, and babies to suckle

No time to smell the roses scent
Time quickly lost, time idly spent

Forgotten I love you’s, a broken vow
Speeding up won’t solve it now…

In constant motion, on the go
We say goodbye, before hello

Addiction to speed, such a real provocateur
Not worth being ill, or the Doctors bill later

Yet there is time to figure this out
To really know what life’s about

For life is sweeter when you know
What it means to honour slow

— The End —