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66 · Aug 2020
The days and nights
I enjoy each with you
Is a blessing from my Lord
And I believe it in solid...
But for his grace ...
You and me would still be
Unknown hearts to each other ...
He gave you to me ..
To care for you a lot
And vice versa too...
And for sure
he wants me to love you
to love me....
64 · Apr 12
Cosmic dancer adorned with ash
Being the beginning and the End
the form of father and mother
You, my Lord, my Universe !!
Of Creator, preserver and destroyer
My mind always falls for the destroyer
of thoughts and deeds wild and weird.
The destroyer of dreadfulness around
With tangled locks and Ganges in flow
Wearing Crescent moon’s golden glow
Serpents twining around neck
Meditating in still, profoundly deep
From third eye, wisdom's fire does leap !!
With trident in hand,  drums that  beat
your fierce form, often misunderstood
Yet in your benevolence, lies the world's fate!!
Mahadev! Your grace is my ultimate state.
Every breath of mine is a gift from you
And every breath sings your praise and fame
You are the timeless one, beyond all ages!!
64 · Feb 16
I’m back to my place ,
that prepared  me to race
A place that  let me learn
To keep shoulders up than to lean
Gave me strength  to stand tall
In every situation that tilted  for a fall
Taught me to hide worries under a smile
And make my walk worth while
A place that made me freak as a teen
Showed me a   world I had never seen
Gave me heart breaks  
Removable by no hacks
Where it was fun
To hang around under sun
With friends and theirs too
Enjoying life with no clue
Of what  in store for future
As that was our nature..
Thoughts of all brings smiles
but now  within It’s cries
for the Years  that distanced
Me from this place for no stance..
Like an alien in the land I stay
As how much I miss this place all way
I’m back to my place
To breath its air  for a day's phase
I’m back to my place, I'm lost!!!
Withered hopes and dried up ambitions
Of tired soul so yearning for peace
Walk destined to six yards  unknown land piece
For eternal rest in peace ...
With prayers not to see...
Anyone anymore...
Not to hear any repents
For the inflicted hurts
And never to receive the love
Denied when sought...
Just to rest .....
With no hopes and no expectations  .. .
And nothing more beyond
than never ever felt peace !!
64 · Sep 2020
Weeping mind
With tiny groans mind weeps
With hot tears shedding down
As steams of evaporated water
That boils in the pain of ceased
Love and concern from the one
For whom the soul lives
Heart beats!!
63 · Jul 2020
The little drops of rain
That drowns down my face plain
Reminds me of your touch
Making me stand still as such.

Monsoon brings memories with a smile
Beautiful thoughts of you and me for a while
Together,  in the wilderness of wood and green,
And the little sounds of flies leading me scream…
I’m missing your compassionate look
By which you almost had me took
Yearning for your arrival most soon
By spending my nights looking at moon….

Come on dear, I need you here
And if you don’t have me hear
I may not remain on this earth
May be will realize my worth…
63 · Jul 2020
Fearing Corona raid
Only Asset
Charming smile
Value undisclosed
Shielded under N-95
Fearing raid of Covid-19
63 · Mar 5
Rise from ashes
In the sunset of unspoken dreams
Where it’s remains once danced in glitter
Drenched in fire , now seems  resigned,
Lies in ashes of memories, intertwined.
And the flickers that once warmed the soul,
Rests in the unattended corners,
Of the heart, silent and deep.
With hopes for a new beginning
From every finish, like a rise of phoenix
From the unattended corners of heart!!
62 · Jul 2020
My life
and, that's
The reason I am
Today alive !!
62 · Sep 2020
World of words
I write only on you
For my world of words
Revolves around you..
Creating shades of dark and light
Poems on you!!
62 · Oct 2020
Twinkling stars winked at me
Making me blink in surprise
Of the meaning conveyed…
Shouldn’t I be shining like stars
In the world I live ?!
Where am I? Why am I?
Still reeling  behind the clouds !!

Realizations, though realized late
With belief, Time again not gone
I’m on the move…
To make it happen…
And  twinkle like a star
On The Earth!!
62 · Jul 2020
Sometimes it's scolds
sometimes soft word
Sometimes piercing glance
Sometimes romantic looks
I miss all these now....!!!
Unable to tolerate, I vow
Will die without these
As  addicted I'm  to these!!
62 · Oct 2020
You came as a gentle breeze
Touched upon my inner heart
Making me realise who I'm
And took away the tears
That I stored of pain....!!
When again can I feel the squeeze
Of you...oh gentle breeze
To make me off pain so complete??!!
61 · Jul 2020
Dimple and fall
I fall more often
In the dimples of your smile
Than I have fallen as a child !!
60 · Jul 2020
Beyond words ..
I miss you
Is beyond words
to express !!

