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 Jan 2015 Kailey Brown
You have turned me upside down
In your love I want to drown
Your smile lights my heart
In your eyes I want to stare
Pain is away when you are near
Accept my love, please my dear
Just another hearty shout in a world full of noise
You know our spot,
That place where we would sneak out to in the middle of the night?
Of course you do.
Well I snuck out there tonight,
Just like the old days.
It was a cold, clear night.
Stars shining, wind chilling.
I even went out at our usual time, 2:00.
It was pointless,
I knew you wouldn't be there.
But I can hope can't I?
My mouth even got dry on the way out there,
Just like it always did.
Yours would get dry too.
I miss those nights under the stars.
I would do anything, ANYTHING, for just one more of those nights.
But for now, I can only hope.
 Jan 2015 Kailey Brown
C H Watson
Place your finger on her chin
    Now draw a line down her throat and extend the trajectory
Why? Because then you get to touch her cleavage
    I thought it was self-explanatory
I'm not on drugs
I'm just this ****** up of a person
don't tell me i can't ******* go without you
because for you information
even before we met,
i can ******* stand alone

and don't tell me you miss me
because if you really have time
and you're sincerely willing,
you will talk to me

Four AM
And five stitches later
I finally realized the
cold hard truth.
I never want
to see you again.
I can't keep showing
up at the hospital
when you've broken
me yet again.
 Jan 2015 Kailey Brown
Lou Vaughn
I imagine your touch

to want you this much

I hunger and ache

you are not a mistake
Some people see it as a wonderland some point i did too...
i'm a pretty skinny girl with "the ideal" body
and of coarse that **** blew up in my head like crazy
I saw it as an escape from my world
that i was ashamed to live in
i'd whiten myself up...
bleaches, "white girl clothes", the voice...
all to fit in
but in reality
my body is nothing but my body
its my temple
and I don't value it any more than this society does
lumps of fat on my chest "give me my value"
and guys will do anything to get inside the ***
so society has you sittin here questioning..
is that all i should aspire to do...
to look cute, to be "pretty", to be strong but not too strong, to marry, to wear girly clothes, love pink, like....
my body is my temple
and it guards my heart my prized possession
the only thing keeping me alive physically and emotional in our world
yeah i might've been extremely insecure like 20 secs ago
but i might have muscular thighs, my **** may not be ideal according to you, or i may be perfect to you idk
but people nor society defines me
and my life is so much more than my body, than the clothes on my back, than the food on my table, than the worry...
my body is my temple
and it is beautiful
it is art
and perfect just as it is...
it's my art
my temple....
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