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Jan 2023 · 174
Josephine Wild Jan 2023
Rows of lights in rows of three.
Rows like the stars,
the stars around Mars.
I am made of the stars.
Jan 2023 · 4.4k
Rest in Reason
Josephine Wild Jan 2023
If the soul is dyed by thoughts, I will rest in my reason.

By following my just nature, I will let my desire find its termination.

For I am made of the stars. I will let my spirit shine.

I am a rising star, not a falling one. I am divine.

Nothing outside changes the value of my shining nature.

Despite criticism or praise, nothing shall perturb me.

My loveliness terminates in itself. My beauty evolves with the seasons.

I will love my nature. I will rest in my reason.

My flesh desires sugar, but sugar rots the soul.

To nurture the character of my mind, I’ll feast on the fruits of wisdom.

I’ll feed my soul thoughts ripe in virtue and I’ll let my spirit shine.

For tranquility is nothing but a good ordering of the mind.

I will not be troubled in any season.

When my flesh desires treason, I will rest in my reason.
My reflections on the wisdom found in Meditations.
Jun 2022 · 479
The Cowbird
Josephine Wild Jun 2022
The dark cloud found me that morning. Consumed by anxiety, I threw myself onto the sofa, pulled the blanket over my head, and closed my eyes to the world.

Oddly feeling weightless and fatigued, I meandered to the bathhouse for a shower, hoping that would help. I breathed, I argued, bargained, and prayed. At least I felt clean.

It was nearly ten O’clock when I departed my home. I strung on another late work day into my week, but I wore that string of black pearls with little guilt. I set up my workstation and completed a task before being summoned to the airport. Ben was finally coming home.

With low energy, I greeted my husband and drove back to work. We hugged and kissed and he drove off. I slugged my way back to the office feeling tired, empty, and numb.

My attempt at productivity that afternoon proved futile. I had to reset, and I knew what to do.

I grabbed my binoculars, my shades, and my tunes (but I didn’t listen to them). I let the flow of traffic set the mood.

Strolling up Main Street, I felt weightless even more, like outside of myself. I arrived at the riverside. As I stood at the water’s edge, the birds flew by and I studied them. I began my checklist as I usually do, then united myself with a familiar dirt path. Immersed in the forest, I tried to breathe my demons away, but they wouldn’t move. I continued.

On my route, I heard bird calls in the brush. I saw a large, brown fledgling begging for lunch. Its parents arrived, but to my surprise their offspring doubled them in size.

It was a baby cowbird that had been laid in its foster parents’ nest. It’s not the vireos’ fault, they only did what they knew best.

At that moment it clicked. I saw my feelings manifested in an avian play. I couldn’t let the invader win the day.

Depression is like a cowbird, I told my friend. When you feed it, it thrives and grows, killing the chicks of joy nested in your head.

Lesson learned, don’t feed the cowbird.
Jun 2022 · 127
In The Clouds
Josephine Wild Jun 2022
My pining continues
For a close, tender touch.

Running continuously,
Growing indifferent.
Running hopeless, yet
Growing stronger.

Looking up skyward
My worries dissolve.
My thoughts - drifting clouds.

I thirst to evolve -
Grasping for that inner calm.
Jun 2022 · 250
Josephine Wild Jun 2022
Robins fly and the river churns.
Snowmelt meets gravity.
Pulling sun rays down to earth.

Time to relax.
Time to mind.

All is quiet.
All is over.
All is relaxed.

Time to open.
Time to begin.
Aug 2018 · 422
Cluttered Mind
Josephine Wild Aug 2018
Confusion emits laughter.
I laugh it off and move on.

I'm driven to discover
new tools that amuse
my brain to function,
to thrive,
to move.

Daydreams are abused.
Stabbing thoughts shift my mood.

Fresh dew departs grey eyes.
Countless thoughts
prove sterile.

Time continues. Nothing moves.

I'm driven to discover
new tools to amuse.

Looking for answers.
Eyes comb through
pages of news,
info and clues.

