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Do I love you?
I can't tell you
Am I happy
I don't know

Will I stay with you forever?
That's a long time
I don't know

I'm the king of keeping secrets
I'm the best since time began
I'm lost here, and I'm searching
I am me, but, a new man

Love me for the man I am
Don't love the man I was
I don't know what that man was like
I don't know the man you lost
Love me as I am now
I won't remember anyway
Don't love the man I was before
Love the man I am today

I smile and remember
Thoughts and visions
mostly blurred
Words and place
not remembered
Memories shaken
but not stirred

I'm still here in this body
Don't know exactly who I am
Was I good when I did know me
Or am I better as I am

Don't tell me to remember
My memories are dust
What once was steel and solid
Has quickly died and turned to rust

I can't love you as I once did
Tomorrow I won't know your name
You may love me now, forever
But, do you love me quite the same

I'm the king of keeping secrets
I'm the one that you can tell
Nothing in here is remembered
In this empty, aging shell
inspired by Glen Campbell and his battle with Alzheimers
Katherine D Feb 2015
I remember
your warm smile
your calming voice
your gentle touch
your soft lips
your strong, protective hands

I remember
how happy I was in your arms
how you loved all my flaws
how you could always make me smile
how you never gave up on me
how your hand fit perfectly in mine

I remember
when you kissed me in the pouring rain
when we tried to count the stars in the night sky
when we spent the day curled up on your couch
when we hiked for hours by the river for no reason at all
when we took off to the beach for a week just to be together

Then came the storm,
it took you away in the blink of an eye
our time together went on standby

Along with my smile.

Katherine D Feb 2015
A story lies
  within theses eyes.
a story unheard,
  completely absurd.

A truth untold
  is about to unfold.
a truth contains no lies
  but oh so many ties.

A path forgotten  
  grows rotten.
a path will cost
  all will be lost.

A heart not taught  
  is left distraught.
a heart grown cold
  will lose its hold.

A soul unprotected
   can be subjected.
a soul left bone dry
  will surly die.  


— The End —