You won't know
Even if I express!!
With wings spread of their dreams
to Reach their dear ones
And breath the air afresh
of their land of birth
pursue their homely dreams
And enjoy their evenings
With relatives and neighbours
To blast their holidays in style
Of their willingness..
From their land of duty,
To land of their home,
the world they belong to
They boarded the flight...
From Dubai to Kozhikode
Which flew high to touch the sky
Along with the dreams of  happy souls it carried...
Pulled  down to realise the dreams..
To touch the land...
Destiny skidded...
Of dreams and the aircraft
Taking life of the pilot and his co....
Letting it go to rescue dependants in the flight...
And many lives lost  life,
The shattered dreams...
The  disfigured aircraft..
Members lost families
Parts lost bodies..
As ramnants of the flight..
Bringing tears of its thought!
The flight from Dubai to kozhikode skided in the run way leading to loss of life...of nearing 20 persons including the pilot and co pilot on 7.8.20
60 · Jul 2020
Yearned for some one to confide to
But found none to confine to
Cried days and nights  of my loneliness
Longing plentitude of completeness,..

Believe seeing my weepy soul
And helpless to give a candid console
The master designer of my life gifted me a loving soul
As my protector and saviour as whole
Destined to be my strength at large
Till end of my life always to recharge !!

Oppressed mind, repressed soul , suppressed heart vanished from my memories and  self...
And disappeared to the vanity with a never return back promise to their self..

Mind, heart and soul regenerated alive
Encouraged dreaming colossal to survive
Supported and Illuminated by  the gift of God
Gazing to a destination good and odd.
Alterations marked the gift of God's ingress
Rediscovered my writing passion in progress
Guiding me to the world of words
And aiding me to find my word from words..

Sparkle in smile, compassion in eyes,
zeal to care, meticulousness in advice
I feel the touch of the master creator
In this..his gift to me!!
Doubtlessly I know... The master creator THE GIFT TO ME!!
59 · Oct 2020
Setting sun at west end
Splashed on me the colours
Of orange and red...
Did the sun know
I was blushing  without colours ?
In the thought of my midnight moon!!
59 · Nov 2020
words of silence
Love with unlimited affection
Anger sensibly understood
Happy sadness as perfect partners holding hands...
Infinite emotions  heart holds
with eagerness to rest ...
And talk never ending words of silence
Of  feelings deep down in my heart..
Heard to the only heart
That can only love me....
So unconditionally!!
59 · Jul 2020
Light for me to write
Heart to heart romance
Or heart wrenching heart breaks
The only person I can write about
without a second thought
Is YOU!!

58 · Oct 2020
Missing heart
A part of me is you
Other part again is you
Feel lost myself in you
My heart seen missing from me
Seems beating for you !!
58 · Jul 2020
Self proclaimed fool
Trusted your words once
Trusted the same again
And again. . .. in vain
with no gain...
But no ....
Not any more again
To model myself
a self proclaimed fool!!
My hair dances
To tunes of your breath
My body moves
To the feel of your touch
And it makes me look beautiful
While at the most
Beautiful place  for me
on the earth -  your arms!!
58 · Jun 2020
I need you
As my strength
For my health
As my wealth
For my sheath
As my breath
Till my death!!
56 · Jun 2020
Your styled kiss
On my little uncolored lips
I felt a press of your powerful lips
Little did I know it was a kiss
One of your styled romantic kiss….
Until it took away my breath
Drowning me underneath.
56 · Aug 2020
Bridled  with jungled thoughts
In missing your words and acts
feel lost, irrecoverable strange sort
Unknown hustling bustling world
never know the pain held in depth ...
Does whistling wind whirl around world?
Make you realise me and my pain.!!
56 · Sep 2020
Sky sheds its tears
So too my eyes….
Both destined
To fall on the earth !!
56 · Sep 2020
Work pressure
Disturbed mind of
Mounting work pressure
Seeking solace in the arms of
words to flow in the rhythm
of emotions !
55 · Jul 2020
Can predict
What am I today
Is not what I wanted me to be yesterday!!

What I will be tomorrow
Is unknown to me ..
Yet I believe
I will be me ..the real me !!
55 · Jul 2020
Piece and peace ...
My little piece of mind
Needs a little peace of mind..
None can give my little  piece of mind
A little peace of mind
Unless I make peace with my mind
Least... with a  little piece of  mind !!
55 · Jul 2020
Burning in the heat
in the heat
of your heart ..

55 · Aug 2020
Your words
My burning heart
In the flames of your words
And acts
Plaints in pain
Loud and visible
As the silence in me you see!!
55 · Jul 2020
I want freedom
I want freedom
Freedom to fly
Freely like a bird
On the wings of my dreams
To the destinations I most like
With no questions asked
No answers to be told
To how when where and why..

I want freedom...
Freedom to be my self...
53 · Jun 2020
It's not your love and care
But the love with which you care
That makes me do the rare
Which to do ,no one dare.
And excel with fair
A fact  that I swear...
53 · Aug 2020
Eternal truth
The withering petals
Of the roses
Reminds me of eternal truth
Nothing is eternal
Including my youth...
52 · Oct 2020
Little happiness for me..
Roots of my dreams
Dried up
And my wings been chopped
Why did I allow it be done?