Time drives and flies by.
It is lost in my mind.
Aug 2018 · 208
Over My Life
Josephine Wild Aug 2018
No sense to invest.
Reality check!
That feels best...
Check my mind.
Have the ducks align.
Obey the patterns.
Suffer time.
Life crisis
Aug 2018 · 235
Lose My Mind
Josephine Wild Aug 2018
I left to travel for a lost love.
Up front and up right,
there was no trouble in sight.
I prayed to rise above
to rise above the flesh.
I lost.
I look above.
Yearning to taste it.
I can't escape it.
I lost my mind.
I can no longer take it.
Emotional struggle.
Sep 2012 · 539
It is What it Is.
Josephine Wild Sep 2012
All the same.
All the same it is.

nothing at all.
For all the same
it is.

Bleeding inside
nothing at all.
all the same.

Crying within,
nothing to give
all the same
it is.
Oct 2011 · 709
Josephine Wild Oct 2011
My heart is peeling.
Your touch is deceiving.
Since I left, I've been choking.
My love for you is nothing.
For I am nothing,
but a heart throb.
Nothing throbs in truth.
Truth throbs over nothing
-nothing but a bearded face
invading the finger tips,
arms, chest, legs.
Swarming warmth
wraps your face...

Kissing deeply,

my soul is weeping.

Thirst fulfilled,

I'm feeling *****.

Love is patient,
but Lust is juicy.
May 2011 · 662
Fill Me
Josephine Wild May 2011
Sleep in the everlasting
sleeping thru a funk.
Take this shame and this
Wake up hungry
and find no filler.
Find me here.
Find me unfull.
I am here.
Hear me.
Feb 2011 · 765
The Birds
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
The mocking bird
and the robin
live in the snow.
Each bird
own tree
framed within
my window.
Together they fly
upon the vast
white world.
A rose petal
among ashes
leads the volunteer's
Feb 2011 · 833
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
See that stone.
He sees that stone.
It's coming down
******* you
leaving scars.

Against the glass, you press your face
frosted and forgetful of the hairs rooted
in shame. You kissed that stone-cold face.

Filled with stone-cold limestone
You scratch.
You scratch and lose.
You sin and lose.
You lose and sin by scratching it loose.

Scratch through his bones and
invade the marrows
searching for that familiar face.

    smiling at you.

Smiling and cold.
Stone-cold blood glows. The skin glows orange
and the scars peel off bones.
Feb 2011 · 636
A Broad Start
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Take me apart.
Rip off my limbs.
Link the arms
and make a bridge.
Feb 2011 · 593
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Losing a cranium
filled up and seeping out
of this scalp.
I'm bleeding in my
bed, on the sofa,
on the paper itself.
Brain tissue cries out,
outside of my mind.
It wanders into
blackness, cruel and unkind.
Where in this black abyss
can I find that light?
Flickering and warm
I have lost my sight.
My path unlit,
I wander through thickets,
deserts, storms and mist.
I fall into quicksand.
It swallows me alive.
But I climb out
and the sun shines high.
Feb 2011 · 927
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Move fast,
hidden life,
double life,
hidden twice.
A quiet dog's life.
Secrets held twice.
Move, boy!
Hide, boy!
Fast, boy!
you double life dog, boy.
Move fast.
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
We are this city.
We are romantic.
We are integrated.
We are cultures intertwined.
We are wild but religious.
We are the same but different.
We are French and Spanish.
We are musical and artistic.
We are food fanatics.
We are sinners and repenters.
We are overly passionate.
We are the beaten odds.
We are blessed in this state.
We are where we belong.
We are this city.
We have faith.
Feb 2011 · 712
Held Back
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Easily flowing
over my shoulder
this boy. He be flowing.
Flowing into his own hot springs
that erupts so hot and flows unflowingly.
Oh, skyline glows on rooftop and flowing
a city
set down,
set down
and lonely,
below water,
still glowing
and growing, but confined
and unknowing. When knowing
could cease growing.
Oh slowly, go slowly.
Don't live off the knowing.
Feb 2011 · 801
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Caution on--
Be cautious on deck
for thy deck be wet.
Let the sea wash over
thy deck and kiss
thy railings so slightly and tight
but not to flood this
boat so right and ship-shape
Hand and water sail
this boat
so right,
but thy hands
keep right
this wheel held tight.
Thou waves shall fight
this boat
sailed right
and thy hand may fright
but steers still right.
Oh, ocean's might
might tear this tight,
this ship
sailed right.
So come on, let's fight.
Ok, let's fight.
Feb 2011 · 707
Blue Eyes
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Wade in my eyes.
Swim in
my iris.
into my pupils.
Tread under
my lashes
and sing
in my blue eyes.
Feb 2011 · 5.2k
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Eyes embrace
the food they can't taste.
Oh, a table without
dat brown gazelle, to waste.
A waste of grazing and falling.
There are no legs to
stop falling.
No legs to keep crawling.
Soft lips start falling.
Brown skin keeps swarming.
Fresh flesh starts warming.
Hands melting and
Carving out white wood, and
Carved dogwood
starts bleeding.
Stop falling.
Stop Falling!
Hey dere, be calling.
'till morning on
Stop falling,
Stop falling.
'till morning on
Feb 2011 · 569
In Time and Silence
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Mangled pieces of paper
fly through this brain tissue,
swirling in a dirt devil.
They fall into place and
then picked up again
to fly inside this dome.
Who is there to collect these
pieces, but the hands
on the outside?
Oneself can only see indoors
but not reach the outside
once trapped in.
These pieces quarrel
to be put together
and to not be burned
in the fire.
Where is the water to douse
these flames
but on the outside?
No flesh
can properly reach in
and douse the flames
and still the storm.
Only the door on the inside
can let Him in.
On both sides He is
and the heart invites
Him in.
Feb 2011 · 651
There is a Rock to Build On
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Tears dance down
the facade and
flood waters swell up
these wooden beams.
They are heavy
and they bow.
The house tilts and
all the water
to one side.
No tree can
nor bush nor bird
can put this house
All that is inside is
and mangled.
No fish can amend
this entangled reef
nor deer live
in this watery thicket.
Tears tear down this
house to dying pieces, though
no storm shall uproot
this foundation, if
it is built on rock.
Feb 2011 · 753
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Hold me dear
A mind unknown.
-full of stones.
Empty sleep
morning sun
wake unto
a world undone.

