magic sweet words
tumult breathless,
teasing over others:
she spins her web,
spins intricately,
nattily: ages of
scalding have done
her in perhaps,
or stabs that refusal
brings, this is how
she is, will be, busy in
her impenetrability
a tightrope walker,
a smooth talker,
faker, giver, taker,
the silk is thick,
her clean heart
thus corrupted
she has trouble
sometimes, I
can see it in her
eyes, the distortion
of not knowing, for
those few dangling
moments, who she is,
face / mask
voice / silence
agreement / refusal
I may have persevered
I may have stayed
if only the years
weren't slipping away,
I wish neither of us
were built this way.
Written in 2013