Shouldn't I have  stood up
Watered, nurtured my dreams to grow
And let it fly in the unlimited Sky!!

Trying to make loved ones happy
Has cost me , my happiness
For the sacrifices I did on my own
Made them happy....
But where's my happiness??

Time is up...I realise
To make me happy
And live my life
And here you have come
As messenger
From father in heaven....
To show me that heaven on Earth!!

I its my time
My life...I need to live!!
52 · Oct 2020
Left corner of  my left eye
Lets down little drops of lovely tears
Leaving  dried salt on my dull face
Landing on the earth..
Loudly conveying to mind
Love it holds .....
Like, the pain of mind
Like the tears from eyes!!
52 · Aug 2020
Confused mind
Of  infused thoughts
Leaving pain undefeatable!!

Mind or body...??

Too confused!!
52 · Jan 31
Mind ignites with hope
Setting it ablaze sans any dope
Body and heart in perfect dance
Syncing with dreams, in a fervent trance..
Running swift towards the goal,
Every inch, in a determined stroll.
Mind observes keen, though not in sight
A sign of change, very much under light
With  transformation whispers in the air,
A total shift, beyond compare.
Change, the inevitable dance,
In every circumstance, a chance.
With every step, like a journey begun,
For the change, the constant, under the sun.
51 · Jul 2020
Some days are like that
Nothing happens right
However you may try
Even with a cry...!!
51 · Jul 2020
Love for silence
I love those ones
Who love silence
I always admire silence ..
As silence speaks a lot .....
If understood ...!!
50 · Sep 2020
Silence blossomed in me
In the darkest colours of my nature
Of Un withering petals adamant enough
To withstand the hurricane of  thoughts
And remain guileless in the chilling memories
Undrenched in the profound rain  of tears
And linger plumped up in the scorching heat of  piercing worries
My silence. ......eternal !!
50 · Sep 2020
Fake smiles
Coloured smiles
Mind blowing at look
With all undeniably realistic
Attracting hearts to fall in it
Innocent hearts so sensitive
Yearning for compassion
Just skid in !!
The truth of colours realized
Once you are juiced
And straws thrown!!
50 · Jul 2020
Tragic comedy
Tried  a hand in writing comedy
Gave it to friend to read  ready
Awaiting what her response bears
I saw her eyes fill with tears
Felt happy with instant hit of comedy
She replied " your best of all tragedy"

I stopped writing comedy...
50 · Oct 2020
Torn flesh
Flesh torn open
In the centre of heart
Makes me run around
Like a drunken mad ox
Out of pain....

Why have you inflicted on
Me so harsh a pierced drill
In the midheart...
Don’t you understand
It's feebleness.. ??
where you stayed safe so long !!

Will I survive ?
50 · Jul 2020
Three crazy heads..
This is our world
even sky  doesn't limit us from reigning  this  friendship world
To climb on each other's shoulder
And dance to the music, new or old !!
To laugh at jokes our own
To find fault with each other and disown
Comment on everything under the sky
And talk about our dreams so high
To take everything lightly
And laugh out our heart so loudly
We are not grown up women now
But born again teens as for now
Born to enjoy each day of life
With friends whom we never had anything rife.. are our leader here again
Never mind ..we may revolt against are own backbone
Still have to bear our throw  of stone
And kavi...will always be the little tail wagging it always without fail..
This is our own world.. our own way
With nothing to hold us back from smiling all the way ..
For my best friends rejini & harini ...on forming a newwhatsapp group for our own selves
50 · Sep 2020
Yearning souls
Two souls at distances apart
As destiny distanced as part
Like souls of different bodies
still connected with string of love
That grows with glow, visible
solely to the souls that lay afar
known alone to hearts, so sensitive
beating for each other
breathing for one another….
Yearning to be together !!
49 · Jul 2020
Silence....a solution
Fought with you for a reason so trifle
I cried meekly, then loudly
Burst out with tiny whispers
Led it out hysterically
Flung out not just alone utensils
But all that came handy...

You remained a silent spectator
To all my spectacle…
Thus again provoking me for no reason
But you remained still silent to the core...
Might, you felt come what may ready to bear….

Tired of all the drama...
Dispersed all feelings of melodrama
Took to set right all things flown
Eliminated the clouds over grown …
Set Surrounding and emotions all clear...

With a realization crystal clear….
Silence sometimes is the best solution
To many a problems.....
48 · Jul 2020
You are my pillar..
To lean on
To hold on...
To support
To stand firm !!

You are my life
My love
My breath
My heart
And it's beat !!

You are my sun
Whom I rotate around
You are my days
You are my nights..!!

You are ...
My treasure
To be Proud of
For myself !!

You are mine for me...
But you are not mine!!
That's the irony
For me!!
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