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O Lord, perfect Your sacred Love in me;
show me how to have the proper boldness
for conducting myself humbly each day;
only a covering of Your righteousness

will allow me to enjoy Your new mercies.
Teach me to appreciate Your divine Grace;  
please insure that I’m not after Your hands
of blessing, but that I’m seeking Your face.

I’m diligently feasting on Your Holy Word;
sate my spiritual hunger and thirst for You!  
You are the Bread of Life and Living Water;
I’ve experienced that Your promises are true!

Let me be fully consumed with Your Presence,
whereby I live as a Your, poetic work of art;
O Lord, when my trust rests in You alone,
I possess a peaceful and untroubled heart.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
1 John 4:17; John 6:35; Eph 2:10

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
What are we really looking to receive?
Is it: Money, Fame, Success, or Promotion?
Secret lusts of the heart create problems;
are we willing to risk, His Salvation?

Living to get things will never satisfy;
without proper priorities and pursuits,
righteousness, peace and joy isn’t obtained.
Knowing your identity in Him, His fruit,

mercy and grace becomes obviously evident.
Seeking His face will insure that His hand  
remains open towards those desiring Him.
However, are we doing what He had planned?

Are we delighting ourselves in Him alone?
Are the goals of God, something we discuss?
He always should be the King of our Life
and the Kingdom that is… inside each of us.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Rom 14:17; Psa 37:4,145:16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
The written Word of God is complete,
with multiple layers of understanding;
however, only a hungry heart can plumb
the Biblical depths with His assistance.  

There must be an inner desire, replete
with knowledge that’s divinely expanding  
my vision of purpose; don’t let me be dumb.
Breakdown my barriers of human resistance.

Stay within my heart; kick down its door,  
teach me Thy lessons, so I’m not perplexed;
enable my existence to grasp and really see
messages from the eternal, Kingdom above.

Translations instruct me how to explore
deeper within hidden meanings of holy text;
with Your Holy Spirit, softly reveal to me
the whole, unedited Truth of… Your Love.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
1 Cor 2:6-16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
The shades of gray are nearly infinite-
mirroring attitudes regarding our sin.
Degrees of separation give distinction
to human perception of ugliness within.

Living now in this ‘Age of Information’
has not made life much more palatable;  
visible is God’s Truth and Satan’s lies,
as individuals determine what’s palpable.

Gobs of available data doesn’t translate
into experience and useful wisdom directly.
Real sapience, is shown by the Holy Spirit,
when the ideas of faith are under scrutiny.

Biblical principles enable all to overcome
corrosive powers of intellectual pollution;
however, personal change, only occurs when…
one has the mindset for a Heavenly solution!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
1 Cor 2; Phil 4:4-8

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
O Lord, it’s morning; I’m here,
seeking Your face and guidance;
hear the echoing words of my heart;
they’re not some human contrivance

to guilt You into honoring Your Word;
I know that you’re not a lying Man,
with false, hollow promises that tease.
Living my life with these empty hands

raised unto You alone, I ache and yearn
for the sound, of Your quiet voice-
that gently soothes my Christian soul.
Despite today’s harshness, I rejoice…

knowing that the battle belongs to You.
Therefore, I continue to be still-
basking in Your Presence once more,
waiting for You to reveal Your Will…

that’s been individually crafted for me.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Psa 46; Exo 14:14

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
When we’re truly betrothed to Him,
we can’t help, but divinely succeed;
Christ’s not a Man that He should lie
and He’s promised to meet our needs.

Are we, not more important than birds
found about the land, trees and air?
Are we better clothed than flowers?
Are we committed to Him and His care?

Are we not made after God’s image?
As His Children, are we responsible,
for applying The Word to our lives?
Are we spiritually irresponsible?

We’re accountable for understanding
how to divinely develop and grow.
Spiritual progression doesn’t allow
us to blindly accept the status quo!

The Day of Judgment is still coming.
Will you be seen as a goat or sheep?
Are you joined to the True Vine or
will your soul burn on Hell’s heap?
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Num 23:19; Prov 16:3; Matt 6:25-34, 25:31-46

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
He will make a way for me,
but I’ve got to do my part.
I must keep moving forward…
with His promises in my heart.

Staying in faith, not worried
about who’s holding me back;
I continue to press ahead
in His supply, without lack.
Everything is simple for God
and it’s a fact I’ve accepted;
this kinship persists, seeing…
that we are divinely connected.

Heaven’s Husbandman grafted me
into the sacred Vine for Himself;
His Love of words flows from me,
poetry made… for His bookshelf.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Prov 3:6; John 15; Eph 2:10

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.
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