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I walk in this world not quite a part of it.
I see events around me unfold.
They nether change me or define me.
I muse at their hollowness.
They do not exist on my plane.
But, they are stones to tread on.
I watch as oppression flexes its strength.
I smile to myself
My world, my life.
I exist above oppression and violence.
My mind, my intelligence is free.
Take my land, loved ones, treasures of this world.
They wait for me in the dawn of eternal round.
You have no power over me.
Jeremy Scholz 2005
You're the reason looking in the mirror is so painful.
I can't even glance at my reflection in fear that you'll be there.
You're the reason i don't let guys touch me.
The thought of feeling the way you made me feel is sickening.
You're the reason dragging the blade across my skin feels so **** good.
Honestly it feels better than remembering what you did to me.
You're the reason suicidal thoughts come so easily.
So please just leave me be.
So this is about my former step dad. um so yeah.
you were fleeting
in an instant
but you left scars
on my heart
and in my head
and I don't think
they'll ever fade
There was a day,
When my fingers could not keep count,
Of the number of friends I had.
But those days are like a fairytale,
Never to return again.

They’ve all slipped through my fingers,
And I’m sorry for what I’ve done.
Even though to me,
It’s unknown,
Like a mystery.
Maybe I should summon Nancy Drew.

What went wrong ?
Maybe I wasn’t good enough for you.
Maybe I was just too much for you,
Too overwhelming.
Maybe I was too much of a luggage for you to carry around,
Too emotional.
Maybe I got too heavy
And you decided to place me into the middle of the road-
To take on the whole world in my hands,
That can barely hold a dime,
-or just to watch the world move on.

Maybe I was just too dark,
And relied on that blade too much.
Maybe I’m not pretty enough,
And my scars are too scary for you.
Or maybe it’s because I’m
D   i   f  f  e  r  e  n  t,
Just maybe,
It’ll always be maybe because you just disappeared.
Without leaving a message or note.
If it’s just to say:
“Talk to you soon”,
Even if it’s not soon.
You just stopped saying “Hi”,
And stopped showing that you ‘cared’

I’m sorry for being me,
But it’s okay,
‘cause if I was in your place,
I wouldn’t even stop to say “Hello” to me.
 Sep 2014 Julia Sophie Anna
 Sep 2014 Julia Sophie Anna
I looked into her eyes

the deep electric blue.

She gave me her brightest smile.

She was my muse.

Her light brown hair

was flowing back.

She looked to the sky

which was pitch black.

She pointed to a constellation

and nudged me.

Our love was not infatuation.

It had to last for eternity.

Every time we hugged

she'd whisper my name.

seeing her in her mirth

was my happy place.

We were eccentric

in our own way.

She made me nostalgic

I couldn't let her go way.

Her laughter still echoes in my ears.

She made me face my biggest fear.

I looked into her eyes

the deep electric blue.

They were lifeless.

She had stayed past her curfew.

Her light brown hair

was soaked in her own blood.

I held her hand and silently weeped

nothing could break me

yet I felt incomplete.

I hugged her for the last time

her parched lips didn't say my name

somewhere down the line

I was to be blamed.

— The End —