Color in
my brittle skin.
Mi amor
expel my sin.
Rushing waters
upon a throne
wake unto
a world unknown.

Breaking music
playing dawn
tighten up
O' spotted fawn

Dear Lord
my tired soul
lest I wake unto
a world of coal.
Feb 2011 · 1.7k
Two-faced Lie
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
A thousand heartbeats
rest upon a pillow
to no finish.
A pulse quickens,
a tongue
strained by veins.
Sleep is
in a dream
a haunted fairy tale
Feb 2011 · 649
Wired Up
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
The dirt in your toenails,
the sweat between your fingers,
an itch on your elbow,
the hair on your face,
a noise in your ears.
gaze into the paper
on the desk,
Hard, hard and wooden.
HA! wait...
A feather drags across your arm ever so delicately-BAM!
You broke dat vase. EAT!
A piece of apple gets stuck in your teeth.
all wet and slimy,
an imprisoned after-taste in your mouth. Now,
stare into your neighbor's face.
Lips stretched longways-exposed to the elements,
riding out the storm.
A warm breath invades your facade.
Board up the windows, now
Outside, roses bloom and thorns
stick into your ankles.
You leave behind
a trail of blood.
Feb 2011 · 814
SADISM: A Hidden Mistake
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
We go out running around having fun. Sounding wrong and it is. Laughing at wonderful people wondering who wanders upstairs. Downstairs, inside, outside, we chuckle. Whole-heartedly snickering about how we are sneaky. Openly and closed. Up and downward. Motion stop and go. Away in a tower we play. Puppets moving and breathing. Deeply praying. Silently knowing that I have to go. From here, I have no control. Over and again feelings melt through laws written in stone. Cold-blooded people smother their shame. Less they seek the truth. Full of shame we are not. Falling out. Falling inside. Ways to fall in and under a spell unsaid but drunken. Again. Spell it out again. We see each other. Wise owls know. Nothing is heard. Sheep do not ponder the fate of their own wool. Spun webs spell out the sweet cruelty done. Over laughter, pain dies and thrives.
Feb 2011 · 1.7k
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Hold quiet.
Hold quiet, boy.
Move fast.
Trace hidden drawings.
Secrets held twice.
Hold the leash.
Hold quiet, boy.
Feb 2011 · 624
Josephine Wild Feb 2011
Flies hear nothing.
Water chants nothing flies.
East freezes nothing heard.
Nothing chants blackbird.
Midnight cracks chanting.
East hears water chanting nothing.

— The End —